World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 489

Chapter 489 The Final War (3)

Jack, the creator of Arcadia and the creator of everything in this fictional world.

He created something out of nothing with just his imagination, and he was obviously only a severely handicapped person who couldn't even control his body properly in reality, but in this virtual world, he is more almighty than anyone else... the so-called god. It was a being close to

A deity with transcendent divinity that controls each dimension.

Dragons, who are said to be the strongest race in Arcadia.

Even the World Tree, the world itself that supports the Arcadia continent.

He whom all beings in this virtual world call him father and bow their heads. However, despite having such absolute power and authority, Jack basically did not appear in this world or express his will directly.

unlimited freedom. and endless possibilities.

Jack, who only watched his changing world amid countless unpredictable and confusing incidents and accidents, thoroughly adhered to the role of a spectator and bystander.

However, he started to move to punish this damn kid by preventing the hopelessly crumbling beautiful work of himself and the huge disaster that was right around the corner.

[Confirm command. Satisfy administrative authority. Operation of update sequence.....]

Jack has the highest management authority equal to Minsu. Unlike other Arcadia executives who have to go through all kinds of strict restrictions and dozens of complicated procedures and screenings to request an update, he was able to break down all those barriers with just one command.

[Awakening of a large-scale update.]

[Searching for the target to apply the update.....adjustment.....]

And... from that moment on, Alice mobilized all her resources to make the change that Jack desired. began to embody his will in the world.

Woo woo woo.

“What is this...?”

“I can't believe this..... Mana..... My body...?”

The mighty mana and aura that suddenly began to swirl inside the body.

Arcadia's wizards and knights could not hide their embarrassment at the sudden change in their bodies without any notice. And it wasn't just a change that happened to them.

“Aaaaa! Glorious and great Heaven!”

“Ha ha ha ha! okay! this is it! strength....! Power boils over!”

The priests, who had closed their eyes and prayed at the sacred and divine revelation that suddenly descended from the sky, shed tears of emotion and cried out to God, while the warlocks and dark knights were drunk with the dense demonic energy emanating from their bodies and shouted with madness.

NPCs who were born in Arcadia and were born with their own destiny and potential. At the same time as they were born and while living their own lives, they had their own settings and potentials given by Ellis.

As an ordinary citizen of Arcadia, such as a farmer or merchant, the fate of an emperor who rules a territory, a country, and even a continent, and the potential of a rare villain who will stain the world with blood and a benevolent saint who will save the world.

Those who are still in the state of seeds.... Those with outstanding talent and potential that may bloom in the distant future.

All those variables that were just possibilities were blooming with brilliant flowers at this moment.


[You who resemble the firmness of the earth, receive my help.]

[It is you, a child who embraces freedom like the vast expanse of the sky.]

[Make a contract with me. And burn the enemies who covet this world.]

[I will be with you every moment until the moment your life dies.]

[Call my name. I will be your powerful strength.]

Top-level beings in the fantasy realm and the spirit realm that have never been seen before in Arcadia.

As if the top-notch spirits and divine beasts, each possessing mystical powers, approached those who had the power to handle themselves first, reached out their hands and whispered in their ears, asking them to make a contract.

They say the same thing as if it was a promise.

[Follow the great father's will and fight to protect this world.]

[Do not be afraid, Contractor. A great father is with you behind you.]

In Arcadia, beings unable to fully use their powers... possess powerful powers and powers that only appeared in ancient legends or myths, and at the same time were bound by huge missions and restrictions. They were revealing their presence to the world one after another and were looking for a contractor to summon them.

In the huge narrative of Arcadia, which began to wriggle in such a violent change, everyone who lived in this virtual world began to come together as one.

In the strong will of the original author and the true god of Arcadia to save this world himself.

* * *

[End of the final chapter scenario project. No. 3 Asura's invasion.]

[Remaining time: 4 days 16 hours 23 minutes 15 seconds.....]

The count announcing the final scenario, which began to return immediately after the second scenario, winner-takes-all. During this time, all beings in Arcadia began to prepare for the final battle.

And looking at the appearance of everyone busy moving to decorate the final stage, Asura... no, Minsu smiled strangely.

“Hmm..... Jack has grown a lot too, right? To stab me in the back like this without consulting me.”

An update that was pushed with the authority of the top developer without any notice.

Jack's action, which instantly increased the power of everyone in Arcadia explosively and caused overall power inflation, was an action that had a tremendous impact, enough to be called an abuse of authority and an abuse of power, but Minsu seemed to have no complaints. No, he knew better than anyone else that he was in a situation where he shouldn't have been dissatisfied in the first place.

“Yeah..... No matter how much I think about it, the balance of the guys I made was too bad.”

They are monsters created by taking and pasting miscellaneous ideas that just pass through our heads.

Minsu nodded his head and muttered to himself while examining the army of Asuras wandering in the void world filled with all kinds of powerful and destructive beings that were so absurd, absurd, and even fraudulent.

Then, suddenly, Alice's voice was heard, and documents filled with complicated data appeared on the tablet Minsu was holding.

[Even though the top developer enforced the update ex officio, it is judged to be an extremely legitimate act. In this regard, we will send you an analysis graph comparing the current power of Arcadia and the power of Unnamed, the force of the void. Please refer to the data before and after the awakening update.]

So complex and massive data that it took over a full month to review. However, Minsu took a close look at the graph in the front as if he wasn't interested in the details, and put down the tablet with a smile as if he understood it.

“So... before the update, the power difference was more than twice as high, but now with the Awakening Update, that gap has decreased to 19%, right?”

[That's right. But it's just numerical data. The army of the void is still in an overwhelmingly advantageous state.]

Although the number is small, the void is superior in quality and powerful.

Arcadia surpasses the Void in quantity, but is significantly inferior in quality.

At first glance, you would think that Arcadia, with its numerical superiority, would have an advantage, but in reality this was not the case at all.

No matter how many ants there are, the essence is just ants. Their resistance in front of the transcendent beings of the void, each with unbelievable level of power and dignity, was nothing more than the wriggling of a meaningless earthworm. That's why Alice spoke again, emphasizing that there was no problem with the update that Jack proceeded without permission this time.

[The update was judged to be a legitimate update that was carried out within the authority of the chief developer. In addition, since the administrator has already planned and proceeded with a scenario targeting a specific user ex officio, considering the penalty for this, it is sufficiently understandable...] Disclaimer that we will not make unreasonable

patches for a specific purpose targeting him. Jaeyoung, who has a privilege. However, through the second scenario that he abused and abused his authority as a top manager and pushed him, it was Min-soo who precisely shot him and stabbed him with a huge and bulky candy, so Alice pointed out and tried to explain that part.

“Oh, I see. Alright Alice. In the first place, I had no intention of wanting to say anything about this update. On the contrary, I thought it was better.”

Jack gave Arcadia great power to turn an unfavorable situation into an advantage. That's why, Alice was obviously thinking that Minsu would make all sorts of quibbles, saying that this was cheating, so she said while looking at him who showed a completely different reaction.

[I can't understand the manager's intention.]

Alice, an artificial intelligence with transcendent performance that can more accurately predict the future in countless variables by envisioning hundreds and thousands of prediction scenarios even in a split second. However, even she could not accurately understand the thoughts of her creator, Minsu, who did not know where to go.

However, Minsu told Alice with a smile that he was very satisfied with the current situation.

“Actually, I didn’t like it because the scenario of the final chapter flowed into the main character’s one tool. Because you carry too much, the rest of you were just riding the bus, right? So, to be honest, that was very disappointing, but if it happens like this, it will be quite enjoyable to see the other guys working.”

Jae-Young, who was picked as the main character at the beginning of this final chapter scenario.

Of course, he was clearly working beyond Minsu's expectations and providing the best fun and satisfaction, but the others were not. Not at the level of supporting actors or extras.... Other users in ambiguous positions, no different from backgrounds.

Thanks to the rapid growth due to the first catastrophe, the situation was a little better, but in the case of NPCs who did not receive the benefit, they all became airy due to the terrible power inflation.

However, the massive balancing update Awakening that took place due to Jack's intervention and interference.

Great wizards and righteous knights who were born very rarely in history.

The holy saint who received the love of God and the evil villains who will stain the continent with blood and fear.

Legendary spirit lords and summoners who summon spirit kings and divine beasts to this land.

Numerous heroes and villains to be recorded in the history books were all born on the continent of Arcadia in an instant. To fight against the forces of the Void that will emerge from the rifts of the torn dimension. And to defeat Asura, the owner of the Black Mist, the last villain who will destroy this world.

“Rather good. This is the perfect setting for a true finale.”

And Minsu, who was watching it, muttered with his signature evil smile.

What kind of ending will the story end in this final war where everything is staked? And in anticipation of how Jae-young, whom he has chosen as his successor, will surprise him in some other way.

“Let’s have fun sometime...”

Minsu smirked as he opened the hot chocolate and took a sip.

“A trump card prepared by our top developer for me.”


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