World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Witch Hunt (9)

Main Scenario Quest Witch Hunt.

This quest, which had no intention of the game company at all, made a huge change in Arcadia, whether I like it or not.

“Hey those disgusting hypocrites!”

“Where are you talking about dirty thieves?”

“Ah, if there is a paladin, we won’t hunt together.”

“Who's to say? Pick one of the two over there. I hate it too.”

Previously, users from both camps were aghast on the Internet or through comments. However, after the witch hunt, he openly showed hostility and growled. Every time a party is formed for hunting or dungeon raiding, a phenomenon that creates conflict arises every time, and they collide in every case, but fortunately, large-scale bloodshed like the previous one did not occur.

[The linked quest witch hunt has ended.]

[The Continental Law is reactivated.]

[Indiscreet PK between the two camps is prohibited.]

After the quest, the Continental Law is reactivated. As both camps were protected by the Continental Law within the village, the power battle that had been fierce in the village as before was no longer a sight to be found. That's why all the Arcadia employees were able to breathe.

“Whew... Fortunately, the quest is completely over.”

“Ugh... I can finally get off work...”

“Ugh! I really need to go to sleep when I get home.”

The staff cheered for the fact that it was over. Loud cheers could be heard from here and there, but the faces of General Manager Kang Tae-hoon and Executive Director Kwon Myung-han, who led the planning and development team, were dark.

“So... what will be the aftermath of this quest?”

Successful completion of the quest. Thanks to that, it was possible to completely finish the carnage that had occurred so far, but those who watched the whole process could not be relieved at all.

“First of all, the Ellis ruled it a draw. Even though the evil camp completed the success conditions first, the condition satisfaction rate seems to be the result of considering it because the castle camp was superior.”

[Both camps have satisfied the victory conditions.]

[Draw between the castle camp and the evil camp!]

[The victory rewards for each camp are adjusted equally.]

The ending was too futile to have fought each other to death. However, fortunately, there were no users who were dissatisfied with this.

[‘Dark Flame Dragon' has occupied the Maroon Kingdom.] [

‘Unconditional Peace' is activated in the Maroon Kingdom.]

[No country can declare war on the Maroon Kingdom for one year.]

[Pandemonium Beings keep an eye on the Maroon Kingdom.]

[The Maroon Kingdom will grow stronger as the heart of the evil force.]

“The Black Flame Dragon of Darkness, No. 1 in the Warlock Ranking... If all the evil factions gather around the user, there is a high possibility that they will eventually grow into a huge force. It seems Ellis is also trying to give the Maroon Kingdom an advantage in that direction.”

NPCs necessary for the evil camp's high-level skills and job advancement reside in Maroon Kingdom. And a plan that dreams of becoming one in a huge virtuous cycle in which those NPCs grant related quests and the number of related jobs increases. Hearing that, executive director Kwon Myeong-han thought of something with a thoughtful expression.

“Hmm... Well, considering the situation that happened this time, it seems necessary to balance the castle and the evil faction to some extent... Does a user called the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness really have the capacity to do that?”

“Well... I got to the top of the rankings as a warlock, so wouldn't it be pretty good? And it seems that Alice is also trying to directly induce reform through quests for the user.”

Executive Director Kwon Myung-han muttered to himself after thinking for a moment at the words of General Manager Kang Tae-hoon.

“A country that is not oppressed and despised for being evil, but rather an empire of evil that reveres power and evil and despises morality and hypocrisy... Well, that's not a bad concept.”

The birth of a nation that worships evil. Perhaps in reality, you would have been concerned about the birth of such a nation, but this is a fantasy world full of swords, magic, and monsters that are far from reality.

Therefore, Executive Director Kwon Myung-han did not strongly object to the scenario Ellis designed. Rather, it is still weak, but one day I agreed with the expectation that it would play a role as a counterhorse against the Saint Empire, the den of crazy fanatics.

“Yeah, first of all, put that user of the ‘Dark Flame Dragon’ on the list of monitoring targets. Now that he has risen to the position of king, we should prepare to respond in advance when that son does something unbearable.”

“I have already registered. Fortunately, we were able to secure authority over all of the user's play information, excluding personal information, whether it was a user with a low management level.”

“Haa... the subjects under his management...”

I don’t know what criteria the ratings are judged, but basically, according to the settings Alice specified, the monitoring department of Arcadia Co., Ltd. I was monitoring the play itself in real time.

“manager! Watch target #241 has discovered a new dungeon.”

“manager! Surveillance target number 4 is carrying out a hidden quest by the chief of Ale Village. As a result of checking the quest, it is about acquiring rare items. I will upload it as a related report!”

The target of surveillance is a set of players who stand out in Arcadia.

It's not a matter of high or low level, but playing in a completely different way from others, touching hidden quests in an original and mysterious way, touching main quest items and NPCs, and unintentionally elaborated by Arcadia Korean branch staff. Those who completely distort the story that was laid out and designed.

In fact, to the development and planning team members, including General Manager Kang Tae-hun, their list was nothing short of a killing club that made them want to hit the hammer of a permanent van.

“Anyway, if I play the game, can’t I just play normally like everyone else? You keep doing weird things and driving all the games in a crazy direction... Do you think we need to add a clause to the game company's terms and conditions that says that strange play will be sanctioned?”

When asked to deliver an item, they steal the item and run away, lure a monster to death on purpose in an escort mission for an important person, deliver important information to the enemy, and so on.

Those who were really good at ruining the quest itself rather than solving it. Because of these people, Executive Director Kwon Myung-han's hair was turning white day by day.

“I... but the executive director.”


“First of all, the event that we have planned... How about delaying the schedule a little considering the contents and timing of the quest? I think this will be more well-received than I thought, but I think a lot that it will be good in a bad way.”

“event? What event...?”

Director Kwon Myeong-han asked back with an expression as if he couldn't remember.

“The event that we decided to promote at the last meeting. The project itself was quite novel and fun, so I expected that it would attract a positive response, but this witch hunt completely changed the situation... I go.”

Executive Director Kwon Myung-han was looking at the details of the event he handed over. It didn't take long for Executive Director Kwon Myung-han's eyes to widen and his voice to explode as he was skimming through the details.

“You crazy bastards! Some bastard created an event like this!”

Executive Director Myung-Han Kwon yelled at how angry he was and violently threw the paper in his hand. At his reaction, Manager Kang Tae-hun opened his eyes wide as if he was startled.

“That manager! It was an event that was discussed even before the service opened. Of course, that was before the executive director came to this company, so you may not know, but I even received confirmation from the president.”

An event that even received the boss's ashes. Of course, the situation then and now is completely different, so the evaluation may be different, but in the current situation, it was clear that this event would not dare even come up with an idea unless you were a kid who was determined to fuck Arcadia.

“who is this?”


“I know that I even received the president’s confirmation and that I thought this would be a fun event back then. I'm not trying to do anything, I'm just asking out of curiosity. Quickly tell me what twisted fucking idiot came up with an event like this.”

‘I won't retaliate, but I probably will', a question that stands out with his full and firm will. However, Manager Kang Tae-hun hesitated for a while with an expression as if he was really embarrassed by that question.

“That...that's...the idea that the boss came up with himself...”


As if shocked by the completely unexpected answer, Executive Director Kwon Myung-han could not close his gaping mouth.

“At that time, the president said...isn't it okay as an ‘event that everyone can participate in, regardless of level'?

An idea that the president, who is the general manager of the company, came up with himself. Who can answer no to that? In the end, the event was quickly passed amid applause from everyone. However, Executive Director Kwon Myeong-han strongly opposed it, recalling the situation that would happen when this event started.

“no way! hey! do you have no idea People will love it if we hold an event like this in the current situation! This is obviously on the news, so there are people saying that violence is a problem, that virtual reality can't be like this! Don't you know that the atmosphere in the media is hideous now? uh?”


“Everyone is all-stop and waiting! I’ll make a deal with the boss and come back!”

No matter how much he is the president, but thinking that this is not the case no matter how you look at it, executive director Kwon Myeong-han got up from his seat by vigorously hitting the desk. Director Kang Tae-hoon, who had been watching him leave for the president's office, looked down at the event details of the problem (?) scattered around the desk.

[Arcadia Co., Ltd. 1st special event Jukchang Daejeon.]

-You and I have one too. Regardless of level, regardless of job, everyone has the same room!

“Haa... Did you really change jobs for no reason...?”

Kang Tae-hun, general manager of the company, failed to resist the lure of the scouting team, who offered him an extremely unconventional high salary. Obviously, the amount of money put into his bank account every month was incomparably higher than that of his previous company, but he was still experiencing internal conflicts every day.

A strange operating policy that makes it difficult to check data every time, saying it is a lack of authority. On top of that, the quests that are overturned every day and the big and small incidents that happen without a single day's rest inside. He was at a breaking point as he tried to cope with all of this and deal with it.

“Please... I hope the event itself is overturned even now...”

He uttered his wish, albeit small, as he organized the details of the jumbled Jukchang Daejeon in his empty office.

However, contrary to his small wish, this event, which was thoroughly insane from the beginning of the planning, was sprouting as a huge seed that unconditionally brings about a more insane situation.


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