World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Witch Hunt (7)

The confrontation between good and evil in Arcadia.

Although it happened inside the game, this incident raised a big alarm in the world outside the game. It became a hot topic to the extent that it was constantly mentioned on terrestrial broadcasting and attracted public attention.

[These two forces, good and evil, are doing great damage to each other as they confront each other. Even though it's a game, the whole city and village are turning into ruins on a scale that can be considered a civil war.] [

That's right. I've heard that there are cases where the castle camp recaptured a city occupied by the evil camp and burned the city itself. Why did the game company plan such an event

? I don't know which crazy planner it was, but I didn't know it, but I doubted whether there was an impure intention to ruin the game itself.

[Hmm... I think it's probably a message that game companies are throwing to everyone.]

[Yes? message? Um.... I'm not sure what kind of message you're talking about.]

[This is my personal opinion... but... the game defines both good and evil, rejects each other, and kills each other. there is. Let's assume. Which force do you think you belong to, good or evil?]

[Yes? Isn't that a good thing, of course? Even if he looks like this, he is a very upright man who even won the Model Award when he was young.]

The host playfully replies. However, he did not have an easy answer to the question that came back.

[is it so. Then, are the Sung Jin-young really good beings? Can those who brutally kill over 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people can be defined as being good?] [.....] Reason and morality are completely paralyzed and buried


the ideology of good and evil. Tragedy derived from those who have completely lost their humanity. In Arcadia, at the beginning of the quest, the users of the castle unilaterally slaughtered over 6 million wicked people for no reason, reproducing a huge tragedy that had been used in world history in the past.

[We have learned lessons from the two great world wars in the past. But looking at what's happening in the game Arcadia right now, I feel like we're already forgetting the lessons we've learned painfully from the past.] [...I don't think I've ever thought of that.]


company employee If they had heard this, they would have been frothing and running wild, but they were already assuming that the game company had made this quest for a noble reason, assigning nonsensical meanings at will.

[I personally support the evil camp. The appearance of the weak and the minority who overcome the strong oppression and oppression of the castle camp and eventually win.] * *


War is brutal.

endless bodies. You don't know when and where the shells will explode. The urgency that a single mistake could cost you your life in an instant. All of this restrains and restrains individual actions, but the war in Arcadia was a little different.

“Let’s go!”

“I’m only a fan of one guy. I remember the one who killed me and I will follow him until he dies.”

“Kill it! kill it! It's a waste of mana because I'm low-level anyway!”

A battlefield without death. In particular, because the death penalty was completely removed, it was possible to immediately resurrect in the place, so the users of the evil camp literally went crazy.

“Ouch! Get out of here! Divine Judgment!”


A range skill fired by a high priest. The white lightning that fell from the sky swept the users away with a roar. Dozens of users collapsed in gray light. However, before they had time to catch their breath, they reappeared as if they had died.

“Hehehe.... I guess I’ve run out of holy power now?”

“Didn't I say I'm only a fan of one guy?”

“Even if I kill you, it’s no use? die quietly.”

A group of wicked people slowly closing in on their surroundings. Even if they were high priests with a wide level gap, it was impossible to subdue those who came back to life even after killing hundreds of times.

[You have defeated the senior priest ‘My Cross is Huge'.]

[Obtained the item ‘Aelin's Tears'.]

“Ohhh! Rare item! A necklace too!”

“Wow... I’m envious.”

“Heck I ate a magic item!”

“ah! Why do I only give japtem? This really sucks.”

In order to overcome the drastic level difference, the evil camp's performance as a group gathers and clings to each other and eventually succeeds in counterattacking. Thanks to that, the castle camp within the Maroon Kingdom began to weaken at a remarkable rate.

And the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness, or Lich Argamer, who led all of this, was slowly marching with the resurrected army of death.

To the royal capital of the Maroon Kingdom, where the 8-year-old Scarecrow King is located.

“Heh heh! How do you do this!”

The army of death arrived at a distance close enough to see with both eyes from far away beyond the castle wall. Seeing this, Jerome began to cry with tears on his face with anxiety, but no one could suggest a solution to him.

“My lord, we must escape from this capital right now. Fleeing to the Saint Empire, securing safety, and then rearranging and recapturing it again...

“Your Highness... It is impossible to stop that army of death with our forces right now.”

Rich argamer. His army of death that engulfed the entire continent in the past. Although not perfect, it was after the Maroon Kingdom had grown too powerful to handle.

“The opponent is not an ordinary necromancer. Even skeletons are top undead like archer mage warriors, zombie ghoul variants, banshee and durahan death knight. Considering even the high-ranking undead... As for the Royal Guard, it's probably enough to take a while.”

“Still, many adventurers are joining forces to protect this royal family! If I'm with them...”

“Your Majesty, you shouldn't trust the adventurers too much. Even if they die, they are resurrected and come back again. If you believe in them and keep your position, even if you are defeated and the king is killed, the Maroon Kingdom will walk the path of destruction that day.”

One-man corps.

A person who has the level of armed forces capable of fighting a war against the state alone. The power that Rich Argamer showed was beyond imagination. And the number of adventurers approaching him was too large to be ignored.

“I can't believe it... God... why the hell did Maroon Kingdom suffer like this...!”

King Jerome sighed briefly. However, he had no choice but to stand up as if he could not win at the urging, not the urging, of his servants who were preparing to leave for exile to the Saint Empire with him.

* * *

“Hmm... this is going to be a bit tight...”

The Black Flame Dragon of Darkness, who traveled around various territories to reinforce the army of death. He was puzzled by the problems that arose while heading to his final destination, the Maroon Royal Family.

[Victory Conditions]

Holy faction

- Judgment of the wicked (48931235/49999900)

- Punishment of the rich argamer (0/1)

Obviously, the number stopped at around 6 million just a week ago. However, 50 million, the victory condition for Sung's camp, was just around the corner.

“Is it because of those who were so complacent that they would come back to life even if they died...”

The death penalty was removed. To the evil faction, it was like a double-edged sword. Even if you die, you don't have to wait 24 hours, you can immediately resurrect and play again, so unnecessary deaths occurred too often.

“There was a guy who died and fought over a thousand times to catch a priest, so I said everything.....”

While he was busy making an undead legion, fighting fierce battles here and there, the evil faction increased the number of victims. users. Thanks to that, the composition of the quest has completely changed.

The castle camp first judges 50 million wicked people.

Or the evil faction takes over the Maroon royal family.

In any condition, the faction that achieves the objective first wins. Because it was literally a race against time, the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness had no choice but to become impatient.

“Death Field.”


A black aura spread widely around him. When all the land was dyed black and filled with the energy of death, Black Flame Dragon used numerous skills.

“Feast of the Black Night.”

“The whispers of the dead.”

“The Ghost Spirit Code.”

“The longing of dead souls.”

“The hatred of life.”

As high-level buffs that strengthen the undead began to pour in, the Legion of Death radiated even stronger momentum. Looking at them, the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness shouted at the firmly built castle wall with burning eyes.

“All troops march!”

“come! Seongjinyoung users! Gather everyone!”

“One million! If we kill one million more, we win!”

“Never break through! If we take more time, we will definitely win!”

Even though the king ran away, the castle camp users and royal guards still kept their positions and strengthened their fighting spirit. However, their fierce battle soon ended in defeat.

“Is this the throne of the Maroon royal family...”

The black flame dragon of darkness led the undead army into the royal palace after defeating all the countless defending forces. He murmured as he looked at the luxurious chair that was shining golden but no one kept its seat.

“joy. I thought the king would run away. If I had known that would happen, I would have completely surrounded it.”

The king who had already escaped from the kingdom a long time ago. Knowing that it was too late to pursue him, the Dark Flame Dragon slowly approached the throne of the Maroon Kingdom.

[You have sat on the throne of the Maroon Kingdom.]

[The throne of the Maroon Kingdom recognizes you as the new owner.] [You

have completely occupied the Maroon Kingdom.]

[The evil faction has achieved victory conditions in the linked quest ‘Witch Hunt'. .]

[The evil camp has won.]

[The death penalty for the evil camp is reactivated. Be careful with your play.]

[You have acquired the title ‘Owner of the Golden Throne']

[You have acquired the right to rule the Maroon Kingdom.]

Messages pouring in in an instant. Seeing this, the Black Flame Dragon shouted in his heart.

‘Aaaaaa! succeded!'

Powerful power given to his hand by chance. Black Flame Dragon, who did not miss the opportunity he had gained by making full use of that power, was able to become a king and acquire the authority to rule the Maroon Kingdom.

‘Since I became a king, even the money I can extract...'

Even in an old computerized RPG game, the additional revenue generated by eating just one castle is so enormous that it easily goes over thousands of dollars. It was a difficult feat that could be accomplished by the combined efforts of dozens of people, but he single-handedly took control of a country that exists in this virtual reality game. Therefore, it would not be strange to monopolize all the profits.

I don't know, but at the moment when he was fully operating his happiness circuit, thinking that he could extract a ridiculously large amount of profit in a billion units, someone suddenly spoke to him from next to him.

“Is it good to be king?”

“Who are you!”

He didn't even feel the presence, but when he saw a man standing right next to him, the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness instinctively cast his magic. 5 attack magics activated instantly. However, the opponent did not show any panic at all and said.

“Adrinen's Footsteps.”

However, he lightly evaded the Black Flame Dragon's attack. Seeing him holding a sword with a relaxed expression, the Black Flame Dragon could intuit that he had met a formidable enemy.

“Has it run well so far? To be honest, I should be satisfied if I gained a strong power to the level of balance collapse and took over one country. Did you get the hidden class? If you try to eat more here, you will explode and die.”

“What is that...? You bastard! What purpose!”

A mysterious man who seems to know everything, even the fact that he changed his job to a hidden class. However, despite the numerous questions from the Black Flame Dragon, he fixed his sword with a strange smile and said.

“Now it's time for Cinderella's magic to be unleashed.”


[A huge divinity imprisons the player.]

[‘End of Eternity' has designated the player as a target for judgment.]

[The status ailment is branded as lethal.]

[The Lich Argamer's soul is astonished. I do.]

“What is this...”

The moment when Black Flame Dragon was flustered by the messages that came to mind in an instant, he mumbled. Jaeyoung smiled as he slowly walked towards him holding a sword of brilliant brilliance.

“What is it? It's a moneylender who came to collect the money he borrowed again.”


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