World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 My guardian angel is the archangel


It refers to the relationship between the setting given according to the law of cause and effect and the situation that occurs accordingly.

The pursuit of good deeds by heavenly angels. The pursuit of evil by the demons of hell. Monsters and humans confront each other, spirits enjoy nature, and dragons protect the balance. All this happens naturally according to probability.

“In order to do something that deviated from the mission given to you, you need to pay the price accordingly. That's why I keep asking you for probabilities.”

Tan flaps his wings and eagerly follows Jaeyoung. I was delighted with the word that I thought I would be able to gain a new probability, and I was talking about why it was so important.

“In principle, beings from another world cannot use their power elsewhere. No, it cannot exist in itself. Of course, in the case of me, I exist through the means of a contract and the medium of you, but the exercise of that power is extremely limited.”

Satan, the demon lord of chaos.

Jae-young walked silently, thinking that if he had brought only 10% of his body's strength, perhaps the entire continent would have been turned upside down.

“Anyway, I think you and I can always have a good relationship. As long as you support probabilities, the limits of what I can do are beyond what you think.”

Tan speaks with a suspicious smile as if he is full of other plans. Jaeyoung, who was too lazy to respond to his constant repetition of the same words, spoke without ignoring him.

“Status window.”

[Player Dex]

Occupation: Bard of Anarchy

Title: - (Unequipped)

Level: -


- Strength: 43

- Stamina: 52

- Agility: 33

- Intelligence: 65 -

Luck: 0

- Probability: 8551

< Job Unchangeable. The character is permanently bound. >

Status window opened after a long time. Unlike other characters, the level column was blank, and the last line was written in bright red text that the character was permanently bound. Other than that, if you're interested in something to look at.....

“The stats are too low...”

Jaeyoung frowned as he looked at the rest of his stats, excluding probability. Normal Strength Dexterity Intelligence A popular strategy is to invest heavily in one of these three stats to grow. For users who play wizards, all actions in the game are focused on things related to intelligence.

Whether it's meditation, magic research, or alchemy. Or else, rummaging through books in the library. You grow by concentrating on things that can increase your intelligence.

However, Jae-young's behavioral pattern, which moves to earn probabilities, was unpredictable even to himself, so even Jae-young himself could not figure out which ability to focus on.

“master! Are you listening to me?”

“uh? what?”

When Jae-young, who was lost in thought and did not hear anything he said, asked Tan, glancing at him, in a voice full of annoyance.

“What is that mission about!”

“A mission?”

The contents of the mission that I suddenly opened to Tan's question. However, no matter how much he read the contents of the mission, Jaeyoung only got a headache and couldn't even figure out what to do.

[Mission. 2]

The Maroon Kingdom is full of countries like Iljin. The winds of change are blowing in the kingdom that has survived in the midst of these powerful nations. If you just pass by this period of change, you can't say it's a wandering song in a turbulent world, right? Hurry up and become the protagonist of this wind of change.

- Contribute to the Maroon Kingdom and the royal family.

< The contents of the mission may change depending on the player's actions. > It

is vague and abstract, so it is difficult to guess what to do. Jaeyoung let out a sigh at the vagueness as if he couldn't see an inch ahead, so it was an unfriendly content that would probably hit him if he were another user.

“At this point, I think it’s just a matter of fucking...”

I wonder if it’s a dereliction of duty for a game company to just throw it away like this, even though it claims unlimited freedom, but on the other hand, other anxiety overtook me. .

‘Wait... isn't the kingdom itself flying away like this?'

Jae-young, who had already completed the first mission the other day and had a history of completely eliminating beginner villages beyond simply killing beginners, could not even predict what kind of ending this mission would lead to.

If there's just one thing that's certain...

[Let's do our best in the future. Just like I am doing now.]

It was only the fact that wherever he passed, there would always be only confusion and chaos.

This was all done to earn probabilities.


As I continued to walk like that, a strange resonant sound suddenly started to ring from the necklace hanging around my neck.

[The problem with the system error has been resolved.]

[The stats of ‘Glorious Celestial Medal' have been fully adjusted.]

[Sorry for the inconvenience. Have fun playing.]

With a sudden beep, divine energy began to flow from the necklace again.

“Quek! Why did you mess with that again!”

After flying around Jaeyoung, the bullet covered with the divine power that erupted again frightened and flew to the other side of him. And unlike before, the divine energy was not absorbed by Jaeyoung and began to condense at a certain point.

Woo woo woo-

And it started forming a shape. In the form of a beautiful fairy wearing a pure white dress almost the same size as Tan. And behind it were wings of pure white feathers.

“That one!”

And as if to find out who it was, Tan, whose eyes were about to pop out, screamed in fright.

[The effect of ‘Glorious Medal of Heaven' has established a connection with the holy heavens.] [A

guardian angel is summoned to protect the player.]

[The item is permanently bound to the player. It is impossible to unequip it.]

The summoning is completed, and the angel slowly opens her eyes while exuding divine energy. And seeing the angel, Tan shouted in a fit of rage.

“chicken wings! Why are you here!”


Leaving Tan running wildly behind him, Jaeyoung smiled at the text written above the head of the angel who had just appeared.

[Holy Aspect of Glory, Archangel Michael.]

“Ha ha... fuck.”

Looking at the appearance of the archangel beyond the demon king, I was able to intuit that this game was bad from the start.

* * *

Angels and demons.

It is a relationship that can be said to be a supporter of Cheolcheon beyond the friendship between dogs. The meeting of these two beings, who could not exist under the same sky and could be said to be chiefs, created a truly rare situation.

“This is invalid! It's invalid!”

“No, no change, go back!”

Michael, who had been very angry since being summoned. Tan was screaming to go back immediately, but Michael seemed to have no intention of doing so.

“This damn bat is not quiet in the cave, but whatever he did, he smashed our holy place in the human world? Are you crazy?”

“That's... you'd be the same if you were in the same situation!”

“Are you still confused about this? Why don’t we have an all-out war properly?”

“float! okay! Try again!”

Aung daung.

It looks like elementary school students fighting. Seeing the two of them flying into the air and punching each other, Jaeyoung suddenly felt like he was eating popcorn. If it weren't for the titles above their heads, it would feel like a match between an imp and a fairy.

“Profit! Even if I only brought the body!”

“You are funny. Do you only have a body? In the last war, you ran away like a tail!”

“When did I do that! And then you cheated first!”

“Foul? What foul?”

“It is against the law to bring the absolute new Muspelheim!”

“Eh? Haven't I ever set a rule against bringing something like that?”

“This is real!”

It seemed like it had degenerated into a neighborhood fight, but Jaeyoung was able to deduce that he was talking about the Great War, the great war in the past. It was because the contents that they had read carefully about the history of Arcadia in the beginner village were coming out of their mouths.

[In the past, the war between angels and demons, when Michael, the heavenly archangel, wielded the Muspelheim, a holy fire broke out over the entire continent, and the demons who had been slaughtering the entire continent hid underground again. Therefore, all life on the continent to the heavenly beings who saved them...]

Seeing the two mythical beings fighting so childishly that it is hard to see with both eyes open, they must be wondering what the hell to say to these two. Michael turned his gaze to Jaeyoung and asked.

“Are you the person who signed a contract with Satan?”

“Uh... that’s true. It's not because I wanted to because this was forced...”

A situation where she was stabbed already. Jaeyoung had no choice but to treat Michael carefully as he was the one who completely destroyed the place they called the Holy Land not long ago.

“The power you have can be very dangerous when channeled into the wrong entity. Especially when it comes to those mean little bats who have been screwed from the ground up.”

“Who is calling it a bat! You damn chicken wings!”

Tan screaming hotly. But Michael said without blinking an eye.

“You can’t do anything about a contract that has already been made. But in the future, I will be your guardian angel and help you guide you on the right path so that you don't fall for the devil's candy coating and temptation.”

Michael glances at the bullet and burns with a sense of mission that he will protect from now on. Seeing her like that, Jaeyoung couldn't bear to speak.


She seemed to have misunderstood something. Of course, it cannot be said that there is no impact from bullets, but the direction this game wants for you... and the direction of play that this job created by the developer wants you to play... It was evil itself


Being filled with really pure evil and giving everyone equally big and huge candy. That was the purpose and essence of this job, so Jaeyoung could never satisfy what Michael wanted.

“Kiki Kiki Kiki... Crazy bitch. what the hell are you talking about Khehehehe.”

Tan, who is dumbfounded by her words, bursts into promiscuous laughter. Michael asked as he glared at Tan, who was smiling as he held on to his belly, with a look of disapproval.

“Why the hell are you laughing at me like that?”

Tan can't even breathe properly. Tan barely spoke to her.

“Ha ha ha.... As the head of the demons, I assure you... This bastard is the most devilish human being I have ever met. No, sometimes worse than the devil.”


Evil guaranteed by the devil. While listening to something, Jaeyoung was confused as to whether he should like it as a compliment or be angry as a curse word, but Tan gave a low smile and laughed.

“Even I'm learning from him, but you're going to lead him on the right path? Kuhehehehehe!”

Tan laughed at him as if he were telling him to work hard. At his words, Michael looked at Jaeyoung with eyes as if that was true. However, Jaeyoung just shrugged his shoulders, not knowing how to react in this situation.

“I don't think so. All humans created by our great Creator have goodness in their hearts. And it is the holy mission of me and all the angels to bring out such goodness.”

Michael holds out his hand as if he will not be swayed by the fucking devil. She looked at Jaeyoung with determined eyes and said.

“From now on, I will try to bring out the goodness in your heart.”

However, Michael did not know that sometimes there could be absolute evil that cannot be rehabilitated. And what Jae-young will do in the future will be atrocities full of wickedness to the extent that even that damned Satan calls him teacher.


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