World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 Dwarves vs. Elves (2)

The big reveal of elves and dwarves.

Users who succeeded in entering the two villages in this unexpected situation where the will of the game company did not enter at all soon began to release their discoveries as videos faster than anyone else.

- Even beginners can do it! How to get to the Dwarf Village in the shortest distance without dying!

- Dwarf workshop experience. An item with fraudulent performance. Initial release of sales price.

- Obtained a hidden quest related to the World Tree. Announcement of participant recruitment.

-Reveal of how to change your job to a spirit magic elementalist!

Quality items created by the Dwarves and spirit magic unique to the Elves. And as soon as the method of transferring to a unique job that could only be obtained through them was gradually revealed, people were enthusiastic.

-Oh, I also want to become a spirit sergeant. It's been a romance since I was really young.....

-How cute are the spirits..... I really like the people who take the spirits with them.

-I changed my job as a jeweler to a crazy dwarf. Is this good? It is possible to put jewels on equipment.

-Procurement of dwarf equipment. 10% fee. We bring you the lowest price. Please refer to the catalog for details.

Two camps with limited access. That's why it has driven a topic here and there to the extent that there are people who are going to make money through it. A situation where you get a special job that other users don't have, or make a lot of money through rare items, and unconditionally benefit. That's why people, you and I, headed to the villages of elves and dwarves, and naturally, dissatisfaction with the game company grew.

- Oh shit. I arrived at the elves' village, but they told me that I was ugly. Ha..... I said my mom was handsome. Mr. Hyunta is coming.

-lol. If you're going to ask, ask a friend. Do you ask your mother about that?

-no;; What exactly are the terms of entry? People who are uglier than me are good at entering.

-That's something you'll know if you look closely in the mirror again.

-Aren't the operators crazy? Why the hell would you put such a shitty setting in there?

The dissatisfaction of users began to bubble up here and there. However, as information began to be actively released due to them, the winds of change began to blow throughout the continent of Arcadia.

“Did you guys hear that rumor? They say that the forest and the city of the dwarf clan have been discovered, which were only talked about in legends.”

“It looks like some adventurers have already been there... I remember talking about it being full of mysterious and rare items.”

“Oh you mean that? Isn't that obvious? How expensive are the dwarves' masterpieces! They say that the royal family is also very interested in sending an investigation team.”

“All of a sudden, the places where they are located are places called the ownerless ban? It will be noisy for a while.”

Several empires and dozens of minor kingdoms divide the continent of Arcadia. However, since the areas where elves and dwarves settled were Shurim and Amil, the five forbidden areas that humans did not dare to enter, no country could claim ownership or possession of them.

“Send an envoy immediately. If possible, try to establish friendly relations and establish trade networks on a regular basis.”

“Elfs! If it's their own spirit magic, it will be a great inspiration for magic training!”

“We must interact with them faster than other kingdoms! Move quickly!”

The envoys from each kingdom and empire quickly set out with gifts to give them. The emergence of these two races was heating up the continent, but no one knew about them. How strict were the elves and dwarves, each with respect to humans?

* * *

[Next news. Recently, it has been revealed that Arcadia Co., Ltd., which provides virtual reality game services, has created a setting that discriminates users based on their appearance and height, causing great controversy. The game company does not disclose its exact position, but as more and more users are offended by the fact that they have created such insulting and demeaning content, the situation will not subside soon...

] . Jaeyoung, who watched it while eating, murmured with an absurd face.

“Wow... Really, that game company is no joke. To keep such a temperamental setting and leave it alone.”

It's nothing else, but a setting that discriminates against users based on their height and appearance. Watching them do things they wouldn't dare to do unless they were a crazy game company, Jaeyoung started to wonder if the developers had been shot in the head.

[In this era, do you discriminate based on your appearance and height? yes? It is also a vicious act beyond unethical for a large company to promote such an atmosphere beyond deceiving consumers. This should be thoroughly investigated and condemned.]

[Let's stop the malicious behavior of game companies that destroy self-esteem even in virtual reality! everyone! Everyone please join the boycott! Let's carry out our will through capsule refund and refusal to use it!]

Politicians and various civic groups have actually taken a bite of this hot topic and started to take action. Jaeyoung clicked his tongue in regret at the thought of the game company being bitten by their aggro.

“Tsk... Anyway, it's fun, but sometimes it looks like a game made with drugs.....” Jae-

young plays as a hidden class called Wandering Song in a troubled world. His candid feelings about the game are that the company itself seems a little crazy.

“The game is good, but the situation directly shows what it means to be ruined if the management goes bankrupt.”

Even if it was just made with a certain general setting, it would have been able to gain explosive popularity from users amidst huge popularity and topics. But sometimes... No, because of the strange eccentricities he often shows, he was buying and eating curses that he didn't have to get.

-Accident in Arcadia.

With these items, various eccentricities were proudly stuffed on the Internet, and it hadn't been half a year since it was opened, but the items were filled with all sorts of incidents.

- No matter how much I think about it, I don't understand how you destroyed a beginner village with slime.

- I thought it was more fun to treat the users as slaves than that hahahahahaha. Do you know that the users who suffered at that time are still pickaxing in the mine?

-;; What are those guys still doing without closing the game? Anyway, they said that escaping was easy...

-Witch hunting was more of a legend. A crazy game company that divides real users into two sides and makes them go to war. It's clear that they are drug addicts to the very core.

-Jukchang is better than that

. Woooooooooo!!!!

Jae-young read the incidents written on the Internet carefully. His expression was strangely distorted as he reviewed the records of the accident for a long time.

“Wait... this is perfect...”

he said.

Incidents and accidents in Arcadia left in detail on the Internet. Even now, 90% of the densely written contents were directly or very closely related to Jaeyoung. In a way, Jae-young is the main culprit who is making Arcadia confused. He muttered as he carefully read the comments filled with complaints from users.

“I want to see the face of a real developer. What the hell are you thinking?”

[Please do your best in the future. Like I'm doing right now.]

A young, questionable voice that seemed to be asking him to hear during the job change process. Jae-young, who was presumed to be the developer, brought all sorts of confusion to the game as he wanted and plans to do so again.

“What do you know? I am also trying to make a living.”

As always, Jae-young plays for himself. Today, he just made the best choice in his position and moved forward.

* * *

[Mission cleared.]

[The World Tree wakes up and begins to contemplate the entire continent.]

[Channeling with the spirit world has been restored. The appearance of spirits and the generation of spirit power are strengthened.]

[Agreement to promote friendship between elves and dwarves has been successfully concluded.] [

The entire continent is shaken by the appearance of a different race that disappeared hundreds of years ago.]

[Player Compensation calculation for the influence of begins...]

[Probability 623123 acquired.]

[Item World Tree fruit obtained]

Notification sounds that come to mind as soon as you access the game. And when he confirmed that the huge amount of probability had been settled and entered, Jaeyoung smiled proudly.

-Probability: 718391.

The result of forcibly reconciling the two races that were gnashing their teeth together and reviving the sleeping World Tree. Seeing the enormous amount of probability returned, Jaeyoung opened his inventory and identified a fruit that glowed golden.

[The Fruit of the World Tree - Myth]

The fruit of the World Tree is said to open only once in a thousand years. It has a great vitality condensed, so it can be used in various places. However, since it is disposable, you need to choose carefully.

-Eating it permanently increases health by 100% and recovery by 1000%.

-Material item for Philosopher's Stone.

“Wow...that's no joke.”

A consumption item and material item of a mythic level. Jaeyoung never imagined that he would see a mythical grade item in the consumption list, but after seeing the characteristics of this item, he thought it was worth it.

-Permanently increases health by 100% and health recovery by 1000%.

It's an item that makes warriors, who mainly tank, look like they're going to roll their eyes and drool. It's not just a fixed number, it's an item that doubles the existing vitality, so the higher the level and the more you grow, the more explosively the efficiency increases. .

“I don't know what the Philosopher's Stone is, but it's definitely an important item...”

In addition, the explanation was that it was a material item needed to make a Philosopher's Stone. I didn't know the exact information, but I had a rough guess because Jaeyoung had a history of playing various fantasy games before.

“Well... later, when an alchemist or a class like this appears, you'll find out...”

First of all, it was too much of a waste for Jaeyoung to use it right away. So he put the fruit of the World Tree back in his inventory, thinking that it would be useful someday.

“More than that... Where did all these Tan and El kids go?”

Tan and L appear from somewhere as if they had waited for them when they usually log on to the game. However, Jaeyoung, who was standing in the middle of the elves' village, tilted her head at the sight of the two beings whose whereabouts were unknown even after waiting for a long time. And I could hear a strange sound coming from far away.

“Leave this! Let go!”

“Catch it now! How dare you sneak into the sacred realm of the World Tree!”

The elves, holding bows and arrows in a hideous atmosphere, moved quickly to and fro and subdued a user wearing a hood. As they caught him and tied him up with vines, he cried out as if he was unfair.

“why me! As long as I'm good enough, I'm still compliant! Why can't I go in!”

“Shut up! ugly human! How dare you be shameless with such a hideous face!”

“Aaaaaaaa! no!”

A user who is being dragged somewhere, screaming at the brutal truth bombardment of the elves that he is ugly. And Jae-young, who watched the scene in bewilderment, found it. The angels and demons sat on a tree and watched with interest as the elves rounded up the ugly players one by one.

“Who is he?”

“Um...but it's ugly when you look at it objectively. 4 points?”

“Isn’t it two points from what I see? You look so ugly.”

“When I look at it, I think the real evaluation of you chicken wings is too salty. But what are the two points conscientiously?”

“Isn’t it because all of you bats are grotesque and ugly?”


While Jaeyoung is away, an angel and a devil are watching with interest the ugly humans who are being hunted down by the elves, and exchanging compliments on their appearance. At this moment, the two seem to be closer than ever that Jaeyoung has seen so far. was


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