World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 GM Group (3)

Arcadia's Crisis Management Response Team.

It was a new team led by Kang Tae-hoon, who oversaw the entire development team and the department that was in charge of Arcadia's main scenario in the past. And they couldn't open their eyes because they had a busy daily life that was incomparable to the previous one.

“Yes, so you should inquire about development work using virtual reality technology not to us, but to the department in charge of external exchange... Yes? You connected me here from there?”

“Customer complaints are received from our team... Calls related to different races...?”

“yes? An analysis report for the newly created main scenario? Oh, I'm writing that right now.”

Employees who were completely excluded from the existing quest development work and now wanted to feel a little more comfortable. However, they were frustrated because of the work pouring out here and there.

“Uh... Chief, I really can't do this.”

Crisis management and response team employees taking a short break and drinking coffee with sullen faces. No matter how long they had been working, their faces were all tired.

“Sure... I'm really going to die too.”

Even the manager, who is supposed to appease his subordinates, complains that he will die. At his words, the employees took out the dissatisfaction they had in their hearts with dissatisfied faces.

“No, it’s good to be assigned other tasks. But why do I have to deal with the work rushing to Jung-gu Heating in this way, rather than just doing the prescribed work? No, it's a customer complaint, but does it make sense to ask us to handle it as a call related to a different race?”

“That’s right, chief. It's not standardized like the work we used to do, and I think this is too inefficient. I was writing an analysis report on the newly changed main scenario, but suddenly another inquiry about virtual reality technology exchange cooperation came in...”

When one person started complaining, complaints started to burst out like a flood. The manager, who had been silently listening to it, said with a dark expression.

“Is there a way for me to do it..... I'm going to take it off if it's going to be done.....”

The matter has already been finally decided above.

I don't know exactly how far the story went and it was finally decided, but according to rumors, it was the head office's decision to deprive the authority to develop the quest. At least, the situation was out of the hands of Director Kang Tae-hoon or Executive Director Kwon Myung-han. So, there was nothing that low-level employees or middle-management positions could do except pour out complaints behind the scenes.

“Think good. It's something only we can do, and we're asking because we need our help.”


“Honestly, you all know. Does anyone know Arcadia's game system and its details in as much detail as our department? Other departments just know fragments of development or planning in a given task, but not us.”

Talents who played a key role in developing Arcadia's main scenario. That's why they had a lot of information inside Arcadia that they could access, and they were actually all-round employees who could solve problems scattered in various departments in various ways.


“And there are still many people in the company who do not know anything about information related to elves and dwarves, except for the related departments. If you think about that, I think it's right that we, who are dealing with top-secret information, are in charge of most of the work, so I think it's too much...”


“It was a big deal!”

I was comforting my subordinates in the middle of the day, but the youngest employee suddenly pushed the door into the break room. The manager and the crisis management and response team members looked at him with a white face and gasped for breath, and looked puzzled.

“why? What's going on? What are you fussing about?”

A face like a bomb exploded. The youngest employee, who had been breathing heavily for a while, said with a trembling voice.

“A new video has appeared on the Wave Destroyer channel.”

“What... what?”


Those who said that made their faces contemplate and were startled. The manager jumped up from his seat and approached the youngest employee with a serious expression and asked.

“Did you check the contents of the video? what? Did he do something strange again?”

The channel most feared by crisis management response teams.

Destroyer's routine.

A channel that is like a time bomb that only creates an instant situation where you don't know when, where, or how an incident will explode. The notification that the video was updated on the channel was literally a celebration for the crisis management and response team to announce that they were working overtime.

But the reality is harsh. The youngest employee walked into the break room gasping and told them the harsh truth they unfortunately never wanted to hear.

“The locations of elves and dwarves have been completely disclosed.”


Today was also a peaceful day for Arcadia's Crisis Management Response Team.

* * *

The time when the Crisis Management Response Team is screaming in rage. Jaeyoung was talking to CEO Seowook Cho over the phone, checking to see if the video he edited and uploaded went up well.

“Wow, because of me, there were people who tried to take over the company itself?”

[yes. There must have been a reason to get information about the location of the villages of elves and dwarves.... Rather, I think the purpose was to recruit Choco Paijoa.] GM Entertainment

under the GM Group. A malicious ulterior motive to merge Jaeyoung with Iplus and put Jaeyoung under their control. However, at CEO Jo Seo-wook's statement that he refused, Jae-young smiled and nodded.

“Good job. I heard that you came out of the GM group badly, but you must have been quite excited.”

[Ha ha ha ha ha! Iknow, right. I feel like I've lost my 10-year-old congestion.]

CEO Jo Seo-wook speaks with a bright face. Listening to his voice, which showed no remorse even after kicking the opportunity to get a lot of money, Jaeyoung said in a satisfied voice.

“thank god. I would have been disappointed if it had gone to the GM group.”

From the moment that GM's war was revealed the other day, it has already crossed an irreversible river. If iPlus had entered into a cooperative relationship with GM Group, Jaeyoung would have terminated the contract with them without the slightest hesitation, but there seemed to be no reason for that for the time being.

[Oh, by the way, isn't there a video uploaded this time.....]

“Yes, why? Is there anything strange about it?”

[Uh... is that..... that Melissa...? I don't understand the meaning of what the elf queen said.]

This is a new video uploaded by Jaeyoung. A part of the conversation with the elven queen at the end, like a cookie video, was attached to that short video explaining the exact location of the cities of the dwarves and elves, spread out on the map of Arcadia and even painted with markers.

[Do not worry! I have no intention of rejecting all human beings. We, too, need a lot of help from humans. There are plenty of seats for beautiful people.]

‘Beautiful people.'

Jaeyoung didn't ask exactly, but considering the basic tendencies of the elves he felt, he seemed to know roughly what her intentions were.

‘Ugly bastards are punished. Good-looking humans are welcome.'

At first glance, it is clear that the discrimination policy of the enormous elves will receive users by screening them through subjective appearance evaluation. However, Jae-young, who had been trying for three days to innovate this glamorous appearance supremacy, had already given up for a long time, so he answered CEO Seo-wook Jo's question without thinking.

“Perhaps it means that only users who meet certain conditions will be accepted without accepting dogs or cows. I don't know exactly that, so you'll have to go and experience it for yourself.”

[Oh, I see. I understand.]

“Yes. Then stop.....”

Jaeyoung hung up the phone. He let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

“Ugh... Just looking at the elves is like this, but just thinking about what the dwarves are like is horrible.”

They are elves. Dwarves who have never been able to talk about interactions with humans, even though Jaeyoung taught them not to show off in the slightest through character education for a long time. That's why Jae-young couldn't imagine what kind of criteria they would be used to screen out human beings. However, Jaeyoung's curiosity was soon resolved.

* * *

“Sangsan lord, no, young boy! It was a big deal.”

“...Is it because of that video?”

“Ah... have you seen it?”

Choi Jae-gyu is watching a video on his computer after disconnecting from the game. The secretary, who had been at a loss for what to do with a restless expression in front of him, carefully brought up the story.

“The information we obtained turned out to be true. The location disclosed by Choco Pie exactly matched the information we purchased.”

1 million.

The information that was purchased for a large amount of money of 100 million won. An investigation team was dispatched according to the information they had just obtained, but the video was released at a false timing as if they were waiting for it. Seeing that, Jegyu couldn't hold back the rising anger.


“You fucking bastard! If you are going to disclose information in this way, please disclose it in advance! Why is this shit only after we find out!”

No matter how much I think about it, the timing is so perfect that I doubt that I have been waiting all this time to fuck myself. However, when Jae-gyu was shivering and unable to stand the strain, his attendant said to him with an urgent face.

“Boss, people's reactions are more unusual than that. I think we need to implement the plan we were preparing right now.”

It was predicted that location information would not be disclosed for a while. However, the comments on Jaeyoung's video were explosive because his position had already been revealed to the world.

- Wow, that prediction was right. Amil and Shurim were the places where the cities of the two races were hidden.

-Ah, I used to go around there to see if there was anything there. I'll look for a little more.

-As expected, it was true that game companies made it hardcore because it was underdeveloped.

- Ohhh! I'm near Shurim. I'm running right now.

-If you go to Amil, can you see the pretty elves with your own eyes?

Even now, many users are moving towards Shurim and Amil.

Originally, Jegyu was preparing a plan to find and preoccupy the city of the dwarves faster than anyone else, and monopolize the trade for the products made by the dwarven artisans. However, since the exact location had already been disclosed to the public, every minute and every second had become a waste of time, so he had no choice but to become desperate.

“Now pack up the crew and prepare to depart. He told me to gather water that the dwarves would like. No matter what happens, we arrive first and break through the business line.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The secretary who hurriedly leaves the office at his words. Jegyu stared at his back for a moment, then lay down in an antique capsule located on one side of the office.

[Welcome to the fantasy world of Arcadia.]

Jae-gyu tries to preoccupy the market where huge gold is hidden by mobilizing all the capabilities of the upper ranks. Similar movements began to occur simultaneously in many places.

Curiosity grows quickly. Hidden quests and rewards.

People started to move their feet towards the hidden city of different races with various goals. Towards the Great Desert and the Great Forest, which had been called the 5 forbidden areas of Arcadia until now.


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