World's Fastest Level up!

Chapter 99: - One Who Plunders

Chapter 99: - One Who Plunders

Amane Rin defeated the Trent which had a recommended level to subjugate of close to 8000 with just one blow.

Looking at that, Yanagi and Hana opened their eyes in shock.

(Just now, was Onii-chan really the one who did it? But, how?)

Hana remembered that Rin was only about level 200 during the previous dungeon training. Is it really possible to defeat the Trent at that level?

(No, that's wrong!)

Suddenly, Hana remembered that at that time, Rin also lent Hana the [Concealment] skill to hide her [Stock] from her surroundings.

Even when she was curious and inquired why he had such a skill, Rin didn't answer her question.

But now that she had seen this scene, it was possible to guess that Rin surely wanted to hide his real ability. For that reason, he also used [Concealment].

However, why was there a need to hide his true ability in the first place? In front of Hana who had such a question in her mind, Yanagi loudly laughed.

"Haha, hahaha, hahahaha!"

Yanagi was trembling with joy even though the monster he controlled was easily defeated in front of him. Then, still with a smile on his face, he said toward Rin.

"I'm surprised, Amane Rin. I never thought you could defeat that Trent in just one blow You, who are level 5000 at most"

Hearing that, Rin frowned.

"Did you just say level 5000?"

"Are you surprised that your real level was exposed? My unique skill, Plunderer, has an effect of being able to know the level of the person I touch. Do you remember?"

" The handshake at that time, huh"

"Yes. From that point, I realized that you were deliberately hiding your true power. And there is only one reason you did that It was because just like me, you possess a skill that couldn't be told to others, right?"


Rin shuts his mouth. But having that kind of reaction in this place right now was just the same as affirmation.

"Since the time I have known that, I have decided that I will plunder your skill too! I thought it was unfortunate for me that you didn't come today, but I never thought you would come by yourself! To think I would be able to plunder yours and your sister's skill at the same time, as expected, I am very lucky!"

After laughing for a while, Yanagi continues.

"Still, it's troubling if you interrupt me when I was about to kill your sister. Let's get rid of you first."


Right after Yanagi declared, the sound of the system reverberates in Hana's mind.

You are about to be removed from the target of the plunderer. Do you agree?

"This is!"

"Did you hear it? I'm sorry, but I can only select one person as the target of the Plunderer. I will move the target from you to Amane Rin. So, quickly agree to it."

"-! There is no way I"

It seems Yanagi who had decided to get rid of Rin first wanted to change the target to Rin, so he could plunder his skill. However, if Hana agreed, the situation for Yanagi to kill Rin would be arranged.

Hana, who thought like that was about to reject it, until Rin said.

"Agree to it, Hana."

" Eh? But if I did, Onii-chan will"

"Don't worry. Believe me."

Rin's voice was full of confidence. Looks like he has an idea. And Hana who believed in him, nodded.

" Understood. I will agree."

As she muttered, the sound of the system that announced that she was removed from the target of the plunderer reverberates.

And then

You have been chosen as the target of the Plunderer

It will not be removed without the consent of the caster and the target

" I see, so it was like this."

Like that, the Plunderer was activated toward Rin. And Rin who heard the announcement from the sound of the system nodded a little.

(This has made it much easier to fight)

Yanagi must be seriously trying to plunder Rin's and Hana's skills. If that's the case, he surely wouldnt kill Hana in this situation where she wasn't chosen as the target of the Plunderer.

Although there was a risk that she would be taken as a hostage, this significantly reduced the number of things Rin had to consider. All he had to do now was just to defeat Yanagi with his own hand.

Toward Rin who was about to take a step forward with such thoughts in mind, Yanagi laughed.

"Aa, what foolish familial love. Even though you might have been saved if you just left your sister and ran away. Did you really think you can beat me?"


"Because it seems you got carried away just by defeating the weakened Trent, I'll teach you, that it is impossible for you to beat me"


Immediately after that, as if surrounding Yanagi, seven giant monsters appeared at the same time.

When Rin used [Appraisal], he found out that it was a line-up of monsters with the recommended level to subjugate of over 10,000 such as Orc King, Salamander, and King Ice Wolf.

". What in the world"

"They're the same as the Trent earlier. By using the skill that I plundered using the Plunderer, Tame, I can control monsters with levels lower than myself!"

Hearing those words, a certain question crossed Rin's mind.

"Given your level that I've heard before, it seems to contradict, though."

"You sure like to ask something that you already know the answer to. Wasn't it the same as you?"

" Concealment, huh"

Yanagi raised the edge of his lips.

"That's right. My true level has exceeded level 10,000. In addition, I possess a number of powerful skills that I plundered with the Plunderer. Which means, my ability is incomparable to those of the same level! Against such me, there is no way you could win!"

While shouting, Yanagi raised one of his hands. Then, massive amounts of lightning generated on it. And as if responding to it, the other monsters also started to move.

The monsters that were good at close combat readied their stance, so they could act immediately and the monsters that could use magic attacks were preparing their magic. What they had in common was that all of them were aiming at Rin.

And as if convinced by his victory, Yanagi shouted.

"Im definitely going to kill you this time. Although I don't know what kind of means of defense you had but, don't think you can withstand this like before! Die, Amane Rin!"

Along with Yanagi's signal, the enemies started moving at once. The first thing that they released was the magic attacks.

The lightning that burns the earth,

The emission of flame that melts iron,

and a freezing ice spear.

All of them were released for the sake of killing Rin.

He wasn't allowed to dodge too as Hana was behind him. And even if he was able to evade, what awaits him were the super-powerful monsters that were good at close combat including the Orc King.

But in the midst of hopeless situations with no chance to win nor escape, without any fear, Rin said.

"Come_-Nameless Sword, _" 1

A silver longsword covered in brilliance appeared on his right hand, and a dagger dyed in crimson appeared on his left hand.


With a light step as if he was going for a walk, Rin threw himself into such a hopeless situation.

(This is the end, Amane Rin!)

A number of magic attacks that could kill even level 10,000 adventurers with just one blow assaulted Rin at the same time.

Looking at that, Yanagi was convinced of his victory. Because it was impossible even for Yanagi himself to withstand such simultaneous attacks.

But because of harboring such thoughts, his mind ceased to think when facing an unrealistic scene where all the magics disappeared in an instant.


The one who appeared from the disappeared magic was none other than Rin. Let alone his body, not even dirt could be found in his clothes.

Impossible. There is no way he could be fine after being hit by those simultaneous attacks!

Thats what Yanagi thought, but alas, he didn't have time to be in turmoil. Because Rin rushed toward Yanagi at full speed right after that.

"tss, not yet! Stop him!"

After somehow managing to regain his composure, Yanagi ordered the monsters.

He understood that Rin must possess a means of defense against magic. And it was highly possible that it was the special skill that Rin possesses.

Then, how about physical damage? Among the monsters that appeared here, the Orc King in particular has the most outstanding physical ability.

"Do it, Orc King!"


The Orc King powerfully swung his huge iron ax toward Rin.

It should be impossible for him to defend against that!

That's what Yanagi was convinced of. But, the reality was ruthless.

"Too slow"


The speed of Rin sharply rose, leaving only the trace of a blade being swung in the air. Immediately after that, the Orc King whose body was cut vertically from above collapsed on the spot.

Rin's onslaught never stops in front of the shocked Yanagi. In a blink of an eye, the monsters that have the recommended level to subjugate of over level 10,000 were exterminated by the silver sword.

"What, what the hell are you!"

Needless to say, there was no answer to that question. And then. Rin's aim finally turned to Yanagi.



Yanagi evaded the blade that Rin brandished by the width of a single sheet of paper by jumping back, which was only possible because he excels in speed.

However, it doesn't mean he could feel relieved. Because under normal circumstances, Rin's follow-up attack surely will hit him here!

With that thought in mind, Yanagi braced himself. But, in contrast to what he thought, Rin didn't close his distance to him.

Instead, Rin pointed the four-colored dagger in his left hand at Yanagi. And dark red, light red, cyan, and yellow lights shined from inside the blade.

Then, Rin chanted.


At the next moment, what released from the dagger was a huge lump of flame. Strangely, it closely resembles the magic that Yanagi had just fired earlier.


Due to the unexpected attack, Yanagi wasn't able to completely evade in time, causing a slight burn to be created on his left shoulder. Then, while holding the burned spot with his right hand, Yanagi directed his gaze on Rin in front of him.

After finding that the dark red color had disappeared from the dagger Rin held in his hand, Yanagi finally understood.

"I see! You, that dagger"

With all the information gathered, it's easy to come up with an answer. This answer could explain how Rin wasn't hurt after being rained by magic attacks or about the magic released from the dagger.

If Amane Hana's skill could copy a skill from other people and Yanagi Souji's skill could plunder a skill from the others he killed, Amane Rin or the dagger that he holds could plunder the magic that could kill him.

In other words

"__Is it The Plundering Dagger?!"

Rin never responds to that question.

Readying the dagger that shines in three colors in a flowing motion, he looked at Yanagi and muttered.

"Let's go, Greed_eat everything." 2

It was a battle between the Plunderer and Magic-Plundering Dagger.

Like that, the death battle between Yanagi and Rin has begun.


Magic-Plundering Dagger

Reward given to the one who conquered the Isolated Demon Tower

Recommended level to use: 13,000

Attack Power +60%

Able to absorb magic that touched the blade by consuming the same amount of MP to activate the said magic. Activating the absorbed magic is also possible and MP will not be consumed upon activating.

Number of magic that can be stored: Up to 7 types.



  1. He took out two weapons, but the other ones name was hidden.
  2. He called the dagger Greed, just like he called the other one Nameless


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