World's Fastest Level up!

Chapter 134: Joint Capture

Chapter 134: Joint Capture

When I was stunned by Claire's smile, purururu' , such a ringtone suddenly rang, which seems to be a call that came to Claire's smartphone.

"It seems to be from my father. Please excuse me for a bit."


After excusing herself, Claire answered the call while hugging the Wolven doll in her left arm.

"Yes, hello?"

Claire, thanks for picking up. Actually, there is something I want to consult you about, is it okay now?

" Yes, there is no problem."

While replying like that, Claire glanced at me before taking a little distance. That was likely because she didn't want me to hear it since it seemed important.

Well, now I ended up being left behind alone. But as it would be very rude if I just leave as it is, I decided to wait for her call to end for the time being.

Approximately 2 minutes later, perhaps because the call had ended, Claire walked back towards me. No, if I look carefully, she still has her smartphone in her ear. What's wrong, I wonder? And in front of me who had such a doubt, the conversation between Claire and the guild master entered my ears.

I see, if Claire says so, I'll try to contact Amane at once

"There is no need to. I'm with Amane-san right now, so I can ask him right away. I will call you back after hearing his answer."

Eh? Wait a minute. Why would my cute daughter be with Amane, even though you don't have business with him

Along with a clicking sound, the guild master's shouts were mercilessly cut off. And I inadvertently smiled bitterly when I overheard their last exchange.

"You sure are loved,"

"I think the word overprotective' is more appropriate"

Perhaps dissatisfied with my words, Claire pouted her cheeks. But anyway, I'm glad knowing that she seems very close with her family.

"So, what was the matter? It seems that my name was also mentioned."

"Oh right, that's the main subject. Let's throw the topic about my father away for the time being."

Then, after changing the topic with an expression that would definitely make the person she mentioned cry if he heard it, Claire continued.

"Amane-san, did you remember the talk about you going to participate in a joint capture with our guild members as a criterion for you to make a decision whether to join our guild for real when you temporarily joined Yoizuki?"

"Aa, of course"

Of course, I remember it. However, the fact that she asked it in other words means

"An request for a joint capture finally come, huh"

"Yes. However, there are two problems."


"Yes, the first problem was that the capture schedule is very sudden, which is tomorrow. That's why, I'd like to ask you one question. Amane-san are you currently in intermission?"

" No, you don't have to worry about that."

After a short pause, I shook my head.

Although I'm actually on my way home after capturing a dungeon, thanks to the increase of the skill level of [Transfer Within Dungeon], the current me can now enter dungeons that I've never set foot on. Thus, as long as I am being careful when entering the gate, I'm sure I won't get caught.

Even so, to think that the schedule for capturing the dungeon was tomorrow, truly an abrupt request. Normally, a guild would notify its members at least one week in advance for a joint capture. And I don't think someone like the guild master of Yoizuki would forget about it. There must be some other reason.

"Then, regarding the other problem"

Towards me who was having that kind of thought, Claire said.

"The dungeon that you are going to challenge this time is a new dungeon that has just emerged this morning."


Hearing her words, I gasped.

As the name implies, a new dungeon is a dungeon that has newly emerged in the world. Because no one has captured it yet, the monsters that appeared inside it were still unknown, resulting in the risk of the said dungeon to be incomparable to that of normal dungeons.

In many cases, the first ones to capture a newly emerged dungeon would be high-ranked adventurers (especially those who belong to a guild.), and the capture record was shared through the Adventurer Association.

And this time, Yoizuki would be the guild in charge of capturing this newly emerged dungeon. Thus, I understand why it has to be challenged tomorrow, as there is an urgent need to acquire any information about that newly emerged dungeon. Now the question was, whether I should accept this request or not

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"Yes, as long as it is something that I can answer"

There is still not enough information for me to make a decision. Therefore, I have to gather more information by asking Claire who has received some explanation about this from the Guild master.

However, this might be a waste of time. Because I know that at the bottom of my heart, my answer has already been decided.

To ascertain the abilities of the members of Yoizuki guild, a newly emerged dungeon where nobody knows what will happen would be the best. Of course, this is one of my reasons. But more than that, I had an uncontrollable curiosity towards this newly emerged dungeon.

Naturally, I can become stronger just by raising my level by repeatedly capturing a dungeon. However, there are other important things beside raising my level to gain something called strength'.

Just like my fights against a number of formidable enemies such as Nameless Knight, Orc General, Tenraijuu, and Yanagi that has boosted my abilities by many levels. So, if there is an unknown enemy waiting for me there, there is no way not to challenge it.

I wanted to become stronger. Thats why, my answer has already been decided.

"And that's all I can answer. But, if you need more information, I could ask my father directly."

"No, that's enough. I've decided."

After taking a breath, I said.

"Let me participate in that joint capture."


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