World of Women

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Hello, beautiful, do you have a kiss for me? I asked with a wink.

You wish. Brooke snorted, reaching over and tussling my hair affectionately.

I was standing near the front entrance, teasing the head of security. Her name was Brooke, and she was in charge of keeping our entire estate safe. The team was small, only consisting of five women, but Brooke was the only one allowed into the house and near me. Thus, beyond the elderly maids, my mom, and my siblings, she was the only other person I was allowed to talk to.

Brooke was a tough woman. She wore a sword on her waist and her hair was cut short. She had a long scar on her bare arm, and narrow eyes that looked very intimidating when she grew angry. As to our relationship, I never dreamed of having sex with her. It wasnt because she wasnt pretty enough. Brooke was actually pretty cute in a butch, tomboy kind of way. No, the reason it was never going to be was that Brooke was a complete lesbian.

Lesbians arent to be confused with lipstick lesbians. A lipstick lesbian worships women and despises men. A standard lesbian just happens to favor the same sex. With men so infrequent, lesbian relationships were actually quite common in this world, and it wouldnt be far from the truth to say that almost every other woman was in a lesbian relationship. The number probably reached close to 90% of women had at least experimented with lesbianism at some point in their lives. People got lonely and wanted physical contact. Its simply a matter of availability. However, I guess in that case, you could call them bisexuals who settled on a woman.

That wasnt the case for Brooke though. She actually had been with a man. He came in her mouth, and she said it tasted so bad that she threw up, and thats when she realized she wasnt into men. She didnt hate men as a concept, but she held no attraction for her. The mans penis grossed her out and she got pubic hair in her mouth, which for some reason gave her trauma. Thats why she kept her hair short, because she hated it when any hair got in her mouth. It should also come as no surprise that she likes her women bare-shaven.

As she put it, Scissoring is fine, but Ill never eat out of a hairy box.

The man she had been with, by the way, was actually her own father. I dont know if that had anything to do with her distaste for men or not. However, she couldnt talk about him without wearing a disgusted look. I seemed to get a pass because I was still young and youthful looking without my secondary sexual traits all grown in yet.

Right now, youre still young so you dont have all that gross man hair. Promise Auntie Brooke that when you get that age youll shave your chest and ass. If I ever see your hairy ass, Ill throw up.

Brooke, always told me such things like that. Its actually part of the reason I started to be her friend. She was the closest thing to one of the guys I had in this world. She was often funny, if only in a sarcastic down-to-Earth kind of way.

Maybe if you stopped trying to look at my ass, you wouldnt have to worry how much hair it had! I shot back.

This was the way we had started talking to each other. It had shocked some of the maids the first time they had heard us teasing each other. The original me apparently was afraid of Brooke and kept my distance. Ever since I reincarnated, I started hanging out with her more and more just to have someone to talk to. Brooke took my change in behavior as a boy hitting puberty, and the maids finally tolerated it as long as mom didnt find out the details of what was said, which was often lewd and offensive.

Well, excuse me. I cant help that your ass reminds me of your moms. You inherited a fine looking butt from that woman. Brooke chuckles.

I could only nod in agreement. I know, right? When I grab on its just the right size against my palm. Her skin is so smooth, and its a perfect combination of muscular hardness and soft springiness. You could definitely bounce a coin off that thing.

I teased Brooke. I knew that she actually had the hots for my mom. Anyone would, my mom was definitely a hottie. Brooke didnt know my relationship with mom was sexual, but she did know we straddled the line of what could be considered appropriate son and mom relations. She ignored it because it was none of her business and didnt affect her job, but her eyes did brighten when I described moms naked body.

You sometimes I worry about you kid. I wonder sometimes if youre a filial son or just a giant pervert. Brooke shook her head.

Cant I be both? I responded toothily.

Brooke chuckled as she took another look across the yard, making sure there was nothing suspicious moving around while remaining alert. Whatever you say, kiddo.

One of the only real problems with Brooke was that she always saw me as just a kid. No matter how lewd our conversations grew, shed always ruffle my hair and look down on me. Once in a while when she was in a bad mood, she would shush me away or chastise me like a mother hen. However, guarding was a boring job so she often tolerated my presence if for no other reason than to give herself something to do. Occasionally, I was lucky enough to get her in a good mood and then shed tell me naughty stories.

Well, actually they were just stories about her dating life, but being a sexually active lesbian in her late twenties with a rough demeanor and a sword she knew how to use, all of those stories were incredibly exciting. In her youth, she frequented a lot of clubs and ended up in more than one lesbian gangbang. She told stories like the time she went down on a famous celebrity who I didnt recognize, but was told is quite famous in the movies. As she put it, the celebrities O face would have ruined her movie credibility had a picture of it leaked.

She also told the story how she got drunk and slept with three generations of a family in a single night, a mom, her daughter, and her daughters daughter. Not together. She had actually gone home with the daughter, and when she was done she snuck into the moms room, who had been giving her some strong signals. In the morning, the youngest got up before the others, and she had seduced and had her way with her early in the morning. Brooke was caught by the other two women with her tongue up their youngests ass, and ended up jumping out a window to escape their wrath. As to how young the youngest daughter she defiled was, she wouldnt tell.

My favorite stories were how she used to feel up girls in the Academy. Since she was the same sex as the other women, the locker room was her favorite place. She used to creep and spy on other naked girls. Shed then plot to get them alone through nefarious means like by hiding something of theirs so they were left behind looking for it. Shed volunteer to help them look, and once she had her target alone, she would take advantage of them.

As she put it, Ive tasted a lot of pussy in that locker room. Broken a lot of hearts too. Well that was back when I was young and stupid. Im sure youll be the same way in Academy leaving behind a wave of pregnant women with broken hearts.

Although I felt some comradery with her, I still shook my head. I dont like the pump and go. Id rather be with the same women.

You trying to take after your dad? She asked.

Remembering the holotape I had unearthed with Hannah, I could only shake my head. No! No I mean, my desire is to form my own harem!

What the hells a harem? Brooke asked.

Without men in this world, naturally harems didnt exist either. Or at least, there was no word for them.

A harem is living with a bunch of women who all serve me and have sex with me.

Isnt that what every man already gets? Brooke raised an eyebrow. You lucky bastards

I sniffed. No! Most men just run around sleeping with women. One night stands. I want all my girls to stay with me.

Government might not like that all that much. Brooke shrugged. You still expected to contribute your seed to society.

I nodded excitedly. Exactly! Ive done the math. Since women are pregnant for nine months, if I had about sixty women, I could just keep them all pregnant, giving each woman a three month break between each baby.

You want to turn a bunch of women into baby making factories? Brooke seemed amused. Wont they get worn out by the fourth or fifth one?

Well, when the moms start getting too old, then thats what my daughters are for, right? I responded excitedly.

Brooke let out a laugh. You are one strange, boy or maybe all men are strange. Im glad I decided not to pursue your sex. Just promise me one thing, will you?

Whats that?

If you make your thirteen year old daughter give you a BJ, dont force her to swallow it because shell come to like it. Brooke made a grossed out face, showing she was speaking from personal experience.

I-Id never do that I technically spoke the truth, Madison was fifteen when she first sucked my cock after all.

Brooke didnt respond, merely continuing to look around while keeping her thoughts about my harem plan to herself. However, she barely made a round before her eyes locked on something in the distance. It took me a moment to be able to notice what she noticed. It was a dust cloud, and it seemed to be growing closer and closer.

Is that her?

Uh, huh. Looks like. Why dont you run to your mom and give her the news? Brooke nudge me towards the door.

What? But, I want to see my Aunt Rose!

You and I both know your mom is suspicious of a childhood friend suddenly showing up just as her precious son starts getting erections. Dont make your mom worry anymore than she has to, will you? Brooke rustled my hair before walking off the porch to meet the car coming her way. Go back indoors, kid!

I didnt mean to not listen, but my eyes were caught on the vehicle, which didnt appear to have any wheels. It was a hover car! This world had hover cars? I was nearly 14 now and only now did I find this kind of detail out? I stuck my tongue out at Brookes back before running back into the room. I hated how she always treated me like a kid. Well, I would have flipped her off, but apparently the finger didnt exist in this world. On the contrary, sticking your tongue out was considerably more vulgar. In this world, it was actually an obscene gesture.

Women who stuck their tongue out at other women were basically offering cunnilingus, the primary form of sex for most women. It started as a common sign among lesbians to show theyre interested. However, in a world where all of the policy makers were women, sticking your tongue out had become the equivalent of saying fuck you. Rather than being cute or silly, it was either and offer for sex or an insult.

Sweetie, only if you had a pussy. I heard the words called out from Brooke, causing me to stop at the door with a blush, before running into the house.

She had seen me apparently. I swear she had eyes in the back of her head. It made me worry a bit, because that was something she might end up telling mom about. Mom would not punish me like she used to, but shed lecture me and pout, and Id have to use all my moves to get her to put out again. However, it felt less like the worry of boy afraid of offending his mother, and more like the worry of a husband afraid hes upset his wife.

I ran through the mansion I called home, something I had 100% familiarized myself with at this point. Any discrepancies between my memories had long been resolved. As to what mental age I was, that was a complicated question. It wasnt truly like my 35 years of life were just added to 13. It more was like a 35 year old mind was mixed with the thoughts of a 13 year old, creating a blend of both.

I still had teenage hormones which were just starting to erupt. I was still prone to childish outbursts such as when I stuck out my tongue. The major difference was that I had a lot of experience to pull from, so where a normal teenager might feel justified in their actions and wronged by their punishments, I was better at self-reflection and realizing my mistakes. It was probably better this way. I seemed like a mature kid, but not offputtingly mature. Most everyone just blamed any changes in my attitude on growing up and becoming a teenager.

Wow. I stopped short as I pushed into moms room.

Mom had done up her hair nicely and was wearing a gorgeous dress. The last time she had dressed this nice had been for my birthday. I knew that Hannahs birthday was not the reason she dressed like this. It probably had more to do with a friend she hadnt spoken to in some time coming. Any woman would want to look her best and impress.

However, simply being in a dress wasnt the reason I spoke out. Rather, mom was turned away from me. She had a foot on the bed and was pulling up a stocking. This caused her dress to ride up high on her leg to the point her panties almost showed. On top of that, her dress was unbuttoned in the back, revealing the back strap of her black bra and pale skin. Of course, the reason I spoke out was that the scene was incredibly erotic. My penis immediately twitched, and the desire to ravish this woman grew drastically.

Mom looked back at me and then smiled, her face showing happiness that made my heart melt. How do I look?

Youre beautiful. I said.

Mom turned back. Then, help your beautiful mother, can you please zip up my dress?

Mm! I nodded even though she couldnt see, my mouth going dry.

Id slept with mom many times now, but she could still make me feel like a little boy sometimes. I occasionally forgot how sexy mom really was. I walked up behind her and carefully zipped up her back. I had some experience with it, so I was careful and slow, to make sure I didnt rip the thin dress cloth or catch her bra. As soon as I finished, I wrapped my arms around mom and put my neck on her shoulder. I could just barley manage on my toes at this point. Another year and Id be bigger than her.

Rather than pushing me off, mom leaned back against me, grabbing my arms and gently holding them. It was truly a lovers embrace, without any ambiguity.

I love you. I whispered into moms ear.

I love you too. Mom responded.

Ah your sisters arrived. I suddenly remembered why I came.

Nn! Ah, I should go then- Ahn! Mom attempted to pull out of my grip, but I immediately grabbed her breast and started to suck on her neck. N-no not now

You make me so hard. I whispered into her ear, pushing my groin against moms backside.

Nnn baby I want it so bad but we cant right now. Mom turned to the side to look back at me, and I immediately took her lips.

She turned around in my arms, and my hands found their way to her buttocks, having my way with the things I had teased Brooke with earlier. I couldnt image the look shed have on her face had she known I was speaking the truth when I described moms butt. Meanwhile, I pushed my crotch against hers, feeling a heat emanating from below that spoke to how turned on my mom was. Meanwhile, my tongue explored her mouth, and my hands groped her body. Finally, mom broke off her kiss with a gasp.

We need to be quick! She succumbed, while I kissed her neck.

She started trying to guide me to the bed as I ground my crotch against her. The pair of us sloppily stumbling over the bed in a single wrapped up pile of flesh.


The sound came like a piercing cry through our heavy breathing and the pair of us jumped apart and looked at the door in terror. A moment later, we both gave a relieved breath. When I had entered, I had left the door open. The click was just the door finally closing. For a moment, we had both been afraid we had been caught by someone.

You naughty boy, you even left the door open! Mom gave me a pouty, embarrassed look.

I truly did feel bad about it. I had seriously dropped the ball. Anyone could have looked in and saw us necking. I really did need to start considering the reality of things and start acting better.

I-Im sorry, mother. I looked down, slightly angry at myself.

Mom gave me a smile and walked up to me, giving me a more distant, less intimate hug. I love you, honey. I always will. We just need to be more careful about these kinds of things, okay?

Yes, mother. I gave mom a nod.

She reached out a grabbed my chin, lifting it, and then just like a mother, licked her finger and started wiping my mouth.

Mom! Although I had just swapped spit with her a moment ago, now that she was wiping my mouth with her spit, I suddenly felt embarrassed.

There was just a little bit of lipstick, dear. She smiled, finding my shy behavior cute. Why dont you head out? I need to fix my makeup and hair again and then Ill join you. Find Hannah and Madison. Well start this party out right, okay sweetie?

I gave mom one last kiss on the cheek and then left, wiping my mouth of her spit as I walked away. Racing out the hall, I went looking for my sisters. Were going to celebrate Hannahs birthday. Naturally, I was looking forward to the cake!


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