World Keeper

Chapter 852: A Lonely Tower

Chapter 852: A Lonely Tower

The majority of the gods had left the primary worlds, racing into the sky through their various methods with new horizons in mind. Those without the skill to perform long-distance travel accurately on their own chartered the use of a small spacecraft equipped with a warp drive. Others gathered supplies and made their way to the Fairy Gates within every world, hoping to access a random world while carrying with them the key home.

Regardless, less than a tenth of all mortal gods remained within the primary worlds, those lacking either the need or ambition to seek out their own worlds to guide into the future. However, not all of the worlds chosen by the departing gods were unclaimed. Some already had their own deific sponsors.

A primary example of this was none other than Tower’s world for the Nethrak. In recent years, they had begun to slowly integrate themselves with the rest of the world community, but their presence was still largely unknown. After all, any new fighter that wished to leave the planet must have the strength to defeat a god. And any veterans wishing to guide others would need to defeat multiple gods while protecting their charges.

This was by no means an easy task, the number of victors passing each year reaching no higher than the double digits. As such, there were less than a thousand nethrak or slimes that had left Tower’s world. And those that did had no concept of where their home was within the night sky.

Thus, when it was discovered on long-distance scans of various voyages, and reported back to the home world, the two worlds were seen merely as newly active worlds that showed surprising signs of activity. A prime target for these new gods to seek to take for themselves.

Tower sat within his office, his mind preoccupied on the various explorations within the dungeon. As a god that had never once returned to Earth since his departure, he had never learned of the way to get multiple domains. Furthermore, the other dungeons which were connected to him had not relayed the information due to the special nature of Tower’s existence preventing him from taking advantage of it. Instead, he remained purely as the God of Monsters, just as Pietra remained the God of Evolution, and Atraxi the God of Slimes.

The three gods had grown somewhat close over the many, many years since the creation of their worlds, and would often discuss matters that they found interesting with one another. For instance, when there was a new slime mutation that devoured dead monsters in order to create eggs containing that monster’s genetic makeup, Tower asked if he could rear some of them for his dungeon. Ever since, he had been able to include monster eggs as a reward within treasure chests, bringing the Monster Tamers a new method of acquiring companions.

That was why he did not immediately think anything of it when Atraxi pinged him with a small spike of mana, merely glancing away from his dungeon to see what the other god was wanting. Is there something you need? He asked curiously.

Two ships have just appeared within our system. My brother is watching over them, but they seem to be coming for us. Tower paused when he heard that. He had chosen this region of space because of how remote it was, with the hope that future travel would not directly descend on this world. After all, the purpose of his central dungeon would become moot if people could simply leave on a chartered voyage.

Now that people were just now beginning to make their way through this final dungeon, travelers had arrived? Tower initially thought that the people of Earth must have had some special means to discern the whereabouts of this system by studying those that had left. As such, he gave a small sigh, sending the crystal avatar of his body out into space.

Tower appeared next to Atraxi and Pietra, both looking at the ships approaching their worlds. With Tower’s world being closer, it seemed as if they were first going to stop at his planet to investigate, allowing the three local gods to place themselves in the path of the intruders.

When the ships saw this, they slowly came to a stop, far away from the positions of the three gods. They couldn’t tell what was happening aboard the ships, but soon two figures emerged. One of the figures was a human woman, the other an Ursa male, both radiating powerful divinity.

Are gods so common now among the home world that every ship will have one? Tower wondered to himself, before marveling at the sight of the two ships turning and entering warp again, as if having abandoned the pair of gods.

You should leave now. Atraxi transmitted to the two new gods. We do not mean to be rude, but we have nothing here for the two of you. Our worlds are not meant to be hospitable to the normal races.

Atraxi’s words were entirely valid, as the slime world was literally a world made of slime. Even the nethrak did not dare to venture there, as the very air would slowly consume them. As for Tower’s world, it was an arctic planet unfit for habitation by most races. Since they saw the two gods as travelers looking to act on behalf of the homeworld, Atraxi wanted to give this warning as a friendly gesture.

Nothing for us, huh? The human woman responded with a grin, eyeing the frozen planet in the distance, as well as the seemingly paradise planet further beyond. Lenner, like we agreed. They’re just a bunch of single domains, so let’s just take what we’ve come for. They wouldn’t have had time to integrate into the cultures here anyways.

The ursa man nodded his head, golden light erupting around his body as he assumed a fighting stance. Forgive me, friends, but I must ask that you leave. We have come here for these worlds. If the three of you act together, you will surely find another to occupy. Please, do not make this difficult.

Tower narrowed his crystal eyes, which glowed with divine light. As one that often associated with unfamiliar gods, he long ago learned the method of identifying the opponent’s domain. Strength, Combat, and Fists? Tower blinked in surprise. There are those among the homeworld that have three domains now?

Even Atraxi and Pietra looked confused at that, Tower’s eyes glancing at the other woman. Fire, Destruction, and Pain… she does not seem like a deity that we can take lightly.

The two invading gods looked perplexed by Tower’s words, as if he were never aware of Triple Gods in the first place. Such a thing had long ago become known to the world, so what was going on here?

Tower placed his hands behind his back, addressing the ursa that seemed to have a measure of honor, unlike the woman whose personality could likely be measured by her domains. Am I to understand that you wish to fight us if we do not vacate our worlds? He asked for clarification.

I am sorry, friend. The ursa said with a nod, pushing aside his confusion. We are all here for the same thing, so I do not wish this to lead to blows if it can be avoided. Despite saying that, he maintained his combat stance, not underestimating the three local gods with unusual forms. In the minds of the two invaders, they likely took those forms to integrate with the local races.

I see… Tower nodded his head, his transmitted voice becoming dark. It would appear as if the world has forgotten about me. Pietra, Atraxi, would you mind allowing me to handle this?

The two slimes nodded their heads, immediately flying backwards to leave Tower alone with the two Triple Gods. The woman sneered at the response, her eyes fixated on Tower. A single God of Monsters wants to stand up to two Triple Gods in a battle? Don’t say that we did not give you a chance.

I would like to return those words to you. Tower responded. I am called Tower, the God of Monsters. I once tested mortals seeking to achieve the truth of perfection. Now… if you leave this place, I will forgive your trespass. If you do not… do not say that I didn’t give you a chance.

The woman scoffed at that, crossing her arms as if to say that she had no intention of interfering. Lenner, deal with this quickly, and let us claim our new homes.

The ursa nodded his head, his brow twitching in annoyance at the woman’s tone. Then, friend, please forgive me. I will be taking the first move. He said, the golden light gathering on his fist, before punching out. The force of the punch easily transcended space and arrived at Tower’s crystal body before he had the chance to react, shattering it into dust.

The woman let out a silent laugh, muffled by the empty space around her. Such an arrogant god was bluffing in front of us?

No… he was not bluffing. Lenner responded, his eyes grave as he looked at the spot where Tower’s body had been. That was merely an avatar. His true self is still nearby.

After he said that, the two winced as a powerful voice entered their minds. Lenner’s eyes went wide in shock as he realized that the voice was coming from the nearby planet. Not someone on the planet, but the planet itself! I tried to warn you.

Golden portals appeared within the space between the two gods and Tower’s world. Tens at first, and then hundreds. From each, a different figure emerged, feral monster gods whose domains immediately began to spread around them. Fire, ice, wind, darkness, water, so many overlapping domains that it made the two gods retreat by half a step.

However, the biggest portal appeared behind them, a scaled claw gripping at its exterior. The portal itself was tens of kilometers across, the figure coming through it an utterly monstrous dragon with six wings and red scales. So, you are finally letting me exercise, Tower? A booming mental voice rang out in the surroundings, its mere presence shattering some of the weaker monster gods.

Lenner and the woman were immediately alarmed, unsure of where they should be looking. The horde before them all consisted of monster gods, while the creature behind them seemed to be unreasonably powerful in its own right.

The voice of the planet spoke once again. Your target is the Goddess of Fire, Destruction, and Pain. Leave the other one alive, as he is at least polite.

The dragon scoffed, its breath carrying a wave of force that pushed the two back over a hundred kilometers, closer to the horde. Fine. At least you’ve prepared a decent snack for me.

The woman’s eyes trembled as she looked at the dragon, fully mobilizing her divine power after learning that she was the creature’s target. Do not underestimate me, beast! You will experience a painful death the likes of which you have never imagined!

The dragon paused, blinking at the woman. Just as she began to think that it was intimidating, it let out a roaring laugh. A painful death? From just you? The dragon bared its teeth in amusement, having finally pulled its full body from the portal, though the portal remained in place behind it. There was even a golden chain wrapped around the dragon’s tail, seeming ready to pull him back if he tried to escape.

I am… oh, what was the term that Tower used to describe me? It asked, before grinning. Oh, yes… the End Boss.

The woman lifted her brow, before scanning the dragon’s domain. A God of Endings? For the first time, her face appeared to be concerned. She gathered a black flame around her body, condensing a spear in one hand. Even if you are the God of Endings, I shall slay you.

The dragon simply kept that same grin, staring at the woman. All things come to an end. It said, its voice radiating out into the space around it. Lenner staggered, golden mist flying off his back as he faced the horde, over half of which seemed to dissolve from the force of its words.

The woman, on the other hand, had a far worse fate as the primary target of the attack. The black fires around her were snuffed out, her spear shattering. Her power seemed to entirely leave her, her eyes wide in shock. How old must this god be for it to have accumulated such power? And what was Tower that it could force the obedience of such a creature?

The dragon paid no mind to her inner panic, slowly bringing its massive head down towards her. He had intentionally left her just enough of her divinity to leave her alive and conscious, but not enough for her to escape. She could only watch as its massive jaws opened, fully shrouding her in darkness as they passed around her.

Once they clamped shut, there was nothing left that could be seen of the woman, and the golden chain had already begun to pull the dragon back towards the portal. I get it. I’m going back. The dragon said in annoyance, looking at Lenner as if having missed a decent meal. Still, it turned its body and began crawling back into the massive portal.

The rest of the monster gods stopped in place, having just been about to charge at Lenner when he suffered the burst of power released by the dragon god. Do you submit, ‘friend’? Tower’s voice boomed into Lenner’s mind, causing his brow to twitch in pain.

Lenner forced his half-destroyed body to move, not daring to try to fix himself in his present state. He clasped his fists together, offering a small bow that would not show his caved-in back. Thank you for your leniency.

After saying so, he began to back away, only to be stopped by the same voice. Not so fast. Before you go… I have some questions for you. It seems that there is much that I need to hear about the homeworld.

Lenner clenched his teeth, but nodded his head in acceptance. Then, may I ask that you dismiss your army so that I may approach?

Tower did not say anything in response. However, golden chains lashed out of each portal, wrapping around the legs and necks of every monster god and dragging them back through their portals. Unlike the dragon god, these were far more forceful, able to immediately pull the monstrous figures back. Or perhaps the dragon god had been able to resist this powerful force without being moved.

Once each monster was gone, its portal closed, as did the portals of those slain as collateral damage. They have been dealt with. Though, now I shall need to find replacements for them, after our conversation. Oddly, Tower seemed pleased at that thought, making Lenner wonder if the other god enjoyed the sight of its army being destroyed for some reason.


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