World Keeper

Chapter 827: Under The Sea

Chapter 827: Under The Sea

Within the waters of Earth, a lone merkin swam towards a distant underwater forest. This merkin had sharp eyes and elongated ears, making him look vaguely different from others of his kin. However, he still heard the song of his people as soon as he entered this world, like a gentle background noise on the breeze.

Nobody else seemed to hear the song, but it was as plain to him as the sun in the sky. His mother had once told him of the underwater cities of his father’s kin, much removed from the water elven cities of Spica. There, he had been seen as an outcast throughout his childhood. No matter how good the genetics of the elves were, he shared very little in common with them. Now that he was old enough, it was time for him to find his father’s kin.

In truth, he had heard very little about the merkin while growing up, as they were a rather lesser known race. Most of what he knew came from his mother, who had stumbled across one of their bubble-cities while she was exploring the oceans of Earth. According to his mother, she had run into danger near the city while fighting a great aquatic beast, and it was his father that had ultimately saved her.

Despite the differences in their races, the two cared for each other, and his mother spent several months with the merkin. It was only when her family called her back that she was forced to return. Of course, at the time she was not yet aware that she had become pregnant, having discovered that not long after her return.

He had never met his father in person, and had only been able to hear his voice through the terminal that his mother used to exchange messages with him once a year. He had always asked why they could not speak to his father more, but soon learned that it was simply because of the time differences between their worlds. Due to that time difference, they were not even able to have a single live conversation.

And then, suddenly, the messages stopped coming. His mother was distraught when she noticed, but managed to endure for several weeks while holding out hope. But as the weeks turned into years, that hope began to dwindle.

Eventually, she hired an investigator to look into the problem, simply wanting to know if he was still alive. As she was raising their son, it was difficult for her to travel to Earth again herself. Thus, they waited for any shred of information to come back.

What they discovered was that his father had been captured by a wicked deity, one who wanted to study the unique traits of the merkin. He was pulled from the underwater city and taken somewhere far away. Exactly where, the investigator couldn’t tell. However, the body had been found several hundred kilometers inland, with the rogue deity’s energy still lingering on his body.

When his mother heard what happened to his father, her mind went blank. She continued to raise him, loving him, but there was something within her. A rage aimed at the rest of the world. Even as a boy, he knew that such a thing was not healthy, and tried to calm her on many occasions. Yet, she merely smiled at him as if he didn’t understand.

She devoted herself to her cultivation, managing to break through the final barriers just before his thirtieth birthday, when he was finally considered an adult according to his mixed ancestry. Once she became a Life Immortal, she met him one last time, promising to see him again in the future. But first, she had to find the person that killed his father.

It’s been a month now, and there hasn’t been any news… He thought to himself as the underwater forest came closer and closer in his view. He could see numerous feminine green figures swimming about, seaweed seeming to cover their bodies. Clearly, these were not the merkin, and yet the song of his people could be heard within the forest.

Who are you?

A new friend?

He looks like the others, should we tell them?

Are you here to play? Numerous voices echoed in his mind as he approached, and he could recognize that they came from the green figures before him. His mother had taught him how to handle his natural telepathic gifts, so he focused his mind to reply.

I am Giles of Spica. His response seemed to surprise the green figures, their plant-like eyes going wide.

He has a name!

This one must be special.

Quick, quick, return and tell!

Come with us, Giles of Spica! One of the green figures swam over to Giles, her hands and feet covered with a leaflike webbing. Sprigga will want to meet you!

Giles blinked, only belatedly remembering that his father’s kin did not normally have their own names. His mother had named him because it was a part of her culture, but his father had only been the Spearsinger of Croy. He nodded his head, swimming to follow the unusual beings further into the forest.

The great, underwater trees seemed to sway with the current, being far more flexible than they first appeared. Their base was surrounded by coral, which took the form of buildings, and Giles could begin to see other merkin the deeper that they went into the forest.

However, it was not a merkin that the figures were taking him to. Rather, there was a great tree in the middle of the forest, one standing far more firmly than the others. Its trunk reached high up, far above the water, and Giles could see the shadow of the canopy above.

Once they arrived at the giant tree, Giles saw a golden figure waiting for him, looking similar to the others that he had seen thus far aside from her coloring. However, her body was more elegant, her smile more charming. When she saw Giles, she waved a hand gently, her voice speaking into his mind. Giles, is it? The children said that you were coming. I am Sprigga of the Song, caretaker of this grove.

It took Giles a long moment to recover from seeing her, after which he hastily nodded his head. It was only now that he remembered the legends of the sylvans that his mother had told him. He had never seen one himself, but now he understood that this must be what they were. Thank you for seeing me. I heard the song of my people upon my arrival in this world, and swam here at my greatest speed.

This world? Sprigga looked at him in confusion. There are merkin on other worlds?

I… am not a pure merkin. Giles admitted. My mother was of Spica’s water elves, allowing me to survive above the water’s surface. Though, I must admit that the water is more comfortable.

I see. Sprigga smiled once again. As for the song, I believe that may have been my doing. My aspect allows me to spread the music from my surroundings. Once the merkin began to appear, my aspect spread their song through this world’s waters, drawing more and more of them over. Are you, perhaps, looking for a home as well?

Giles hesitated for a moment when he heard that. After all, there was nobody here that he was familiar with. Originally, he was simply planning to take a look at what the merkins were like, and see if he would be accepted among them. However, on further thought, there was hardly anyone that he was really close with back home, aside from his mother. And she had left to avenge his father… Giles wasn’t sure if he would ever see her again.

I… think that I would like that. Giles nodded his head after some thought. Is there anything that I need to know?

Sprigga pursed her lips. You said that you are from Spica? I have sisters there, so I know some things. What is your path of cultivation?

Giles blinked, but decided to answer honestly. I am only in the third stage of the Water path, why?

Oh, good! Sprigga nodded her head happily. I have been told that those who are too far along in their cultivation without reaching the ‘Immortal’ stage often have difficulty adjusting when leaving Spica and Lorek. If you are only in the third stage, I do not need to be concerned.

If you like, we can provide you with some level stones. Your levels from the other side won’t carry over here, I’m sure you’ve noticed, so they will likely help you quite a lot! We have recently started using them in our regular education courses.

Giles thought about that for a moment, before nodding his head in acceptance. These items were similarly used in Spica, so he was quite familiar with their function. I would appreciate that. In that case, is there any problem with me finding a residence?

Oh! Of course not! Sprigga shook her head quickly. Let me get my senior sister, Carol of Coral to help you create one. Sprigga closed her eyes, opening her mouth as a serene song seemed to radiate out from her. The noise caused Giles’ body to instinctively relax. Once the music passed, Giles could feel another presence descending the mighty tree. Carol is a sister from another grove, helping me here until another of my sisters are born.

Giles nodded his head, now knowing who was responsible for all of the coral housing along the various trees. Then, I will have to thank her in advance.

Aznod opened his eyes, starlight seeming to shine within them for a moment, before he calmly suppressed that power. A smile spread over his lips as he stood from his cross-legged position, rolling his shoulders. No longer was his consciousness divided between multiple bodies, as he had transferred his mind fully back to the avatar within Udona’s castle.

“I suppose it’s time for lunch now.” He said with a calm nod, walking through the halls and nodding towards the shadowy figures of the rest of the serving staff. He had long ago gotten used to the uniqueness of the other workers of the God-Queen’s palace, paying no mind to their origins. It was clear that they were unflinchingly loyal, willing to do whatever it took to fulfill her orders.

“I think a sandwich meal is in order today.” Aznod smiled, quickly assessing the materials in the pantry once he had reached the kitchen. Due to his particular cooking style, almost all of the ingredients were stored in card form, having been fused with his divine energy over the years.

Aznod lifted a hand, conjuring several sticks of butter, large bags of cheese, milk, pasta, and a slab of meat. The ingredients all rushed out to the kitchen, falling into their appropriate pots, bowls, or cutting boards. The meat was cut, soaked in sauce, and fried. The pasta boiled and mixed with a thick, creamy cheese.

By the time Udona entered the kitchen, guided by her lightly twitching nose, the ingredients were almost fully prepared. Aznod himself was readying the plates, coating the bottom bun on each with another creamy layer of cheese while Udona blinked at him. “You finished your cultivation?” She asked, able to sense the third domain within her new favorite chef.

“I have. My apologies for making you wait so long, my queen.” He said with a charming smile, earning a happy grin back from Udona as lettuce was placed on the buns next, followed by the fried cuts of meat, a generous portion of the cheesy pasta, and a side of fried potato slices. There was enough pasta that it spilled off to the side to create its own side dish for each plate, causing Udona to lick her lips in anticipation.

However, she wasn’t the only one. Aznod’s cooking could never be something she monopolized for herself for very long. There was a flash of golden mist, and numerous other figures appeared within the kitchen, seemingly conjured by the completion of the dish. Accalia, Aurivy, Leowynn, even Tryval appeared, as Aznod had become the unofficial chef of the Greater Pantheon for some time now.

“It seems Lord Tubrock is working again. Lady Aurivy, might I trouble you to send him his portion?” Aznod asked, sealing the completed dish within a card. There were only a few members of the Greater Pantheon that did not often show up, such as those with peculiar tastes like Irena and Scarlet. Though he would relish the chance to dabble in spiritual cuisine, he had yet to have a proper subject to prepare it for.

“You certainly might!” Aurivy grinned, barely able to contain herself as the card vanished in golden mist. She had brought Julia, as she normally did, with Julia and Keliope nearby already starting to dig into their food. “So, you went with Optimization, huh?”

“That’s right, Lady Aurivy.” Aznod said with a light bow, standing off to the side. He was now the God of Cooking, Preparation, and Optimization, allowing him to enter the ranks of the ‘Triple Deities’, a new classification that had emerged for those that had gained three domains. “Please, help yourselves. There is plenty more for if someone wants extra.”


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