World Keeper

Chapter 725: The Golden Road

Chapter 725: The Golden Road

“I am the Autonomous Transport Dungeon created by the Goddess Aurivy. As you have received the pass to summon me, you have been granted permission to pilot me to perform your mission. Where is it that you wish to go?” The voice over the intercom spoke, the twins looking around in awe at the interior.

They had been in many starships before, and had even lent a hand in designing a few. However, the golden walls and luxurious furnishings were far from what they had expected, even from something created by a god. There did not seem to be any specific terminals for crew to operate on the bridge, but rather a single pilot’s chair. This chair was large and cushioned, offering a perfect view of the outside.

Nearby, a bar had been placed, containing a variety of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and a buffet with a steaming assortment of food. After Thea and Nora stepped forward, a new chair sprouted to both the left and right of the pilot’s chair, having grown from the ground in mere moments.

Chel walked towards the central chair, holding up the crystal that Ryone had given her. “I have a star map leading to three distinct locations. One of these locations is Deckan, while the other two are unknown. I need to reach the two unknown star systems and find an object within them using your sensors.”

A pedestal appeared in front of the central chair, which Chel placed the star map on. Once connected to the ship, the three-dimensional map was projected into the center of the room. The clusters of stars looked like any common map found in any ship. However, there were three swirling entities within this map, like three all-consuming voids trying to devour something that wasn’t there.

The Traveler soon spoke as Thea and Nora took their seats as well. “What item shall I be looking for upon arrival to these systems?”

Chel shook her head. “I don’t know the exact specifications myself. However, it will be something that draws the instincts of monsters to devour it. If you use your scanner to detect anomalous energy readings and monster activity within the system, you should be able to narrow down the possible regions.”

“If monster activity is involved, will I be expected to interfere?”

To this, Chel smiled. “That’s right. Aurivy wants this to serve as your test run. As long as the opponent is not a deity, you are free to engage.”

There was a shudder that ran throughout the ship, though it was unclear whether it was because the Traveler was pleased with this arrangement or disturbed. “Very well. I must inform you that I have numerous modes of travel. How long do you wish for this journey to last?”

As if having expected this question, Chel just shook her head. “Power-saving mode. Just make sure that we can reach each destination within three days of travel.”

The Traveler quickly responded to that. “Understood. Feel free to make use of any of the facilities during your stay. I am ready to launch at any time.”

“Traveler, begin your first launch.” Chel gave the order, a golden portal appearing in front of the ship as the Traveler accelerated, swiftly entering the gate. The space surrounding them no longer looked like what one would expect of hyperspeed, with stars flashing by as thin lines. Instead, it looked as if they were traveling through a constant stream of golden mist.

“Where is this…?” Thea asked curiously. “And why did you want it to take its time with the journey?” Arguably, the second question was the more pressing matter, but Chel simply jumped from her seat and spun around

This is the Domain of Travel, the manifestation of Aurivy’s divine power as she created it. It’s what she uses any time she sends people from one place to another. However, with the help of the Traveler, we can enter this otherwise-exclusive territory without getting thrown to the edge of creation.”

“As for why I said it could take things slowly… that’s because I want to give Deckan just enough  time to realize that something is odd about the lab.” Chel smiled mysteriously at that. “They won’t have time to enact any plans before we return, but they will still have the chance to make some initial preparations.”

“When we get back, we can look for these traces with the help of Blank and the others to find out who was scheming against the lab. Sorry, girls, but if the elder is on the list… you only get one second chance.” She said with a hardened expression. “And if he hadn’t let you girls go, I wouldn’t have given him that.”

Nora’s eyes went wide at the implied threat. “Then, the reason that you wanted us to come with you..?”

Chel nodded. “They’ve been tracking your position through various scrying methods every few days. Nothing invasive, and I’ve been cutting them off any time I caught it. But it is enough for them to know when you are no longer in the facility. With you two gone, and the rest of the complex locked down, they won’t know how many of our people are left.”

“If they take the bait, there are a few things they could do. They could either leak this news to other forces looking to steal James’ research, or act personally. Given their nature, I think that they’re more likely to do the latter, and send their own people in during the chaos. That’s why I think that there will be traces to find when we return, because they will have left those traces for other organizations to find.”

Thea thought it over, before letting out a sigh. However, just as she was about to speak up, Chel smiled again. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to purge the clan or anything like that. This generation’s elder has just been in power too long, and that power has gone to his head. I’m going to make sure that the clan understands that and establishes a new system for choosing their leaders. One that won’t require my interference when things like this happen.”

“Okay…” Thea nodded. “What are we supposed to do until then?” She looked around, notably at the bar and buffet. “There doesn’t seem like much here…”

Chel let out a light laugh. “Oh, Thea, this is just the bridge. Aurivy taught the Traveler how to make a variety of food and drinks for the buffet and bar, but the real entertainment facilities are further inside. Personally, if you’re going for a meal, I’d suggest a ‘sloppy joe’. One of the best things she’s come up with.”

Naturally, none of the three of them needed to eat, but they could still do so to enjoy the taste. Realizing the implication in Chel’s words, Nora blinked. “So… this is a forced vacation on a luxury cruise?”

“You could think of it like that!” Chel nodded her head. “I need you two with me so that the ninjas will think that it’s safe to move, and this is the most luxurious vacation spot in all existence! Aurivy made sure of that when she created it. Since the entire thing is created from her divine energy, it is also a fully functioning warship, easily on par with or superior to the Destiny-Class ships. When it comes to comfort or speed, though, nothing can compare to the Traveler.”

The twins nodded their heads, absorbing the information. “But, wait… did the Goddess only use two of her domains in the construction of this ship?” Thea could not think of a way for the Love domain to find a place within a facility such as this, but Chel rolled her eyes.

“Of course not. There are tons of different types of Love, not just romantic. For instance, the bar and buffet were created from the concept of gluttony, or a ‘love’ of food and drink. The entertainment facilities were created with the concept of making people ‘love’ their time aboard the ship. Even the Traveler’s core itself was created with a mother’s love for their child. And I mean that in a literal sense.”

Chel walked over to one of the walls, stroking a hand along it and speaking in a gentle tone. “The core of the Traveler was created through Aurivy’s divine power, but is no less a living being. In fact, it is the Demigod of Travel, and it is not a mistake to say that this is truly Aurivy’s child.”

Another low rumbling could be heard from the ship, which seemed to approve of Chel’s words. “That’s why we can’t push the Traveler to work too hard, or place it in danger. You hear that, Traveler? If the situation becomes one where you cannot defeat the adversary without sustaining damage to your core, you should retreat immediately. Even if we are not on board, you are to prioritize your own survival.”

This was perhaps the one thing Chel had said so far that Thea and Nora were able to easily understand, though the Traveler seemed hesitant. “What about you passengers? I was created to provide a comfortable voyage, and I cannot simply leave my passengers to perish.”

Chel shook her head and stroked the wall once more. “I know how to use interplanar warp spells. If the situation takes that turn, we can still escape on our own. Once we’ve reached a safe location, I will call you with the pass again. That way, you can continue to carry out your mission.”

There was a pause before the Traveler spoke again. “If that is what you wish. May I know your name, passenger?”

Chel smiled at that, offering a nod. “I’m Chel. I’m a friend of your mom, and that’s why I don’t want to have to explain to her why I let her child get hurt while I was looking after you.” After she said that, she felt something… off about the wall she was touching. Part of it slid away with her hand, forming a small, metal slab similar to the one that she had used to summon the Traveler.

Chel blinked as she looked at the slab, finding it almost identical to the one that Aurivy had given her. Before she could ask, the Traveler spoke again. “Mother said that I was to offer passes to any passengers that I wished to make friends with. She said that it is hard for a dungeon like myself to have friends, and that I should cherish those who treat me well. I believe that you are treating me very kindly, Chel. Will you be my friend?”

Chel let out a soft laugh, nodding as she clutched the slab. “Of course, Traveler. Though, I might not have many chances to call for you, is that alright?”

“I’m a giant ship capable of tearing apart planets. I would be worried if you had frequent need of me.” The Traveler jested, earning a chuckle from the three girls. “However, if I become lonely, will you let me talk with you through the pass?”

Chel thought it over for a moment, before nodding. “Of course. I can even teach you more recipes for you to add to your collection. Aurivy was rather… inattentive when it came to the needs for certain types of passengers. Spiritual beings don’t eat the same type of food as us.”

The light in the room suddenly brightened by a notch, as if the Traveler was alarmed to hear that. “This must be rectified. I was created to be the most comfortable form of transportation, regardless of passenger. I have even been equipped with alternate environmental settings for subterranean and aquatic life forms.”

Chel grinned playfully, glancing towards Thea and Nora. “You two can head out to explore. Just make sure to stay inside the ship. I have some things to teach Traveler for a little while.”

The two nodded, not quite sure what they should say in this situation. Chel had easily made friends with the child of one of the Greater Pantheon, and the two of them hadn’t had much place in the conversation as they were trying to catch up with everything that had happened. More surprisingly, she only came into contact with the Traveler because she had been spying on Aurivy without the latter’s consent.

The two looked at each other in wonder, as if feeling that they should call some form of authorities for this. Of course, it was only a passing thought, as they had confirmed that Chel and Aurivy were close friends from their earlier exchange.


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