World Keeper

Chapter 682: The Second Verse

Chapter 682: The Second Verse

The walk to the temple was full of tension, with Kris’s eyes darting to every shadow they passed. He gained a new respect for his friend, beginning to understand how it must feel to see danger in every hidden corner. If not for the assurances of Jin, he likely would have already made a mad dash for the temple.

At the halfway mark, roughly five minutes after they started walking, Jin clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Already made a move, huh? Kris, you’re going to have to stay calm. As long as you do that, we can get out of this in one piece.”

He didn’t wait for Kris to respond, spinning the umbrella in one hand. This time, it wasn’t just one image that broke off from the pair of them, but what seemed like dozens, all walking in different directions. Some of them even seemed to be walking alongside the true pair.

The onlookers definitely noticed this time, their eyes glancing in surprise between the various umbrellas held by the different Jin’s. Kris noticed how their eyes seemed to linger on the true selves for a moment as well, and felt his heart tighten. Jin’s voice entered his mind before he had the chance to panic.

This is stage two. Now that the enemy has seen an illusion, they’ll be more interested in what they don’t see than what they do. The best thing we can do is to calmly go along our previously planned route. These decoys are going to various temples and exorcist shops throughout the city, so each of them serves as a possible target. The only place that was omitted as a destination is the Temple of Shadows.

With our earlier conversation mentioning twilight, it would be reasonable to believe that we would seek help from the priests of Ashley, the Goddess of Darkness. If the enemy notices that that is the only location that the decoys aren’t directed towards, they will focus more of their attention in that direction.

Right now, the worst case scenario for us is if the enemy gives up its attempts of discretion and arbitrarily attacks all of the decoys to lure us out. This is less likely after they already got fooled by one illusion, but it is not impossible. However, to avoid anything being detected about us, this is the last time we can communicate with each other until we reach the temple.

No matter what you see, keep your eyes ahead and appear calm. If something gets in your way, casually step towards me to the side, no matter what it is, and try to go around it. These are the rules of the illusions, and how they navigate through crowds. As long as you follow the same guidelines, we won’t be discernible from the others. Remember, never leave the umbrella.

Kris was secretly amazed that his friend was able to cast such a complex illusion, or perhaps that such a thing was enchanted on the umbrella he was holding. Someone who lived his life planning escape routes for himself, learning how to ambush and avoid being ambushed in the same breath.

He did his best to steady his breathing, knowing that it would not take long before the spirit of his mother returned in her anger to try and find them. As Jin said, he had to appear calm. The halfling elder placed a hand in his pocket, feeling the smooth bead that rested there, and a sense of peace flooded his mind.

Your song will not end here… He vaguely heard a voice in the back of his mind, but could not remember it a moment later as his thoughts were filled with serenity. He kept walking forward with a peaceful expression, as if there was nothing in the world that could shake him.

A minute later, he saw dark eyes rising up from a shadow in front of him, staring at him as the shadow formed into a silhouette. This was a blatant figure meant to provoke a reaction, but Kris responded in a practiced manner. As he approached the figure, he stepped gently to his left, closer to Jin, and walked around the shadowy figure. There was not a change in his expression the entire time, which caused the shadow to hesitate.

Kris did not look back at the shadow, but could feel that it left of its own accord. His hand continued grasping the pearl, feeling the peace that it seemed to emanate. Only once he was at the gates of the Temple of Justice did he release the pearl.

Like a wave crashing over him, Kris felt as if he couldn’t breathe, his hand grasping at his chest. His vision turned hazy with all of the built up anxiety that the pearl had suppressed for him during the journey, and this action drew the attention of a pair of priests. One of them, an elven woman with long silver hair, walked over to greet them.

“I’m sorry, but it is rather late.” She said with a polite smile, watching the two closely. “Is there something that we can help you with? Your friend here seems… quite unnerved.”

“You are a Priestess of Irena, correct?” Jin asked, looking at the girl, who nodded her head. “I’m sorry, but do you mind if I test you? These are special circumstances.”

The elf’s brow twitched in annoyance. “And how do you intend to test me?”

“Three sentences, one lie. A priest of Irena will be able to immediately detect a lie. As long as you can do this, I will believe you.” Jin said in a calm voice, surprising the woman. “My name is Jin Cranel. I was born seventy-nine years and eight months ago. And… if you don’t help us, I’m going to die today.”

The girl’s eyes went wide as she heard the three sentences. Naturally, she could discern the truth in the man’s words, like he claimed. However, it was his third sentence that truly shook her, as her ability read it as truth.

There were numerous ways to lie, even in the presence of a priest of Irena. Speaking in a roundabout why, or omitting information while only giving half-truths, both of these options could work. But, if something was regarded by the ability as true, then what was said would naturally be true. This meant that either these two were in great danger, or he had resolved to kill himself should they not provide help.

Neither scenario was one that she could turn away without seeking more information. “It was the second one… please step inside.”

Jin clicked his tongue in annoyance, nodding and following along. “It was eighty-nine years… I am still young at heart.”

“That’s also a lie.” The elven woman pointed out, a shadow of a smirk appearing over her face.

Kris glanced up at Jin, who nodded back to him. He put away his umbrella, storing it in one of the objects on his body. “You’re going to want to increase security. Something’s coming. You’re dealing with an apparition that is at least level eight hundred, probably closer to a thousand. It likes to lurk in shadows, and wants to eat this guy.” Jin placed his hand on Kris’s hand, startling both the halfling and the elf, who was able to read all of what he said as true.

“Understood.” Her face hardened as she gestured towards her partner. “Call the local guardian. We need to invoke its authority.”

“Right away!” The human male that served as her partner turned and rushed into the temple, the elf facing Jin again.

“I’ve seen you around town… you’ve got quite the reputation, Mister Cranel.” Jin’s hand twitched when she said that, but she shook her head a moment later. “Don’t worry. If you weren’t sure of your reason for being here, I would have been able to pick up on that. There’s not a doubt in your mind that you and your friend are in danger from this apparition.”

After saying that, she turned to look at Kris. “As for you, I’m afraid I haven’t had the honor of learning your name, good sir. Could you tell me who you are, and why this apparition is after you?”

There was an edge to her voice that made her meaning clear. Most apparitions that returned from the Underworld to seek a person’s life did so out of vengeance. The elf clearly thought that Kris had killed someone, and they were merely seeking justice. “My name is Kris Fredric. You can read my karma if you desire, madam Priestess. The apparition this time is my mother, and… I don’t know why she wants to attack me… I was told… she wants to replace my soul, or something similar.”

“Oh? And who told you this?” She asked, trying to gather more information.

“...A little girl, but one whose information I would trust with my life.” There was a firm resolution in his words as he said that. No matter what, everything that the young merkin had said up to this point was true. He knew that there was a reason for everything she said, and… that he likely would not be able to forestall her predicted death.

The elf paused, not sure quite how to take those words. However, before she could say anything, there was a rustle of wind next to her. “I’m here, Lady Danare. I was told that you have need of me?”

Kris looked at the source of the voice, but could see naught but empty air. Still, the elven priestess nodded her head. “There is a high-level malevolent apparition in this city. Under the auspice of the Lady Goddess, I would invoke your authority of banishment.”

The guardian spirit fell silent at that. “If this is a powerful foe, they could simply escape from the Underworld again. The only way to perform a lasting banishment is to either call the black chains, or to send a spirit to the depths of hell. The reinforced border there would prevent escape.”

The elf nodded her head. “I will attempt to call the chains when the enemy arrives. If the karma isn’t dark enough--”

“I’m afraid there’s no more time to talk.” The guardian said, and there was a sound of metal clashing behind Kris. Slowly, he turned around, eyes shaking as he saw rows of razor sharp teeth extending from a shadowy figure, less than a foot away from his body.

“Karma Call!” Lady Danare shouted, her eyes glowing golden as she looked at the specter. Within her sight, she saw a mass of darkness shrouding the shadowy form. But… there were still specks of light that prevented her from being considered ‘beyond redemption’. She bit her lip in frustration, shaking her head. “It’s no good!”

“Then, I guess there is little choice.” The voice of the guardian spoke, and Kris was able to see him clearly for the first time. A lycan man clad in silver armor, a long sword held in one hand, which was pointed at the spirit. “I have watched your attempts to commit a crime, evil spirit. As one who is not meant to linger in this world, it is my right and my duty to send you off.”

His sword flipped, stabbing straight into the ground as the shadowy figure lunged at him, aiming to destroy him before seeking her prize. “Within my domain, my power surges with the strength of all who I defend. Unwanted fiend, I cast you into the depths!” A brilliant silver glow erupted in the courtyard, one which seemed to spread throughout the entire city. Sharp gasps were heard from wandering crowds, accompanied by the scream of pain from the lone shadowy ghost.

Its body crumpled away like dust before this spiritual light, its eyes staring at Kris. “I’ll… return… for… what… is… mine.” Her words came slowly and with a crackled breath, her eyes being the last things to vanish as if she wished to engrave his appearance onto her very soul.

Once the apparition was vanquished, the guardian’s figure turned blurry once again, fading into the wind. “As that is all, I shall return to my post.” His voice said, quickly becoming faint.

“Yes, thank you, sir guardian.” The elf acknowledged with a small nod, before turning to face the two guests of the church. “I assume that your problem is suitably dealt with at this point?”

Jin thought about that for a moment. “I’ll have to check his house, but that should be the only one. We’ll have the money transferred within a week.”

“Money?” Kris blinked, the matter of payment having not been discussed. However, both Jin and the priestess seemed to come to a tacit understanding without him.

“That’s right.” Jin nodded his head. “For the Church of Justice to deal with high level apparitions, it requires them to consume some of their spiritual power. This will lead to a prolonged period of weakness that prevents them from continuously helping people. Because of this, they are forced to charge a fee, both in order to dissuade people from coming to them with matters that can be taken care of without them and to help recharge their energy.”

The priestess smiled at that, happy that Jin was so knowledgeable. “One token of Leowynn for every estimated level of the apparition. Having seen its strength just now, I would say that it was roughly around level nine hundred and fifty. If we take into account the service fee for the Guardian to act personally, I believe the cost would be one token of Irena?”

Kris was shocked when he heard that price. Tokens of Irena were the second largest currency in the world, with only Terra’s token being more valuable. Even as an old and wealthy alchemist like himself, his wealth only amounted to a dozen of such tokens. Paying one for something like this would be a heavy blow to his finances.

However, before he had the chance to say anything, Jin reached down to place a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll settle the bill. Consider it… a thank you, for trusting me.” There was sincerity in his gaze that Kris hadn’t expected to find.

It was only then that Kris realized how people must have been looking at Jin all this time. The crazy man jumping at shadows, the joke of the town. Even if it had been a matter of convenience, Kris had trusted him and believed in his judgement. Perhaps that had brought a sliver of clarity back to the old man’s mind.

“Thank you…” Kris lowered his head, unable to muster more of a response than that. Without Jin, he knew that he would not have made it past this night. He would have never seen the next dawn, and… his hand went into his pocket again.

You faced your trial well, kind sir… I leave my song in your hands… He heard the voice speaking in his mind, his eyes snapping open. There was a sharp jolt from the pearl, and he pulled his hand out at once. “Gah!” He shouted, rubbing the palm of his hand.

“What’s wrong?” Jin asked, only noticing a moment later how Kris’s eyes were shakily staring at something in front of him. This was a common sight in the world, and indicated that someone was reading a message from the world’s system.

Congratulations, you have been granted a transferable achievement!

Keeper of the Psychic Song: Your body will serve as the next keeper of the Psychic Song. If the holder of the song dies, the song will spread throughout the world. You may transfer this achievement to another individual.

It is up to you now, kind sir. The girl’s voice echoed in his mind, gradually becoming more and more faint. If you feel that the world isn’t ready… give my song to another, and pass the legacy. If you have faith in the world… you may take it with you to the end.

Why are you giving this to me… Kris found himself able to respond, sending his thoughts back to the girl.

Because I learned of the world through watching, and you learned of it through living. An elder such as yourself will know far more of the world than a young girl. And… I am out of time.

Kris’s eyes went wide as saucers, and he hurriedly spoke back. I thought you had until the next season?

There was a very faint giggle from the girl. I lied. I didn’t want you to focus so much on my problems that you forgot to deal with your own. But do not worry, the song will not consume you as it did me. It was born with me, but my body was unworthy. I was but its vessel, meant to deliver it to the world. Now that I have passed it on to you, I have served my purpose.

I believe I would have liked… to see the sky with my own eyes… just once. The girl’s voice grew fainter and fainter with every breath, until it vanished in its entirety. When Kris reached into his pocket again, he found that the pearl was no longer there.

Instead, a strange sensation spread from his body. He heard a sharp gasp, and saw both Jin and the elven priestess staring at him in shock. No… their eyes seemed to wander from side to side, as if looking at him but also searching for him. Kris looked down at his own hands, only to find that they appeared ephemeral, like he was looking through a filtered lens.

Kris had to focus on suppressing this strange, new sensation, at which point the eyes of the two people locked on him once more. “If I knew you had an invisibility spell, getting here would have been a lot easier.” Jin commented with a wry grin.

“I… don’t.” Kris spoke, unsure of what had just happened himself.


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