World Development System

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

A lot of people understood but no one decided to speak against Hector as a lot of people had gained favors from him .

One of the runemasters spoke as he tried to defend Hector, "Stop spouting false accusations . It’s not like Prince Felix has his hands clean . Do you want to recall just the recent past between him and Prince Lukavv . "

No one spoke while King angrily looked at the runemaster as he too was involved in the incident .

He saw the king’s expression and tactfully continued further, "In the first place, that count never had any respect for the aristocrats and our code of honors, so it was only natural that something like would have happened . Currently, we are in a war and you guys are thinking about your personal gains and enmity . The situation is more serious than we think . We have lost 50,000 elite men, it would take a lot of resources and men to train so many men . I hope we can create a coalition which would increase the unity among lords and reduce our losses to a minimum . I also suggest using the All Magic Knight teams and Magician to overwhelm them . "

Minister Plato sighed and marveled at John’s genius political maneuvering after watching the quarrel, He sighed and murmured as he was standing near Eanred, "We were completely duped by that Count . He seceded on high moral grounds that he had no choice but to rebel in unfavorable circumstances, I guess most of the people would have surrendered in such a situation however he had something different in mind when we met that weapon . Every one of us was manipulated on the back of his hands like an open box without any secrets . It seems, he acted like a sheep on purpose while in reality, he was a wolf ready to swallow everyone . I have never faced such an opponent . This count is getting more dangerous day by day, probably the most dangerous individual for our kingdom, more dangerous than Lukavv . I guess I should have listened to you Eanred . It seems a lot of his previous actions were related to this plan of secession from the start . If it was really all that unfavorable for him and his domain then all he had to do was show those weapons to the whole world and not share it with the Royal Family . He would have most likely been made a Duke after that action but I guess he had other plans and is only showing his true nature now . "

He sighed thought, ’I was the one who used to always manipulate our enemies in the west (Barbarians and demons) or east (Dwarves) . ’

Eanred nodded and spoke, "No, the fault lies with me as well because I never got concrete vision whenever it was related to North-frontier City and that count and we could never make a better plan . I guess I was only able to see the previous vision because the Battle ended last night . It seems he either has the backing of a Sage in secret but they too have their limits or he is an anomaly . I guess I was only able to see him now because his actions of seceding can’t be reversed . We have a big mess in our hands . I guess Lord and everyone here became too greedy for power and hence the result . "

Plato nodded and agreed as he spoke with a dark light, "However, we can’t let this secession go lying down or else it would be disastrous . I guess our decision to support Duke Fjord still opened a pandora’s box which I feared the most . Duke Fjord would still be controllable but this count is whole another monster who is full of mysteries . Meanwhile, Fjord always leveraged his relation with Dwarves . Damn it if I knew that this decision of our would have lead to such a situation I would have never adviced the King to support Fjord instead of remaining neutral . "

King Lionheart meanwhile thought, ’That small count dares manipulate me and the whole kingdom . He will pay a price for such insolence . I will contact those assassins from Fire abyss if need be . I need to teach him and others a lesson or else I will be taken as a pushover . No, no if we continue down this path then there will be a bigger civil war as predicted by Eanred . I should ask his advice on further plan of action . "

He spoke loudly as the hall was becoming a mess, "Quiet Everyone, Plato, Eanred what do you suggest our further plan of action if everything goes according to your vision . How do we avoid that fate?"

Plato was the one who spoke this time around, "I suggest ignoring Duke Rose’s trade with Count John to avoid widening this current war while we remain vigilant against foreign enemies . At the same time I hope it is not mandatory for other Lords to participate in this war as it seem that we are making factions which would be more troublesome . "

Eanred nodded and agreed, "Yes, at this moment we can’t anger Duke Rose as well . Previously we always feared opening a pandora’s box whenever we dealt with Duke Fjord and hence our previous vigilance pertaining Duke Fjord and actions against count John but this time we have actually opened a pandora’s box and have to be more vigilant since those new weapons have changed the Military scenario where Duke Rose can take the risks if we anger him . "

King Lionheart sighed and nodded unwillingly as he understood the consequences of his actions .

’This wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t get influenced by that foolish son of mine . I guess I was too mad because of that count’s close relations to Lukavv . That Night in Red Lake City still sends shivers on my body . ’

Plato saw another guard who was coming in with a worried expression

Plato sighed and let him speak about what was happening in the North currently .

The guard came in the current chaos and announced, "Milord, Prince Felix’s Castle is currently under siege from Prince Lukavv’s men . They were seen using armors and weapons which seems related to Count John . There is a full-blown battle taking place in the west . Duke Blackwolf has asked for assistance . here is the full report . Duke Blackwolf has declined to enter a battle with Prince Lukavv as he thinks it is an internal matter between princes . Prince Lukavv has announced that he will be killing everyone this time around for anyone who was involved in the death of Apophis . "

Guard was surprised as he heard gasps from people when they Suddenly heard a taboo name .

King was completely angry, "Arrgh . As I thought those 2 guys are related to the demons and are the biggest dangers to this kingdom . Why can’t both of them just die . "

Much to everyone’s surprise, they got the news which was completely different from the Battle at North .

One of the ministers spoke in a hushed voice, "What? Prince Lukavv has made a move after such a long time? What is going on?"

At this time a lot of people who were at Prince Hector’s Banquet understood what did Prine Lukavv meant by a big war previously .

Many people who were allied with Felix gulped fearfully as they remembered his arrogant speech . Those who were allied with Felix grit their teeth and heard carefully .

"It seems he was already planning for a long time . I guess he got those weapons quite early and hence his declaration . "

Immediately King Lionheart was enraged as he roared, "As I thought . That guy had relations with Lukavv . I can’t let that menace run amok in this Kingdom . "

Plato and Eanred sighed as they heard about Prince Lukavv,

"It looks like he has finally started taking actions . We need to move as well . "

Plato sighed as he thought, ’Such a shame, we wouldn’t be facing such a situation if Prince Lukavv was allowed to marry that demoness . King’s hate for demons and Felix’s greed for power led to such a situation, Maybe that count also wouldn’t have seceded if Prince Lukavv was one of the potential future King . I guess this time even Queen Joanna wouldn’t be able to help his majesty as she herself fears her life after that betrayal in the past against her son . I wonder what would prince do if he realizes that King Lionheart was indirectly involved in the death of his lover when King sent his knights to aid Felix in secret . I guess this war was inevitable from that day onwards . I guess it was just getting delayed and was waiting for the spark . ’

Plato thought nostalgically as he remembered about the young prince who was always full of spirit and energy . Full of righteousness as he trained with his master .

He murmured, "The demons surely created big chaos when they sent that girl here . That’s why we can never trust them . "

Eanred sighed as he heard him and spoke with a grave expression, "She wasn’t sent here . She came here on her own will . Who knew prince would be so attached to her after his first interaction and possibly go to such lengths 7 years ago in Red Lake City killing all the aristocrats . The thing was, Felix and the Knights were exposed when that happened . It was good that the knights were loyal and didn’t speak a word about it when captured and hence all the blame was borne by Felix or else it would have been a massacre . Why do you think Felix gets so many resources in spite of his relations with the Radiant Church? I am sure you understand the complexities of the past . You see King Lionheart was more scared after the Red Lake City incident where most of the nobles supporting Felix died . He feared for his life . "

Plato was surprised because this was the first time that Eanred actually spoke about that incident from 8 years ago .

Both Plato and Eanred had a grave expression as they thought about the Red lake city incident .


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