World Development System

Chapter 189

Chapter 189


The same day after a few hours, the Royal family’s new policies were announced which immediately created panic among people in the whole kingdom . Some of the Aristocrats were worried because of the stop in Mulberry and food trade which had filled their coffers recently .

One of the Marquis from the northern domain fumed as he recently had good profits for trade with North-frontier city, "Wtf? What are these Bullshit Orders from Imperial Capital? We never had such sanctions even at the height of War when Duke Blackwolf and Duke Sapphire were fighting 5 years ago . Don’t they understand the consequences of such a ban? Fuck this, I will smuggle goods if that is needed . I can’t let my domain go in deficit again because of those bullshit policies . I was already under immense loans from Duke Norman and finally it has been settled this quarter . I can’t let that situation happen ever again . It seems I need to contact those ghosts for solutions . I am sure the King has targeted the count because of the popularity of those new wines and a decline in sales of Royal Wines which has directly affected his interests . I need to immediately contact Casey and others who benefit directly with trade from Count John’s domain . "

Marquis Russo called his attendants and prepared to leave for Casey’s domain, "Hans, prepare a Carriage to Count Casey’s domain . "

At North-frontier city there was a bigger panic among the common populace after hearing about the new sanctions,

One of the guys spoke . "What the fuck is this? A ban on export and import food and all the important necessities because of inflation created by our constant buying? This reason is clearly bull from the imperial courtiers . They are clearly targeting the common populace . And What is this deployment of 20,000 army men for keeping a watch on mercenaries? Those nobles and the Royal family are clearly in bed with each other and eyeing us like hungry wolves . "

One of the young officials who were present laid out what was in his heart for a long time, "Hmph, Yes, those mercenaries have a base at Mendez’s domain . They expect me to believe them that their army is here to prevent previous incidents like the one at Greenwoods village while they don’t know about those bases? Hmph, they are in for a rude awakening . Now lets see what do they do when we start targeting Mercenaries . Soon you guys will hear some good news today . This time a specialist is going to take care of our borders . The borders will not be a problem anymore . Currently, The main problem is the ban on food . Well, it can still be smuggled if we offer a good amount for it to professional smugglers . I think Lord and his courtiers have already planned for it with the arrival of Elves here . Just recently External Minister of Ayananore Kingdom, Mr . Alison used Nature magic in some parts of our farms . This time the harvests will be huge for sure . "

One of the old men spoke gravely, "However, the most worrying thing is the ban on the trade of food since we don’t have a port as well as the blockade of land routes, this is very worrying . They are blatantly eyeing North-frontier city as we are small . I hope the Harvest this time is better as predicted . This sanction will most likely force Lord to invade Eastern Port and this could very likely be a powder keg for the whole region . "

One of the older officials came and spoke, "You guys shouldn’t worry about food that much since we already planned for such a situation . Lord already took precautions when he was on a buying spree for the past few months . So don’t create unnecessary panic . "

The older official then moved his eyes to the younger official as he heard his gossip, "As for you, don’t create unwanted panic . As an official, you and others should have trust in our policies . Higher-ups have already expected such a situation from the time we revealed our ballistas so we are already prepared . From the next harvest onwards we don’t need to worry as plans are already prepared at Aurora . A lot of slaves have moved recently which was not noticed by you guys . You might not know a lot of things which we have prepared against every party this time around . " He smiled and for the first time revealed about the existence of Aurora in public but none of them understood . He left without clearing their doubts .

The younger official remembered about something as he heard his superior, "I do remember some slaves and commoners moving to the port previously . I guess can’t understand when he is speaking in circles . "

Taylor smiled as he heard of the official sanctions and the arrival of General Irwin, ’It seems they wanted to wait before their army reached our borders . It’s all good, from now on we will lay our cards bare to everyone . They will be forced to make peace with us or perish with their dreams of invading us . Lets see how they face our ballistas . ’

Taylor immediately called Bill and gave him orders, "Bill, Immediately announce our appointment of General Anak at the Administrative HQ’s and also to the Black and White Publishers . Further, announce our start of operations against the mercenaries to calm the merchants and the populace . they will be quite happy with this news . Also, call Mr . Grey for a meeting as I want to discuss some important matters with him . Don’t forget to bring the report on spies and their activities . "

Bill nodded, "Okay, Sir . "

Bill was quite happy these days because of his promotion .

After an Hour, Grey came at the exact appointed time,

Grey spoke in a grave tone as he was currently monitoring the city for suspicious individuals, "I hope this is a serious talk . "

Taylor nodded and made him have a seat, "Of course, Grey, I will get straight to the topic . I want to know if you can get in contact with mercenaries? I would like to offer them a deal . "

Grey thought about a few of his spies and spoke, "Well, I can get in contact with them from our spies but I need something concrete if we expect to reach a good deal with them . "

Taylor nodded and laid out his plans in open, "I want to offer them a deal for smuggling of Food from other domains to our domain for the next 2 months . I am sure a lot of those mercenaries have lost a lot in the past month and want to recover their losses . We will be offering them 5 times more for the food they smuggle . Though we are not in a shortage and will not be in shortage of food because of our precautionary measures . Lord had made these plans in case of such a situation . The plan is to basically create an illusion to the outsiders that we need food because of the increasing population that would in turn make the Aristocrats and Mercenaries enemies of each other when the nobles start attacking them for their betrayal for taking our contract . An internal conflict via the use of money would be less expensive for us in terms of manpower . "

Grey smiled and thought, "Hmm . . . Lord is quite a cunning man to have thought this . this seems like a good deal for both sides . The very mercenaries that King and other guys harbor can come to our benefit as well when they are in deep losses . This can also help us get important info on the movements of our enemies . Ok, I too agree with this plan . I will try to contact my spies today itself and try to make a deal with them . "

Taylor gave Grey a stamped document and a token before he left, "Ok, take this decree and token as proof that Lord intends to do this deal . Has the Lord returned yet from the operation?"

Grey nodded as he got the information from his spies near the border, "Yes, they are 5km away from the city . They might be returning at any moment . From their behavior, it looks like it was a great success with no to few casualties . "

Taylor nodded and immediately got to work after hearing of Lord’s arrival, "Okay, you can go back . I need to make my preparations . "


After some hours,

Finally Grey was able to reach one of the mercenary heads,

Near a shed at the borders of North-frontier city and Dolores,.

Grey sighed as he came with his men and entered the shed, "Well, this meeting is still better than nothing . I never expected him to meet us so early . "

Grey passed his orders before entering, "You guys be on a lookout . Keep your masks on so no one identifies you . "

"Yes, Sir . "

There were some men meeting .

Grey asked the guy sitting next to the table, "So what do you think about our offer?"

Liam sipped his wine as he spoke in a relaxed manner, "Well, I am ready to work with you guys on a condition that I can get access to your armors and that Mulberry cement, of course, I am not asking for formulas I simply want to buy them if possible I would also want Ballistas . I sort of understand why you guys are doing this, but this deal is too good to be refused and making a connection with Lord John would be worthwhile for future deals . Lord John has interested me a lot since his entrance in the aristocratic world and hence my interest in dealing with him . "

Grey understood his thought process and asked him, "Ok, that won’t be a problem . I am just wondering Why do you want to work with us . I think you might already know that most of the big mercenary groups have rejected us . "

Liam smiled and spoke as he drank wine, "Well, who refuses easy money for such a profit? As for another reason? My instincts say so, Just my instincts a few days saved the asses of my men today . I heard your new general killed all the mercenaries and that guy doesn’t seem good news to me . And Count John is not someone who would take easygoing decisions on such matters . "

Gray smiled and left after concluding the meeting, "Okay, I will communicate your request and try to reach a deal . However I don’t think we will give you access to our ballistas . "

Just as Grey was leaving, Liam advised him, "It’s okay, Just a piece of advice, Don’t try communicating with others as you won’t succeed . The head of Glorious explorers has already collaborated with other small mercenary groups and might have laid out your plans in open . While Commander Irwin of the Royal family has just reached the Northern Barracks from what I know . They most likely know your plan of pitting mercenaries against the Nobles . Your biggest mistake was that you forgot that a lot of Mercenary groups are funded by Aristocrats themselves and hence your plan will fail . Only we are the ones who are not funded by them . It was started from scratch by me and of course for personal reasons . "

As usual, Grey nodded and left with his men in a disguise .

Grey thought and left, ’This guy most likely wants to eat the food market all for himself . I can still try to contact other Mercenaries . ’

Ed worriedly asked Liam after everyone else left, "Boss, won’t it be problematic with Radiant Church if we smuggle food for them?"

Liam smiled and spoke, "Kid, you don’t want to die, right? If not for my decision to withdraw that day who knows which unit of ours would have been targetted by them today . Anyway, that count is quite cunning to try to pit Mercenaries against the Nobles . Well, I like it this way . Now that the Royal family has publically announced their policies . This time my real plans can start . " Liam had a grim expression as well as a happy and cruel expression on his face as he ended his last sentence .

Ed had shivers behind his back as he heard his Boss .

Ed thought as he saw his Boss’s expression, ’Why does the boss seem so different from the usual times when he is joking? I better don’t ask him about his plans or it might piss him off . ’

Liam noticed Ed and asked, "Why are you scared, kid? Go and train with other guys . "

Ed answered instinctively, "Nothing, Ahh yes, I better get going and start my training for today, boss . "

Liam thought as Ed left, ’I guess I lost control of my emotions . This kid probably got scared . ’


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