World Development System

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

The magic knight, Amber Charged forth towards John as Marsh gave the signal . John didn’t move an inch as he observed Amber calmly and watched every bit of his movement .

With a long sword in his hand, Amber targetted John’s heart first in a bid to make John move . John followed his movements with his eyes which seemed ultra-slow to him . Without moving his feet John dodge his sword attack at the very end .

Amber was shocked as he thought that this charge of his was quite fast . He didn’t stop at his first attack and decided to improve the speed of his attacks .

John dodged every one of his attacks without moving his feet . John dodged a total of 7 attacks continuously without moving his feet .

Amber was clearly shocked by the disparity in his battle prowess against John . Marsh only realized this later and murmured, "Sure enough . his reactions are top-notch . Maybe the best in the kingdom comparable with Jake and others . No wonder he was so confident about his reaction speed . Do all of these ghosts have the same reaction speed? No wonder Lord John wanted this guy to head the army . "

Everyone in the field was shocked after watching this development except for Arlen and other ghosts who trained directly under Jack, Vlad and John .

Arlen’s subordinate was quite amused and commented, "Sure enough, it was quite easy for Lord John to tame them . Well everyone would be surprised by his monstrous reactions or counter-attacking ability . Lord really underestimates his magic . I don’t think anyone is as proficient as lord John when it comes to magic . Why is that Boss?"

Arlen nodded and spoke with a smile, "True, even I who is very confident about his reaction speeds is truly a nobody in front of those monstrous eyes which keeps track of every movement in a battle . Most of the guys here won’t even understand why they lost . Hmm . . . it seems this kid surely realized it . Anyway, this battle has finished . As for the other matter relating to magic, I think this is because of Lord’s Beginner level magic and that is the reason he feels that he hasn’t reached the full potential of his magic . "

John only attacked him once and his sword broke Amber’s sword into pieces without even giving a chance to defy as he pointed his sword at Amber’s neck which signaled his defeat . Amber didn’t even get to use his Fire magic to defend himself and try once more . However Amber understood that he only himself to blame as he didn’t use it earlier and in a battle, you can’t regret later when you lose your life .

He raised his hand which signaled his defeat .

John smiled and spoke, "You have good eyes, you can still improve . I guess everyone here is satisfied now? Start making preparations, we will leave to west in an hour meanwhile my men scout ahead and report me . Is everyone clear?"

Amber was still sweating as for the first time he felt that he was under someone else’s string when he fought Anak . He clearly remembered Anak watching his attacks carefully until the end and dodging it at the correct moment .

Amber thought after looking back at the combat, ’This guy is certainly a monster when it comes to reactions, who waits till the end moment to dodge the attacks of his enemy . Most of the guys won’t even understand it’s significance unless they experience it themselves . This guy is certainly invincible in melee combat, maybe at par with Master Vlad . No wonder Lord John let him become the general of our army . I guess we will certainly benefit fighting under him . ’

Amber was still sweating as Marsh came to Amber,

Marsh sighed and consoled Amber, "It’s okay Amber . You did a good job . The very fact that he didn’t even move a single step in front of such a charge is tantamount on his prowess and skills . He certainly didn’t let you use your magic . Well, he is someone who uses his advantages to the best . Come lets go and prepare for our raids . Finally, we will get a chance to exact our revenge . You can maybe release your stress on Goldrush mercenaries . "

Amber nodded and headed to make preparations, "Yes, Boss . "

Jay sighed, only as the battle finished, He thought, ’It seems John has surely improved leaps and bounds after the last incident . His aura certainly has changed since the last time I saw him in a battle . I guess I need to work as well . ’


Meanwhile, at the same time, Luke was alerted of the heavy movements of Count John’s army,

He was reported by his subordinate, "Lord, there was a big meeting that took place in the administrative headquarters in the morning . All the important military officials were present there except some who are currently at the borders . It seems there is a big movement of armies taking place at the borders . A lot of the reserves from their Rose Military academy are being deployed at the borders . Do we announce the news from capital early so that we can restrain Lord John?"

Luke sighed and shook his head as he heard about the army movements, "Do you really think it would work? I think he would be more pissed if he hears about that decision and may take radical actions . I am thinking they are most likely mobilizing to take care of the mercenaries . However, King Lionheart and courtiers won’t be too happy if they hear about it . The guess the dragon knights would want to take part as well however, for now, Royal units will be ones taking part . "

The subordinate spoke with a sigh, "I think, it is very likely that the king has already announced his previous decision today in front of the whole kingdom . "

Luke asked with furrowed brows are hearing about the announcement, "Which commander is being sent this time around by King Lionheart and the ministers?"

The subordinate checked a communication and reported, "It is commander Irwin, the desert fox of the western front . He was previously one of the three commanders at the western front against the Beast barbarians . He usually dueled against the Half tiger tribes . That’s his profile . "

Luke slapped his forehead as he heard that it’s him, "God, why is it him? He will only further ruin the situation . You know how his men act if not given proper respect, right?"

The subordinate nodded in agreement and spoke, "I guess King deliberately sent him there to further worsen the situation . I am sure everyone in the court certainly knows about his personality including the king . "

Luke murmured and thought of the scenarios, "I guess they don’t intend to negotiate with count John on equal terms and want to escalate things . This time the blockade at the port will be used in full force against the count . This would effectively make Count John’s alliance with Elves useless unless the Elves send their Nature magicians . "

The subordinate Elison spoke, "I heard that this boldness is coming because of the invention of Magic Ballistas made from Magic metals by the Lorr Family . "

Luke remembered as his subordinate reminded, "Hmm . . . yes . I forgot about them . So it seems that during this power struggle . The royal family would likely come out victorious unless there is some big change . No wonder, all the ministers and the Royal family are taking the battle in their hands . Ok, you can go back, Elison . Report to me of future important developments immediately and keep a keen watch on Count John’s armies . "


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