World Development System

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Francis was currently with top heads of 3 Mercenary guilds .

Francis asked the Heads, "So you guys know what to do from now on, right?"

One of the heads nonchalantly spoke, "Yeah, infiltration, robbery and invasion at last, right? I am more interested in the compensation of you guys, what will be our share?"

Francis spoke, "You will get the Ballistas . You guys can share it among yourselves and also free rights for slave trade except for important people . "

The other guys said, "I am more interested in the soap and paper factories . You see these things will be more beneficial to us rather than the slave trade . "

Francis thought a bit and spoke, "Okay, but you guys will only get 40 percent of the shares of both the factories as Pope himself wishes to get his hands on it . Remember don’t try to bite more than what you can chew just like that Count or you too will get burned . You will only get those things if the operation is successful . This is the initial advance of 200,000 gold coins so you can start the operations . "

The Third leader spoke in a cheerful tone after he saw the terms, "Okay, that’s a good deal . However, invading those castles will be a very tough job . I heard the fate of Fjord’s in seas was quite dreadful . "

Francis understood their worries and reassured them, "Well, ships are mobile, castles aren’t so it would be easier to invade these castles . Our templars to would be taking part in this operation . For now, you guys will start the bandit raids so that the traders are discouraged to trade with this town . "

He thought a bit and agreed, "Okay, I will send my men to Infiltrate and for collecting information against that Count . We will be making small teams of 20 people to raid the trade caravans . However, we would need shelter and protection for the neighboring lords if you want a successful operation . "

Francis nodded as he was already prepared, "You don’t need to worry, we already have a deal with prince Hector for such an arrangement so you guys will get shelter in nearby villages . "


One of the ministers reported to the king, "Milord, there is an emergency, see the report and papers given by Lord Luke, It seems that count is agitating his populace against the royal family . It seems as if that count has started moving against our interests . "

King laughed as he read the reports from one of his ministers, "Hmph, what would he expect after being so naive politically . All that matters is the rule of the Aelius family in this kingdom . If I support him then that shorty would immediately create a civil war by aligning himself totally with those other shorties(dwarves) in the east . I guess he was quite unlucky this time around . Maybe he shouldn’t have pursued Evan’s matter and simply handed over that slave to Fjords . However, him getting the wind of our meeting with the Demon prince is really stressing . I hoped to continue that farce until the end of this war . Is there anything else?"

The minister continued, "Yes, Sir . Now they have released those alcohols in bulk and this has started affecting the sales of your brother in law . He just recently came in and reported about this issue while the Demon Vlad has decided not to return after the summons from the ministers so this time it may be a little tricky . "

Lionheart asked, "What about Hector?"

The minister gave the report, "He has decided to buy those Ballistas with upfront payment . It looks like he intends to use it . And there is a thing about pirates sinking 2 of our ships in the seas 2 days ago . How do we proceed?"

Lionheart furrowed his brows as heard about the sinking of his ships, "It looks like that Upstart needs to be taught a lesson . That paper also is influencing quite a big number of people in our city . Okay, Deliver the first ballistas to Hector since he is ready to pay first . However, this crazy count needs to be taught a lesson . As Luke said, he certainly is crazier than Lukavv . "

Eanred was quite flustered as he heard about the reports of the meeting from his subordinates . He shivered as he remembered about the hordes of bodies that piled at the north-frontier border when he saw the future .

Eanred called his subordinate and gravely gave orders, "Prepare a meeting with Minister Plato immediately . I need to talk to him immediately . "

Eanred muttered as he made a hypothesis, "I need to stop this immediately . This is definitely a bait by the upstart . I was only able to understand the meaning of those visions right now . I am sure he is hiding something . This battle will be a festival for necromancers if my visions were correct . "

Eanred called his disciple and ordered, "From now on we will focus on that town and predict about the upcoming war . Don’t focus on that Count as he is an anomaly and we can’t predict anything about him . "

The Disciple asked, "Yes, Master . Looking at your face it seems you are worried about something, is there something wrong, Master?"

Eanred irritatingly roared looking at his carefree mood, "Do your work . Time is precious right now . Inform all of them . "

The disciple nodded and left the room .

He muttered, ’It seems something serious might be going on . ’


Henry was in Laguna city with a disguise as he read about the latest developments in the Fjord Kingdom .

"It looks like Erin was able to capture 2 of Rose’s ships when he was out . If Fjord is able to make those weapons in bulk then there would be a riot for sure as he will be able to fully control the seas . Hmm . . . Oo it seems Fjord’s have lost quite an amount of ships while patrolling the eastern seas to Count John . I guess I need to start my work and track Sebastian . Maybe I can use Shannon and get my hands on Darius . I first need to meet Shannon . "


Prince Lukav was stunned as he smiled after reading the report from Georgio, "Ohh, I never thought that Count John would take such steps against the royal family . It looks like he is finally ready to show his fangs . "

Duncan asked Lukavv as he served him the wine, "You seem quite happy, Milord . "

Lukavv threw the report to Duncan as he took the wine, "Read it, you will understand"

Duncan was surprised after reading the report and the actions John took after the last verdict from Royal Family .

Duncan summarised as he spoke, "It looks like we officially can attack Prince Felix now that the Royal family and Count John are at odds with each other . I think this would be our best chance . "

Lukavv nodded as he spoke, "Yes, I never thought that Count John would be so decisive however he will be vulnerable from all the sides after the next salvo of big attacks starts . I guess he has some sort of plan to retaliate against them . "

Duncan, "I don’t think he needs to worry, Georgio reported that they have already built 4 castles on the borders with 20,000 men at the borders . Recently Bandit raids had started so they were busy cleaning up those bandits . The Mini-ballistas are quite useful in killing those men . Maybe we should order some as well . "

Lukavv slowly sipped his wine as he concluded, "I wonder what motivates him to be so crazy or what is it that makes him so confident . I don’t think he is crazy . I guess he is hiding something as he still hasn’t given up other technologies . "

Duncan focused on one of the points in the report and asked, "Georgio has reported that a lot of people in the North-frontier domain have started hating the royal family . He thinks that it is because of the Influence of the newspapers . Lord, Why don’t we . . . ?"

Lukavv signaled him and spoke immediately, "Nope, I don’t want to offend him unnecessarily right now . We will continue with our current plan and attack Felix when the other guys start their attacks . Yeah, meanwhile order some of those mini-ballistas as well . Maybe instead of the printing press . you can ask him to print some of our books . "

Duncan smiled and spoke, "Yes, Milord, I guess this would be better . "


In the minister’s palace in Fjord’s Domain,

Duke was getting quite restless these days after losing a number of his ships,

Duke roared hoarsely to one of his ministers, "How long would it take for you guys to make those Ballistas? Haven’t we lost enough ships already? I am already at my wit’s end . "

One of the ministers spoke hesitantly, "We have made the prototypes but they aren’t fully ready of war Milord . They have a lot of inaccuracies and their range isn’t even half of what was shown by that count . It would be risky to deploy them in the fleet . "


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