Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 199 - The Fox Is An Opportunist

Chapter 199 – The Fox Is An Opportunist

Chu Yun's laughter made Xiao Zai relax like few other things did. They had been so busy the last few days, getting everything ready to welcome the Xiongnu, and worrying about what their arrival might meant, that he felt like they'd barely had a moment for themselves.

It was a relief to know that Lieba Chun's intentions were benevolent, and a part of Xiao Zai was even excited for these games and what they might entail. On the other hand, that meant more planning, which would surely take up all of Chu Yun's free time while Xiao Zai spent his days in court hearing out ministers who wanted nothing else but the assurance that tomorrow would be exactly the same as today, and the day before that. 

"What are you thinking about?" Chu Yun asked him, after he'd been silent for some time.

"Just on how I miss how much time we had for each other before," he said, sliding his hands up from Chu Yun's thighs and up the swell of his abdomen.

Chu Yun batted them away, like Xiao Zai knew he would. He was needlessly self-conscious. He looked arresting pregnant. The dignified way he carried himself with, and his exact movements, made it seem as if the pregnancy barely cost him. As if it came as naturally to him as everything else he did.

The truth was that he had been feeling pains, and started having trouble keeping food down again. The physicians recommended he start taking the medicine three times a day instead of two and that seemed to be helping — even though Chu Yun never stopped complaining about how foul it tasted, even all these months later.

Xiao Zai worried, especially because the physicians warned him that things were about to become more delicate for Chu Yun. This was usually the time when a pregnancy was the most 'safe' for everyone else, in terms of losing the child, but the physicians warned him that for Chu Yun it would be the opposite because his body would have to find a way to make room for a child.

The medicine seemed to be helping but who knew how long that would last as his pregnancy progressed. 

He didn't want to worry Chu Yun with his maudlin concerns, so he kept brushing his fingers over Chu Yun's thighs.

Chu Yun relaxed against him looping his arms loosely around his neck with a contented sigh. "I miss it too," Chu Yun said, after a sustained silence. "It doesn't feel like it's just the two of us anymore." He slid his hand down his own abdomen, his elegant eyebrows pinching in concentration. "I guess, it never will again."

Xiao Zai laced their fingers together, and kissed Chu Yun's lips softly. "You don't need to be afraid, I'll always find time for you."

Chu Yun scoffed but Xiao Zai noticed the pleased curl of his lips. "Nevermind the child, you have a country to rule."

"Do you want me to say you come first there too?" Xiao Zai grinned as Chu Yun ducked his head, oddly bashful, although he tried to hide it with a derisive chuckle.

"Don't let your minister hear you, they already fear you keep my counsel too closely."

Xiao Zai slid his hands from Chu Yun's abdomen and pulled him into his lap, making him yelp.

"They have no idea how close I want you," he said, his voice low.

Chu Yun smirked. "Why don't you show me?"

Xiao Zai endeavoured to do just that.

Chu Yun woke up feeling rested and well-fucked, so much so that he wasn't even annoyed that Xiao Zai was long gone by the time he got up from bed. Not too long ago it would be him leaving the bed first, and leaving a sleeping Xiao Zai behind.

No matter, he would punish him for that later. He still hadn't gotten Xiao Zai to beg for Chu Yun to let him mark him, but that was only because he kept being distracted. Next time for sure!

For now, he had games to prepare, although obviously he would need Lieba Chun's guidance, considering he had no idea what exactly they entailed. 

Hopefully the main courtyard would be large enough, and if not that, then the spectator grounds where the hunt was held.

But before handling any logistics, Chu Yun found Hua Nanyi. 

"I was hoping I could have a few quiet days," she groaned, bumping her head against the bedframe. "I've just returned from two round trips into the fucking Zui border."

She had her own private quarters not too far away from the King's bedroom. Although she complained incessantly and often asked Chu Yun to put her in with the other servants so she'd be harder to get ahold of.

"Come on it won't be that bad, it's just fun stuff…logistics."

She gave him a deadpan look. "You hate logistics."

Chu Yun waved her complaints away as she groaned and got out of bed anyway.

The first order of business was actually unrelated to the competition itself, but Chu Yun didn't want to go on his own, for fear of coming on too strong.

The truth was that he had been trying to get Min Sezhui to leave her quarters unsuccessfully since Xiao An's death.

She opened the door only a sliver and talked with him through the gap. Her voice sounded almost hoarse from disuse, despite still lovely and soft, and her face was sickly pale. Through the gap in the door Chu Yun only ever saw darkness. He doubted she was opening the windows.

He didn't know why she had become so withdrawn, and was beginning to despair that nothing seemed to improve her condition.

Chu Yun was ready to try a new strategy, and he was hoping that Hua Nanyi's presence would convince Min Sezhui of the fake urgencey

He knocked on her door and called, "Concubine Min?" 

A few moments later he heard shuffling from inside, and then the familiar sliver of doorway opened showing a slice of Min Sezhui's pale face.

"I'm sorry to disturb Concubine Min so early, but I'm afraid I need her help."


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