Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 191 - The Fox Gets Unexpected News

Chapter 191 – The Fox Gets Unexpected News

A-Xiang was predictably excited about the news she was going to be an aunt, although confused about how it was possible.

Chu Yun smiled kindly at her. "Your brother and I like each other very much, and so the heavens have granted us this blessing." If Xiao Zai noticed how his voice wavered when he said 'liked' he didn't let it show.

The truth was that Xiao Zai was still reeling from their conversation. Xiao Zai's declaration kept rattling around in his mind, wreaking destruction through his scrambled thoughts. 

Sometime along the way, in the short span of time they had been married, Chu Yun became hopelessly enraptured by him. It still seemed hard to believe. He had known it for a while but it made him go warm inside all the same.

The feeling only got worse when he watched the way Xiao Zai was with his sister. He was so attentive and indulgent, encouraging her to speak her mind and share her thoughts, taking her childish conversations with the utmost seriousness, as if she was just a small adult and not at all a child he was humouring. 

It made Chu Yun see the father he was going to be, and it made everything worse for his heart.  Because suddenly he wanted the stomach bug out, and not just because he had to go to the latrine more often now, and had to keep taking foul medicine every day.

He wanted to see their baby, wanted to see if they would resemble him or Xiao Zai more. Probably would barely look like a person for the first month of life or so, if Chu Yun's experience with other people's babies was anything to go by, but after that maybe…

All his thoughts were probably showing right there on his face, so it was a good thing that Xiao Zai had his back turned to him and couldn't see.

Gu Wei could, however, Chu Yun could feel his knowing look on him, but refused to acknowledge it. Gu Wei didn't need even more excuses to be a smug bastard. 

They left shortly after that, Xiao Zai looked a lot more happy and settled, no longer anxious about the changes in his family life. 

Chu Yun could imagine that Jin Luan's presence was confusing for Xiao Zai, he was used to it just being his dam and him, and A-Xiang tucked away for her own safety. In many ways it wasn't any different than when Chu Yun's father brought his last concubine into their household, when he was about ten. He'd been used to the way their home worked, and the new addition seemed at first to change everything.

But that was only at first, in the end, they all settled back into their usual roles and the new concubine found her own place — life went on, mostly unchanged.

Xiao Zai would grow used to Jin Luan's presence at his dam's side, very soon he and Chu Yun would have to get used to their own change.

Back in the carriage Chu Yun noticed how bored Hua Nanyi looked. She'd stayed a few paces away during their little family time, Chu Yun thought she had done it out of politeness even though it wasn't necessary, but now he could see the restlessness written all over her face.

"What's gotten into you?" he asked, as soon as the carriage started moving.

She sighed deeply. "I have nothing to do all day, besides looking out for you, and standing quiet in the corner of rooms for hours," she rolled her eyes. "There are guards for that, I feel like it's a waste of my talents."

Chu Yun snorted. He supposed she was right. "Well, yes, there are a lot of guards around to keep an eye on us."

Xiao Zai nodded thoughtfully, thinking of something. "Maybe you could see what Xiao Ziyi is up to? We haven't heard from her in some time…"

Hua Nanyi perked up immediately. Xiao Zai exchanged a knowing look with Chu Yun who tried to smother his snicker into his sleeve by disguising it as a cough.

Unfortunately for Hua Nanyi, Chu Yun felt like being a little bit of an asshole. He had been far too calm and understanding the past few days, it was about time he changed it up.

"How about you try to see if there's any word about Chu Hean and Ru Long instead?" He suggested, making Hua Nanyi glare at him right away. "They have been laying low, which is never a good sign."

"The most dangerous enemy is the quiet enemy, right next to the cornered enemy, the enemy that doesn't know he's an enemy yet," she shot him an aggravated look. "I've heard all about your enemies."

Chu Yun couldn't help chuckling in the face of her annoyance. "So you agree, that we should know what the two of them are up to?"

She let out a frustrated groan and hung her head in defeat. "I'll see what I can find."

Taking pity on her, Chu Yun added. "After that you should go see if Xiao Ziyi knows anything, maybe there's some useful information she'd like to share."

She perked up at that, obviously relieved, but didn't let her enthusiasm show. She didn't want to give Chu Yun the satisfaction.

"We haven't heard from your uncle yet," Xiao Zai said all of a sudden, "I've congratulatory notes from all the lords in Zui, and even from the King of Su, but nothing from your uncle yet, which is odd because I'm sure he got the news firsthand from your cousin."

In truth Chu Yun wasn't surprised. They had frustrated his uncle's plan. He was probably still seething about that. While Xin hadn't lost anything with Xiao Zai becoming King, his uncle's lofty aspirations hadn't been met either. And of course, who could forget the unpleasant confirmation that his oldest alpha son was as big an idiot as he'd always feared.

"I'll write to him," Chu Yun said, "to smooth out any ruffled feathers, but you can count on hearing from him sooner or later. He's probably just regrouping after the humiliation we put Chu Ming through."

They had the rest of the day free after that. Hua Nanyi was gone, doing what Chu Yun asked her to, and Chu Yun and Xiao Zai went back to their quarters. The King's bedroom was large and lavish, decorated sumptuously as benefiting his station, and with furniture that must have been procured from outside of Zui because it wasn't in its usual style.

Chu Yun felt adrift in the huge quarters, comprised of the bedroom, a series of sitting rooms, drawing rooms, offices and viewing rooms overlooking the King's private courtyard.

Of everything he like the pond with its brocade carps more than anything else. And he went outside to sit on the wooden deck above it, dipping his bare feet into the cool waters. Even though the chill of winter still persisted, Chu Yun longed for the spring.

Xiao Zai sat down next to him, hooking one arm around his shoulders, and pulling his head towards his neck. "What has gotten you so morose?"

Chu Yun wasn't, not really, but he guessed it was downing on him that this was the rest of their lives.

It still felt unbelievable, that they had gotten here. At the same time, Chu Yun couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something in the horizon he wasn't able to see. Some hidden danger approaching them silently. It wasn't just a desire to annoy her that had made him send Hua Nanyi look into what Chu Hean and Ru Long were planning.

"Nothing in particular," he answered at last, with shrug. "It's just a lot to take in."

Xiao Zai's hand drifted to the back of his neck and rubbed softly, massaging softly. Chu Yun melted into the gentle touch with a contented sigh. With Xiao Zai's warm hands on him all his worries felt very distant.

It didn't take long for Xiao Zai's touch to stop being comforting, and turn into something else, more heated and leading.

Chu Yun had fond memories of the King's private baths. He pulled Xiao Zai's hand from around his neck and brought it towards his lips, sucking one of the fingers past his lips.

It didn't take much for Xiao Zai to follow his lead.

They didn't hear from Hua Nanyi for over two weeks. 

The first week she was away Chu Yun wasn't worried. He expected this assignment to take longer than others, but as the days went on he started to fret.

He was going over some documents in his private office when Hua Nanyi burst in, looking travel-worn and very pale.

Chu Yun shot up from his seat and went to her, steadying her with an arm around her shoulder. "What happened? Where have you been?"

She held onto Chu Yun's shoulder and looked into his eyes. "I followed Chu Hean's and Ru Long's trail…they haven't returned to Su, or stayed in Xin.. They're just outside Zui borders, with a contingent of Xiongnu riders."


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