Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 94: Volume 2, Chapter 38: "The Abyss Beckons"

Chapter 94: Volume 2, Chapter 38: "The Abyss Beckons"

Cole's breath came in ragged gasps as the Knot solidified, its frayed threads weaving into a stronger, more resilient barrier against the void. The relief he felt was fleeting. The new presence, dark and suffocating, pressed against his mind, and it was far stronger than any Severed he had encountered before.

"Something's wrong," Elara said, her voice sharp, eyes scanning the battlefield. "This isn't just the Severed anymore."

The Severed themselves were retreating, their dark energy flickering as they faded into the shadows, their movements more deliberate than before. It was as if they had been waiting for something—someone—to arrive. Marcus and Selene stood ready, their weapons gleaming in the dim light, but even they hesitated as the oppressive presence thickened the air.

The ground beneath them trembled, and from the shadows, a figure emerged.

It wasn't like the other Severed. This one stood taller, its form cloaked in swirling darkness that shifted and undulated, like a storm waiting to break. Its face was hidden beneath a hood, but two glowing eyes pierced through the shadows, burning with an unnatural light.

Cole's heart pounded in his chest, his body frozen in place as the figure approached. The pressure of the void was overwhelming, as though the air itself was being sucked into an abyss.

"You've bound the Knot," the figure said, its voice low and resonant, reverberating through the ground. "But it will not hold. The Veil is weakening. And soon, the void will consume everything."

Cole's stomach twisted in fear. The figure wasn't just speaking—it was a part of the void itself, a living manifestation of the dark force they had been fighting against.

Marcus stepped forward, his sword raised. "Who are you?"

The figure's glowing eyes locked onto Marcus. "I am the Abyss. The voice of the void. And I have come to reclaim what belongs to me."

Elara's face paled as the figure's words echoed through the clearing. "The Abyss... It's more than just a servant of the void. It's one of the void's highest avatars—a force that can tear through the Veil itself."

Cole's heart raced, his mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of what stood before them. The Severed had been dangerous enough, but the Abyss was something far worse—a direct link to the void, a force capable of unraveling everything they had fought to protect.

"We won't let you take the Knot," Selene said, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. She stepped forward, her blade gleaming in the faint light. "We'll fight you, just like we've fought every other threat."

The Abyss chuckled, a sound that sent a chill down Cole's spine. "You fight the inevitable. The void is patient. It will wait, it will watch, and it will consume."

Before anyone could react, the Abyss raised its hand, and tendrils of dark energy shot toward them. Marcus moved quickly, blocking the attack with his sword, but the force of the blow sent him staggering backward. Selene leaped forward, her blade flashing as she struck at the tendrils, but they passed through the shadows as if cutting through air.

Cole's mind raced. The Abyss wasn't like the Severed—it was something far more powerful, far more dangerous. They couldn't fight it the way they had fought the others.

"Stay focused!" Marcus shouted, regaining his footing. "We need to figure out what it wants."

"What it wants," Elara said, her voice filled with urgency, "is to tear the Knot apart and weaken the Veil enough for the void to break through."

The Abyss moved closer, its form shifting and warping as it approached the Knot. Cole could feel the threads of the Veil trembling under its presence, the delicate balance he had worked so hard to stabilize already beginning to unravel.

"You can't win," the Abyss said, its voice a dark whisper that echoed through the clearing. "The void will always find a way."

Cole's heart raced as the threads of the Knot trembled. He could feel the void pushing against them, pulling at their edges, trying to tear them apart. The pressure in his mind was overwhelming, and for a moment, he thought he might lose his connection to the Veil altogether.

But he couldn't let that happen. Not now.

"I won't let you take this Knot," Cole said, his voice trembling with determination. He stepped forward, reaching out with his mind, trying to pull the threads tighter, to hold the Knot together.

The Abyss turned its gaze toward him, its glowing eyes narrowing. "You are strong, Weaver," it said, its voice filled with dark amusement. "But strength alone will not save you."

The Abyss raised its hand again, and this time, the dark tendrils shot directly toward Cole. He barely had time to react, throwing up a barrier of energy as the tendrils slammed into him with the force of a tidal wave. Pain shot through his body, his mind screaming with the effort of holding the barrier in place.

But the tendrils didn't stop. They coiled around him, tightening their grip, pulling him closer to the Abyss.

"Cole!" Elara shouted, her voice filled with panic.

"I'm... fine," Cole gasped, though the pain was almost unbearable. He could feel the void's cold energy pressing against him, trying to worm its way into his mind, to tear him apart from the inside.

"Let go," the Abyss whispered, its voice a dark caress. "You cannot resist the void. It will take you, just as it has taken so many before you."

Cole gritted his teeth, his mind reeling from the pressure. The threads of the Veil were still trembling, the Knot barely holding together. But he wouldn't let it unravel. He couldn't.

With a surge of willpower, Cole pushed back against the tendrils, forcing them away with a wave of energy. The Abyss staggered slightly, its form flickering for a brief moment.

"You're wrong," Cole said, his voice steady despite the pain. "The Veil won't break. Not while we're here to defend it."

The Abyss's eyes flared with anger, and the dark tendrils shot toward him again, faster and more vicious this time. But Cole was ready. He reached out with his mind, grabbing hold of the threads of the Knot, pulling them tight, using the Veil itself to shield him from the void's attack.

The tendrils slammed into the barrier, but this time, they didn't break through.

Marcus and Selene moved in tandem, their swords flashing as they attacked the Abyss from both sides. Their blades struck at the shadows, but the Abyss shifted and warped, avoiding their strikes with ease.

"You cannot fight the void," the Abyss hissed, its form swirling with dark energy. "It is everywhere. It is everything."

"Then we'll just have to cut through everything," Marcus growled, his sword gleaming with energy as he struck again.

Selene moved with precision, her blade slicing through the tendrils that lashed out at them. But for every tendril they cut down, more seemed to take its place.

Elara was at Cole's side, her hands glowing with light as she channeled energy into the Knot. "We need to hold it together, Cole. The Knot is the only thing keeping the void from breaking through."

Cole nodded, his focus unwavering as he pulled the threads tighter. The Knot was stabilizing, but the Abyss was relentless, its presence pressing against the Veil, trying to tear it apart.

"We need to weaken it," Selene called out, her voice strained as she dodged another tendril. "It's too strong—there has to be a way to sever its connection to the void!"

Elara's eyes narrowed, her mind racing. "The Abyss is a manifestation of the void. It's feeding off the Knot's instability. If we can strengthen the Knot enough, it might weaken its hold."

Cole's heart raced. They had already stabilized the Knot once, but the Abyss was pushing it to its limit. Could they reinforce it again, even with the void pressing so hard against them?

"We have to try," Cole said, his voice filled with determination. "We don't have a choice."

Elara nodded, her hands moving swiftly as she reached out with her mind, guiding Cole through the intricate weave of the Knot. The threads were frayed, but they weren't broken yet. Together, they could pull them tight, reinforce the barrier against the void.

The Abyss seemed to sense what they were doing, its form shifting as it lashed out with renewed fury. But Marcus and Selene were there, their blades flashing as they fought back the tendrils, buying Cole and Elara the time they needed.

With every ounce of strength he had left, Cole pulled the threads together, weaving them into a tight, unbreakable pattern. The Knot pulsed with energy, its light growing brighter, stronger, as the void's influence was pushed back.

And then, with a final surge of power, the Knot solidified once more.

The Abyss let out a furious roar as its form flickered, its connection to the void weakening. The tendrils of dark energy recoiled, fading into the shadows as the Knot's light grew brighter, pushing back the darkness.

"You have delayed the inevitable," the Abyss hissed, its voice filled with rage. "But the void will return. It will consume you all."

With one final flicker, the Abyss vanished, its presence dissolving into the shadows.

Cole collapsed to his knees, gasping for breath as the weight of the void lifted. The Knot was stable, the Severed were gone, and the Abyss had retreated.

But Cole knew the battle was far from over.

The void wasn't done with them yet.


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