Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 158: Volume 2, Chapter 102: "Into the Abyss"

Chapter 158: Volume 2, Chapter 102: "Into the Abyss"

The figure loomed closer, its shadowy form gliding over the fractured ground, the air around it warping with the void's dark energy. Every step it took seemed to make the atmosphere heavier, pressing down on Cole and the others like an invisible weight. His breath came in short, sharp gasps as he tried to focus on the task at hand: protect the Knot, hold the Veil.

But his attention kept drifting back to the figure—the manifestation of the void itself. Its presence was overwhelming, a stark reminder that they were running out of time.

"Elara, we need to finish this—now!" Cole shouted, his voice hoarse from the strain.

"I'm trying!" Elara's hands glowed brighter, her brow slick with sweat as she weaved the threads of the Veil with desperate speed. "But the Knot is fraying faster than I can stabilize it!"

Marcus and Selene moved to stand between Elara and the advancing figure, their weapons drawn, their faces set in grim determination. They knew that this was it—the last stand. If the void broke through here, if it shattered the final Knot, everything they had fought for would be lost.

"We'll hold it off," Marcus growled, his eyes narrowing as he sized up the dark figure. "Whatever it is, we can't let it reach the Knot."

Selene nodded, though her grip on her blade was tense. "It feels different from the others. More powerful. More dangerous."

Cole could feel it too—the raw energy emanating from the figure was unlike anything they had faced before. It was as though the void itself had taken shape, bending reality around it, warping the very fabric of the world. There was no room for error now.

With a deep breath, Cole stepped forward, his sword gleaming in the dull light. "I'll help you hold it off. Elara, you keep working on the Knot. We'll buy you as much time as we can."

Elara didn't look up, her focus entirely on the fragile threads she was weaving together. "Just... don't let it reach me."

The figure came to a halt just beyond the edge of the Knot, its dark, featureless form radiating malice. For a brief moment, everything was still. The wind died, the sounds of the forest fell silent, and the only thing Cole could hear was the pounding of his own heart.

And then, with a sudden burst of speed, the void-touched figure lunged.

Cole barely had time to react, his sword meeting the figure's outstretched hand in a shower of sparks. The impact sent a shockwave through his arms, nearly knocking him off his feet. The figure was strong—stronger than anything he had ever faced. Its movements were fluid, unnatural, like it was gliding through the air rather than walking on solid ground.

Marcus was beside him in an instant, his own sword flashing as he swung at the figure. But the blade passed through its shadowy form as if cutting through smoke. The void-touched twisted, lashing out with a tendril of dark energy that sent Marcus stumbling back.

Selene moved in next, her strikes precise and controlled. But no matter how fast or how hard she struck, the figure evaded her blows with ease, its form shifting and flickering like a mirage. It was toying with them, waiting for an opening.

"We can't touch it!" Selene shouted, frustration lacing her voice. "It's like fighting air!"

Cole gritted his teeth, his mind racing. The figure was made of the void—it wasn't bound by the same rules as the physical world. They couldn't fight it with swords. But maybe there was another way.

"Elara!" Cole shouted over the din of battle. "We need to use the Veil! Can you bind it with the threads?"

Elara's eyes flashed up from the Knot, her face pale with concentration. "I'm already using all my strength to hold the Knot together! If I split my focus—"

"You don't have to do it alone," Cole interrupted, his voice filled with urgency. "I can help! We've done it before!"

Elara hesitated, glancing between the fraying Knot and the advancing figure. The strain was clear on her face, but she knew they didn't have a choice.

"Okay," she said, her voice tight. "I'll guide you. Just... reach out."

Cole closed his eyes, reaching out with his mind to touch the threads of the Veil. He could feel them trembling, vibrating with tension as Elara worked to keep them from unraveling. The Knot was fragile, on the verge of collapse, but the threads were still there, still connected.

"Focus on the figure," Elara instructed, her voice soft but firm. "You need to weave the threads around it, trap it in the Veil. But be careful—the void will resist."

Cole nodded, his mind honing in on the dark figure that continued to press toward them. He could feel its presence in the Veil—a jagged, unnatural force that tore at the threads, trying to break free. It was like wrestling with a storm, but Cole refused to let go.

With Elara's guidance, he began to weave the threads around the figure, pulling them tighter, binding it within the Veil itself. The void-touched thrashed, its form flickering wildly as it sensed the trap closing around it. But Cole held firm, focusing all his energy on holding the threads together.

The figure let out a screech—a high, keening wail that cut through the air like a blade. Cole's vision blurred as the force of the sound hit him, but he didn't let go. He couldn't let go.

"Elara, now!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the din.

Elara's hands moved swiftly, weaving the final threads of the Knot with a precision that came from years of training. The threads tightened, snapping into place with a sharp, finality that echoed through the air.

And then, with a sudden rush of energy, the void-touched figure was pulled into the Knot.

The air around them seemed to warp, the oppressive weight of the void lifting as the figure disappeared into the threads of the Veil. The Knot pulsed once, twice, and then went still, its glow soft but steady.

It was over.

Cole fell to his knees, gasping for breath as the tension drained from his body. His hands trembled, his mind reeling from the strain of holding the threads together. But they had done it. They had stopped the void—for now.

Elara collapsed beside him, her face pale with exhaustion. "We... we did it," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.

Marcus and Selene approached, their expressions a mixture of relief and disbelief. "That was close," Marcus muttered, sheathing his sword. "Too close."

Selene nodded, though her gaze remained fixed on the now-stabilized Knot. "The void won't stop here. It'll keep coming."

Cole knew she was right. This victory, though hard-won, was only temporary. The void was relentless, and as long as the Knots remained vulnerable, it would keep pushing.

But for now, they had bought themselves time. Time to regroup. Time to figure out their next move.

And time to prepare for whatever came next.


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