Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 137: Volume 2, Chapter 81: "Beneath the Mountain’s Shadow"

Chapter 137: Volume 2, Chapter 81: "Beneath the Mountain's Shadow"

The cold mountain wind howled through the cracks in the outpost, its mournful wail echoing against the stone walls as Cole lay awake, staring at the dark ceiling above. His body ached from the climb, and his mind raced with thoughts of the Severed and the weapon hidden within the sanctuary. Sleep felt impossible.

Beside him, the others were equally restless. Marcus sat near the entrance, his sword resting across his knees as he kept watch, his eyes scanning the darkness outside. Selene, wrapped in her cloak, lay with her back against the wall, her hand gripping the hilt of her blade even in sleep. Elara was still by the fire, her fingers tracing patterns in the embers, lost in thought.

The weight of what lay ahead pressed heavily on Cole. The weapon they sought was their only chance to stop the Severed from unleashing the void's full power. But as they grew closer to the sanctuary, he couldn't shake the feeling that something far worse was waiting for them.

Cole shifted, his back sore from the cold stone floor. The fire crackled faintly, casting a soft, flickering light over the room. The silence between them was thick with tension, each of them carrying the same burden of doubt and fear.

As Cole turned over in his thoughts, he heard a soft rustling sound from Elara's direction. She was still awake, her gaze fixed on the fire, but there was something different in her expression—something uneasy.

"Elara," Cole whispered, careful not to wake the others.

She didn't look up, her fingers continuing to trace patterns in the air. "I can feel them, Cole. The Severed... they're close."

Cole sat up, his heart quickening. "How close?"

Elara closed her eyes, her brow furrowing as if she was concentrating on something just beyond her reach. "Not close enough to see us, but... their presence is strong. They're moving toward the sanctuary. I think they know we're heading there."

"Do you think they'll get there before us?" Cole asked, his voice low but urgent.

Elara shook her head. "I don't know. They might be taking a different path, but they're definitely on the same trail. We don't have much time."

Cole cursed under his breath. He had hoped they would have more of a lead, but it seemed the Severed were just as relentless in their pursuit as ever. If they reached the sanctuary before the group, it could mean disaster.

"We'll have to move at first light," Cole said, his voice firm. "We can't let them get ahead of us."

Elara nodded, but her expression remained troubled. "There's something else," she said quietly, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Cole frowned. "What do you mean?"

Elara hesitated, her eyes flicking up to meet his. "I've been feeling... something in the Veil. It's not just the Severed. There's something else. It feels like the void, but... older. Stronger."

A chill ran down Cole's spine. The void was already dangerous enough, but the idea that there was something older and more powerful lurking within it sent a wave of fear through him. He thought back to the ancient being mentioned in the Guardian runes—the force that the Severed sought to summon.

"Do you think it's connected to the ancient being we read about?" Cole asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Elara's expression darkened. "It could be. The closer we get to the sanctuary, the stronger the presence feels. It's like the threads of the Veil are vibrating with its energy."

Cole felt a knot tighten in his chest. The Severed weren't just after the void—they were trying to unleash something far more dangerous, something that had the power to consume everything. And time was running out.

"We need to be prepared," Cole said, his voice firm. "Whatever this thing is, we can't let the Severed summon it. We stop them, no matter what."

Elara nodded, though there was a flicker of doubt in her eyes. "But what if we're too late, Cole? What if they've already started the summoning?"

Cole clenched his fists, his determination hardening. "Then we'll find a way to stop it. We've come this far—we can't turn back now."

The fire crackled softly in the silence that followed, and Cole leaned back against the wall, his thoughts racing. The Severed were close, the weapon was within reach, and now this mysterious force was looming over them, threatening everything they had fought for. It felt like they were walking on a knife's edge, with the fate of their world hanging in the balance.

"We should try to rest," Elara said quietly, though Cole could hear the tension in her voice. "We'll need all our strength for tomorrow."

Cole nodded, though he knew sleep would be elusive. As he lay back down, his mind continued to spin with thoughts of the Severed and the growing presence within the Veil. The wind howled outside, carrying with it the faint echoes of something dark and ancient.

Hours passed, and just before dawn, Marcus stirred from his position by the entrance, rousing the rest of the group. "It's time," he said, his voice low and steady. "We need to move."

They gathered their things quickly, extinguishing the last of the fire and preparing for the final stretch of their journey. The air outside was bitterly cold, the wind whipping through the narrow pass as they set out, their pace quick and deliberate.

The path ahead grew steeper, the mountains rising like jagged teeth against the gray sky. Snow began to fall, light at first, but quickly growing heavier as they climbed higher. The world around them felt desolate, the only sound the crunch of their boots in the snow and the howling wind.

As they ascended, the presence Elara had spoken of grew more tangible. Cole could feel it now too—a heavy, oppressive weight pressing against the edges of his awareness, as if something dark was watching them from just beyond the veil of reality. The threads of the Veil itself felt strained, vibrating with tension.

"The sanctuary is just beyond that ridge," Elara said, her voice tight as she pointed to the jagged peak ahead. "We're close."

But as they neared the ridge, Cole felt a sudden, sharp spike of energy in the air—a cold, suffocating presence that sent a shiver down his spine. Elara froze, her eyes wide with fear. "They're here."

A shadow moved in the distance, just beyond the ridge, and Cole's heart raced as he recognized the dark, twisted forms of the Severed. They had arrived at the sanctuary.

"We need to stop them!" Cole shouted, drawing his sword as the others readied their weapons. "Before they can finish what they've started!"

Without hesitation, they charged up the final slope, the wind howling around them as they raced toward the Severed. The air crackled with energy, the threads of the Veil vibrating violently as the Severed worked to tear them apart.

At the top of the ridge, the full extent of the Severed's plan came into view. The sanctuary was massive, its stone walls etched with ancient runes, but it was surrounded by a swirling vortex of dark energy. The Severed were gathered around the center of the structure, their hands raised toward the sky as they chanted in an ancient language.

At the heart of the vortex, a dark shape began to form—something massive, something ancient.

"Stop them!" Marcus roared, charging toward the Severed with his sword raised.

Selene was right behind him, her blade flashing as she cut through the nearest enemy, but more Severed appeared from the shadows, their forms twisted and dark as they surged toward the group.

Cole's heart pounded as he fought his way through the chaos, his sword clashing with the dark energy of the Severed. Elara stood at the edge of the battlefield, her hands glowing as she fought to stabilize the threads of the Veil, but the dark energy of the vortex was overwhelming.

The ancient being was almost fully formed, its shadow stretching across the sanctuary, its presence suffocating.

"We have to stop the summoning!" Elara shouted, her voice barely audible over the howling wind.

Cole's eyes locked onto the center of the vortex, where the Severed leader stood, their hands raised in triumph as the ancient being continued to take shape.

This was it. The final battle had begun.


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