Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 117: Volume 2, Chapter 61: “Through the Cracks”

Chapter 117: Volume 2, Chapter 61: “Through the Cracks”

The wind howled as they pressed on, the air colder with each passing hour as the landscape grew more hostile. The rocky terrain beneath their feet was uneven, the jagged cliffs looming over them like ancient sentinels guarding a path that had long been abandoned. The distant mountains they had been traveling toward were now in full view, their snow-capped peaks gleaming in the faint light of the setting sun.

Cole felt the weight of exhaustion settle over him, his body aching from the battle with the void-touched. Each step felt heavier, and the pull of the void seemed to grow stronger the further they went. It was as if the land itself was being twisted by the void's influence, warping reality in subtle, unnerving ways. The air smelled different here, colder, almost metallic, as if the very atmosphere had been tainted by the creeping darkness.

"Any signs of the sanctuary?" Marcus asked, his voice rough as he scanned the horizon.

Elara walked beside him, her gaze distant as she reached out with her senses, feeling for the threads of the Veil. Her brow furrowed in concentration. "It's close, but the void's influence is stronger here than I expected. The sanctuary's wards are frayed—barely holding. We'll need to be ready for anything."

Selene moved ahead of the group, her posture tense, her hand resting on the hilt of her blade. "The void knows we're coming. It's pressing harder with each step we take."

Cole couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching them. The land around them felt too still, too quiet. Even the wind seemed to carry a faint whisper, a sound that was almost too soft to notice but just present enough to make the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

"We need to stay sharp," he said, his voice low. "The closer we get, the more dangerous this is going to be."

They continued in silence for what felt like hours, the cold biting at their skin as the path grew steeper. The ground was covered in patches of ice, making their footing treacherous. Marcus led the way, his movements careful but steady, his eyes scanning for any sign of danger. The sky above them was a deep, bruised purple, the last light of the day fading as night began to settle over the land.

As they rounded a bend, the entrance to a narrow canyon came into view, its walls towering high above them, casting long, dark shadows across the path. The canyon was narrow, barely wide enough for two people to walk side by side, and the air inside felt colder, sharper, as if it had been untouched by warmth for centuries.

"This is it," Elara said quietly, her voice barely audible over the wind. "The sanctuary is just beyond this canyon. We're almost there."

Marcus nodded, tightening his grip on his sword. "Let's move quickly. I don't like how quiet it is."

They entered the canyon, the walls pressing in around them, the sky above reduced to a thin strip of twilight. The air was colder here, the shadows deeper, and the sense of being watched grew stronger with each step.

Cole's heart raced as they moved deeper into the canyon, the oppressive silence pressing down on them like a weight. The threads of the Veil were fraying, the void's presence growing stronger with each passing moment. He could feel the tension in the air, a sense of anticipation, as if something was waiting for them just ahead.

"Do you feel that?" Selene asked, her voice tense as she scanned the shadows. "It's like the void is breathing down our necks."

Elara's eyes were focused ahead, her brow furrowed. "The sanctuary's wards are failing. The void's already started to seep through."

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled, a deep, rumbling sound echoing through the canyon. The walls seemed to vibrate with the force of the tremor, and loose stones tumbled down from the cliffs above, crashing onto the path ahead.

"Watch out!" Marcus shouted, grabbing Elara and pulling her out of the way as a large boulder came crashing down where she had just been standing.

Cole's heart pounded as he stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding another falling rock. The tremor grew stronger, the ground shaking beneath their feet as more rocks began to fall, the walls of the canyon threatening to collapse around them.

"We need to get out of here!" Selene shouted, her voice sharp with urgency. "The whole place is coming down!"

They sprinted forward, dodging the falling debris as the canyon walls continued to shake. The path ahead was narrow and treacherous, the ground uneven and slick with ice, but they pushed on, the fear of being buried alive driving them forward.

Just as they reached the end of the canyon, the ground gave one final violent shake, and with a deafening crash, a massive section of the canyon wall collapsed behind them, blocking the path they had just come from.

Panting and covered in dust, they emerged into a wide, open clearing at the foot of the mountains. The air here was cold and biting, but the oppressive sense of being watched had lifted slightly. The sanctuary lay ahead, its crumbling stone walls barely visible in the dim light.

"There it is," Elara said, her voice breathless but steady. "The last sanctuary."

The sanctuary was larger than the others they had encountered, its once majestic stone towers now little more than broken spires, crumbling into ruin. The walls were cracked and weathered, the ancient symbols that had once adorned them faded and worn. The wards that had once protected the place were flickering faintly, barely holding against the void's encroachment.

"We don't have much time," Marcus said, his voice grim. "The void's already inside."

Cole felt the weight of the void pressing against the sanctuary's wards, like a dark wave threatening to break through at any moment. The threads of the Veil here were almost completely frayed, the sanctuary's connection to the central Knot weakening with each passing second.

"We need to get that map piece," Elara said, her eyes fixed on the sanctuary. "It's the last one. Once we have it, we can find the central Knot."

"And stop the Severed before they tear it apart," Marcus added, his expression hard.

Cole took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. The void was pressing harder than ever, but they were close—so close to finding the map and stopping the Severed. They couldn't afford to fail now.

"Let's go," he said, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him.

They moved quickly toward the sanctuary, the air growing colder as they approached the entrance. The ground beneath their feet felt unstable, as if the void's influence had seeped into the very earth itself, warping reality around them.

As they stepped inside the sanctuary, the temperature dropped even further, and the sense of being watched returned, stronger than before. The interior of the sanctuary was dark, the faint glow of the ancient wards casting eerie shadows across the walls.

"We need to find the map piece quickly," Elara said, her voice hushed. "The void is already inside. It won't be long before it starts tearing this place apart."

They moved through the sanctuary's corridors, the air thick with the tension of the void pressing against the fraying threads of the Veil. The walls seemed to pulse with a dark energy, the symbols etched into the stone flickering weakly as the wards struggled to hold.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared at the end of the corridor, its soft glow pulsing in time with the threads of the Veil.

"There," Cole said, his heart racing as he pointed toward the light. "The map piece."

They hurried toward the light, the sense of urgency growing stronger with each step. The void was pressing harder now, the air around them vibrating with its dark energy. As they reached the source of the light, they found themselves in a small chamber, at the center of which hovered the final piece of the map—a glowing orb, similar to the ones they had found before.

"We've got it," Elara whispered, her eyes wide as she reached for the orb.

But just as her fingers brushed against the surface of the orb, the room trembled, and from the shadows, a figure emerged.

"You're too late," a voice hissed, cold and malevolent.

Cole's blood ran cold as he turned to face the figure—a Severed, its eyes glowing with the sickly light of the void.


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