With My Profound Love, I Offer to the Years

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

"Don't worry, aren't I fine?" Shen Nian couldn't help but chuckle.

Seeing her nonchalant appearance, Xiao Mubai was resentfully frustrated by her stubbornness.

"Drinking and contacting coldness on the day of your miscarriage, hemorrhaging severely and being sent to the hospital where you even took sleeping pills, are you not afraid of dying quickly enough?"

Shen Nian smiled at him, "Seeing that I'm still alive, don't be so harsh with me."

Her complexion was rather haggard, and Xiao Mubai could not say any more harsh words.

To take care of Shen Nian, Xiao Mubai could not leave and could only ask the nurse to help buy some food.

Li Dean felt apologetic towards Shen Nian and specifically instructed the nurses to take extra care of her when he left.

The nurse quickly bought food and came back. Shen Nian had just miscarried and her body was very weak, so she couldn't eat greasy food which would be bad for her stomach and intestines. Therefore, the nurse bought her pork and century egg congee.

Placing the lid of the takeout box on the table beside them, Xiao Mubai took out some napkins to pad under the takeout box to insulate the heat. Then, using the disposable spoon provided, he scooped a spoonful of congee, blew on it lightly to make sure it wouldn't burn her mouth before feeding Shen Nian. Shen Nian opened her mouth and ate it.

Thinking of the question he hadn't answered yet, Shen Nian asked again, "How did you get here?"

Xiao Mubai scooped another spoonful of congee to feed her and replied, "Yesterday, after you took the sleeping pills and lost consciousness, thankfully the nurse noticed something was wrong and immediately called for you to be sent to emergency care. Fortunately, you didn't vomit after drinking, otherwise you could have suffocated."

Although he didn't witness the situation himself, just listening he could guess how dangerous it was.

"Among the people who took the ambulance to pick you up yesterday, there was a nurse who saw your phone had fallen to the ground. Since there was only you at the time, the nurse was worried your phone would be needed, so she brought it over."

The old model phone Shen Nian carried with her had a SIM card, but because the phone model was so old it only supported password unlocking, so the doctors and nurses didn't know the password.

Fortunately, the thoughtful nurse brought the phone over.

"The hospital called back the number that had called 120 yesterday, but no one picked up. The nurse used your fingerprint to unlock your contacts on your phone and found my number, so she called me."

After listening, Shen Nian nodded her head. So that was what happened.

Xiao Mubai looked at her with concern filling his gentle eyes, "Nian Nian, knowing that it's impossible with him, why do you still hurt yourself like this?"

Shen Nian was stunned for a moment. "It's what I owe him..."

"You don't owe him Lu Lingchuan anything." Xiao Mubai corrected her. "Even if you did, you've already repaid it over these years. It's been four years since Lu Lingrui passed away. Do you plan to be like this for the rest of your life?"

Xiao Mubai looked at her, "Nian Nian, you should learn to let go."

"How could I let it go..." Shen Nian lowered her eyes, staring at her own hands. A flash of anguish passed over her face, and her lips trembled slightly. "She should have had a wonderful life ahead of her. It's all because of me... Her life ended at eighteen. It's all because of me..."

"Nian Nian..."

"I'm standing at the bottom of an abyss. No one can save me..."

No one...

Thinking of something, Shen Nian asked Xiao Mubai, "What do you think, if I had died yesterday, could I have gone to heaven?"

Not waiting for an answer, Shen Nian shook her head and answered herself, "Probably not. A terribly wicked person like me would probably go to hell."

Thinking of something, her expression became somewhat distracted as she murmured, "If I went to hell, then I wouldn't be able to see her again."

Lifting her head, Shen Nian forced a smile and looked at Xiao Mubai, saying, "Good people die young, while evildoers live for a thousand years. Don't worry, someone like me won't die easily."

If Lu Lingchuan hated her, fine, she would let him get revenge.

If Lu Lingchuan said he didn't want to have any relationship with her anymore, fine, she would resolve something that shouldn't exist.

This was what she owed Lu Lingrui, what she owed Lu Lingchuan, what she owed the Lu family.

Now repaying a bit more could erase more of her sins. Perhaps in the future she might even have the good fortune to ascend to heaven and see Lingrui again.

Then, she could personally say sorry to her.


The hospital arranged comprehensive examination procedures for Shen Nian and even specially gave her VIP access. The entire examination was completed in less than an hour.

In the end, the results showed no major issues. It was just that she had just miscarried and her body was extremely weak.

Miscarriage caused great harm to the body, so she would need to recuperate like after giving birth. During this time, she absolutely could not come into contact with anything cold, nor eat spicy or pungent foods, and she couldn't drink any alcohol.

She had to pay extra attention to getting rest, and should also avoid strenuous exercise.

If she didn't properly recuperate after the miscarriage, all kinds of problems could arise in the future, even lifelong infertility.

But Shen Nian didn't worry at all about whether problems would arise in the future. To her, living or dying were the same.

Xiao Mubai was worried about Shen Nian and wanted her to stay in the hospital for observation for two more days, but Shen Nian insisted on going back.

When it came to Shen Nian, Xiao Mubai would never go against her wishes. The only thing he insisted on was having the doctor prescribe medicine to regulate her body.

At this time, the ice was melting and spring was arriving. The weather had already started warming up, but it wasn't hot yet. There was still a hint of coolness in the blowing wind.

Xiao Mubai personally ran up and down to help Shen Nian get her medication, then handled the discharge procedures.

When the two of them came out of the hospital, a gust of cool wind blew towards them. Shen Nian couldn't help but shiver.

Yesterday when she was sent to the hospital for heavy bleeding, her clothes were stained with blood. The clothes she was wearing now were bought by the nurse.

But the nurse had only bought her one set of clothes, and no outerwear.

Xiao Mubai also felt the chill. Without a second thought, he took off his windbreaker to put on Shen Nian.

She had just miscarried two days ago and was supposed to avoid wind.

Seeing the clothes Xiao Mubai held out to her, Shen Nian was about to refuse, "No need..."

"Put it on." His attitude was unusually firm when he was usually so easygoing.

"Or do I need to help you put it on myself?"

Shen Nian's words were caught in her throat by his sentence.

After a few seconds of silence, she silently reached out to take his windbreaker and put it on.

Warmth enveloped her entire body, and a faint scent belonging to Xiao Mubai lingered around her nose.

Shen Nian gathered the windbreaker around herself and softly said, "Thank you."

Seeing that she had listened, Xiao Mubai's expression finally relaxed. He led her to the hospital parking lot and drove her home.

The two were silent the whole way back. The atmosphere in the car was somewhat heavy until the car stopped at the entrance to the high-end small district where Shen Nian lived.

Shen Nian glanced at the entrance to the small district, then looked back at Xiao Mubai in the driver's seat. Seeing him about to unfasten his seatbelt, she spoke up.

"Dropping me off at the entrance is fine. I'll go in myself."

But Xiao Mubai said, "I'm taking you inside."

Shen Nian knitted her brows, not wanting to trouble him too much, and casually made up an excuse, "They don't allow long-term parking at the entrance to the district. And we're already at the entrance, I can go back myself."


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