With My Profound Love, I Offer to the Years

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

The man above looked very young and naive, very different from his current composed and cold aloofness. He habitually put one hand in his pocket, looking at the camera with no smile, giving a cool feeling.

Below is an introduction of him.

Lu Lingchuan, an outstanding graduate of Class XX, founder of Lingrui Group.

At a young age, Lu Lingchuan already had his own company that developed very well. Although his family background was good, Lingrui Group was built up bit by bit by Lu Lingchuan.

Today is the 100th anniversary of the school. As an outstanding alumnus, he was naturally displayed in the celebrity gallery of the school.

Shen Nian only looked for one second before withdrawing her gaze, closing her eyes.

There were photos of other people behind, outstanding engineers, outstanding investors...

Shen Nian also saw Xiao Mubai among them, also an outstanding graduate that the school was proud of.

She hooked her lips and continued to look down. She was surprised to see herself.

The photo was taken when she first entered the school.

Below were the words -

Shen Nian, outstanding graduate of Class XX.

Teacher Zhou looked at Shen Nian affectionately, recalling Shen Nian's school days, and began to reminisce.

"Teacher has never seen such a smart child. You gave me the biggest surprise among all the students I have taught."

"When you first entered A University, you were the last in the class. Your grades were so bad that I was afraid you couldn't graduate. Who could have thought you worked so hard. Not only did you graduate without issues, you also completed all credits and graduated early."

From being the last in class initially to the perfect reversal of graduating early, the things that happened to her were miracles that the school could boast about, so she was also an outstanding graduate the school was proud of.

"Nian Nian, why did you choose this major? With your ability, choosing any other major would have been better than studying art."

Shen Nian did have some artistic sense, but she didn't have much interest in art.

The one who was truly interested was Lu Lingrui. She came from a good family, and as the only girl in the Lu family, they were willing to spend money to nurture her artistic temperament.

Lu Lingrui's dream was to be able to enter the Art Department of A University. So when filling out her college entrance exam wishlist, she decisively gave up other schools and only put down the Art Department of A University. She also asked Shen Nian to go to A University with her.

Later, the college entrance exam results came out. Lu Lingrui received the admission notice from A University, but...she could no longer come.

So Shen Nian chose the Art Department to fulfill Lu Lingrui's regret.

Hearing Teacher Zhou's words, Shen Nian withdrew her gaze and turned her head to smile slightly: "One shouldn't stay in their comfort zone, one should learn to challenge themselves."

Hearing this, Teacher Zhou gave her an annoyed look.

Normal kids choose majors they are good at or interested in when going to college. This kid deliberately picked something she wasn't good at.

Teacher Zhou wanted to take Shen Nian to see other places, when a student hurried over and said to Teacher Zhou.

"Teacher Zhou, Teacher Wu said there is some problem with the form you gave her and asked you to go back and take a look immediately."

Upon hearing this, Teacher Zhou frowned: "I checked it twice, how could there be a problem?"

The student shook his head: "I'm not sure either. You left your phone on the table and didn't bring it. Teacher Wu could only ask me to come find you."

That form was very important and the problem had to be resolved immediately. But Shen Nian... Teacher Zhou was very conflicted.

Seeing Teacher Zhou's dilemma, Shen Nian hooked her lips and smiled.

"Teacher Zhou go take care of your things. I can wander around myself."

Since Shen Nian said so, Teacher Zhou nodded.

She wanted to continue taking Shen Nian around, but the other side really needed her to go take a look.

"Then take a look around yourself. Oh yes, don't forget to sign in at the signature wall."

Thinking of something, Teacher Zhou reminded her, and then added.

"There is a signature wall in the school plaza."


After Teacher Zhou left, Shen Nian first went to the plaza.

Today was the school's 100th anniversary celebration. Whether they graduated or not, as long as they were free, they all came.

From afar, Shen Nian saw the signature wall with the A University logo. It was already filled with names.

She took a black marker from a table nearby, looked around, and finally found a blank spot.

Just as she lowered her pen to sign her name, Shen Nian suddenly paused.

After thinking for a bit, she didn't write her own name on it, but wrote three words instead.

Lu Lingrui.

After signing, she put the marker back and turned to leave.


After wandering around the campus aimlessly, Shen Nian finally had a destination after receiving Teacher Zhou's text notification and headed to the school auditorium.

When she arrived, there were already many people there. The seats didn't have assigned names, everyone just sat together in groups, apparently sitting casually.

Shen Nian picked a corner seat in the last row and sat down. She then lowered her head to play with her phone.

Before it started, the auditorium was noisy. At the start time, a voice came from the speakers at the front.

"Please quiet down."

The noisy auditorium slowly quieted down.

A University's auditorium was very large, able to hold thousands. Although there were many people attending the 100th anniversary event, the seats weren't completely filled. Some were empty, especially the last row where only Shen Nian was sitting.

On the front stage were long tables with middle-aged men sitting behind them. Each had a name plate in front indicating they were the school leaders.

The host started reading from his script.

"Thank you to A University's outstanding graduates and current students for attending the school's 100th anniversary celebration!"

There was a round of applause from below.

The host continued with an introduction of A University - its founding, achievements over the years...

After going through the procedures, it was time for the leaders to give speeches.

Shen Nian didn't have much interest in these kinds of events. She only came today to wander around and distract herself.

Perhaps the monotonous days recently of working between two points made her feel too depressed, causing her emotions to be somewhat uncontrollable.

Shen Nian closed her eyes, propping her forehead with one hand, and rubbed her temples in pain.

Even she noticed that her mental state had been especially poor recently. When her temper flared up, her mind went blank and she found it hard to control what she said and did.

She didn't want to argue with Lu Lingchuan, but she just couldn't control herself or her emotions.

She felt it was becoming harder for her to restrain herself.

Shen Nian gently shook her head.

After she got through this period, she might need to see a doctor.

"Next, we have outstanding graduate Lu Lingchuan give a speech—"

Just as the host finished speaking, thunderous applause immediately sounded from below.

Immersed in her own world, Shen Nian jerked her head up when she heard the name "Lu Lingchuan". Lu Lingchuan's profile was already projected on the screen on stage.

In the applause, Lu Lingchuan walked on stage.

That tall and slender graceful figure entered Shen Nian's vision. He always commanded the most attention in a crowd.


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