Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 41: Desperate To See Her

Chapter 41: Desperate To See Her

While the central region of the continent was embroiled in the flames of war, inside the Royal Palace of Abetha, there was someone who seemed to have grown white hair overnight. It was King Armen Ilven, who was not only worried for his only son, but also for his youngest daughter too.

Ever since the black smoke incident in her tower, he had been terribly worried for Seren's wellbeing. He had asked his men to check what happened, but due to the magic spell put around the tower by Martha, no one could enter the tower to check what was going on inside. They returned to their king without news about the Third Princess.

To make matters worse, Sir Berolt had to oversee the rescue mission for Cian personally. Without the commander of the royal knights to ensure the safety of his daughter, he had been unable to sleep well. Since she was young, countless attempts were made against the 'witch', both from people within and outside the palace walls. King Armen had only been able to relax because of the double protection offered by Martha and Sir Berolt.

However, both individuals were gone.

The security of the tower only relied on Martha's spell, which, although hindered him from seeing his daughter, also acted as a protective shield for her.

His trusted advisor, Lord Eudes, entered King Armen's study. In the middle of the night, he saw his King sitting on a chair, deep in thought. Several correspondence regarding the war were placed on his desk. The calming tea made earlier remained untouched on the side.

"Your Majesty asked for me?" Lord Eudes bowed.

The King looked at him with weary eyes. "Did you get to know about Martha's whereabouts?"

"No, Your Majesty. Our scouts and spies can't get hold of her, as if she has disappeared in thin air," Lord Eudes informed humbly.


King Armen slammed his hand against the handrest of his chair. "How can she disappear, leaving the Third Princess alone for this long?! She should have returned by now! It's already the second night my daughter is alone, and she must be scared. And I, her father, can't even enter the tower and check on her. Hah! I can't even leave the palace to save my son! Aren't I a useless father?!"

All the frustration King Armen kept inside till now came out like a volcano. His expression turned colder and angrier with each passing second.

Lord Eudes dared not comment about the King. "I have activated the spies outside the capital, and we will hear from them sooner or later." He paused for a bit. "The night is late, and we will only receive their messages tomorrow at the earliest, Your Majesty. Why don't you retire to your room for now and rest?"

The King decisively ignored his concern as he stood up from his chair. "Do whatever you can, but get Martha back immediately, Eudes."

Lord Eudes followed him. After leaving the study, King Armen did not head back to his room; instead, he took the direction heading towards the Third Princess's tower.

"Y-Your Majesty!"

"Now, you dare stop me from visiting my daughter?" came the cold reply from the frowning King. "Can I not visit her because I'm worried?"

"I do not dare stop you, Your Majesty," Lord Eudes sighed as he quietly followed the King.

The royal knights along the way kept bowing to their King, but no one said anything when they realized where he was headed to.

Upon reaching the tower, the two guards under Sir Berolt's personal command bowed to King Armen.

"Open the door," Lord Eudes instructed the soldier.

The knights opened the main gate. Before stepping inside, King Armen had already rung the metal hung outside of the gate to inform his Seren that someone was there and she should come downstairs to meet her guest.

King Armen stepped inside the gate and was welcomed by the sight of a beautiful flower garden that shined under the bright moonlight. But those flowers seem to have their own magical brightness that glittered even in the night. No one would have expected that behind the stone walls, such a magical sight could exist.

Other than the King, no one was allowed to enter inside; even his trusted advisor stayed outside and didn't follow the King.

King Armen stood in front of the entrance of the tower, hoping his daughter would come out. Some time passed by, but there was no movement.

'Could she be asleep?'

"Ring the bell again," King Armen ordered in a loud voice.

Lord Eudes, who was at the gate, heard it and rang the bell as instructed. King Armen continued to wait there for a long time, but not a shadow of Seren could be seen coming out of the tower. Even though he knew it was useless, as a worried father, King Armen stepped towards the tower's entrance, only to get pushed away by an unknown, invisible energy.

King Armen pulled out his sword, thinking he might break that unknown magic by brute force, but again, he was pushed away by that invisible energy. There was no way he could get inside the tower.

Standing by the gate, Lord Eudes could not see the normally calm King of Abetha, but rather, a father desperate to know if his daughter was safe. He felt sad for his King.

After some time, King Armen returned to Lord Eudes. He was still holding onto his sword, his knuckles white. "Ask our men to climb the tower from outside."

"We tried it already, Your Majesty, but as expected, due to magic, they can't even touch the wall of the tower," Lord Eudes informed, which disappointed the King even more.

"Get any shaman or anyone who knows magic and get rid of it."

"I will see to your orders, Your Majesty, but I doubt—"

"If a woman like Martha exists, then there must be more." King was not in a mood to listen to any excuses.

The King remembered something and asked, "What about the food I asked to send here?"

"The Third Princess didn't come to get any of them."

Frustrated, King Armen could only sheath his sword as he looked up at the tower. He didn't know what to do and how to get to his daughter. He didn't even know if she was in any danger. The longer he stared, the angrier he felt.

He could only curse Martha in his mind for using such a strong spell when she had no plans to return soon.


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