Witcher: I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 355 - Journey

Chapter 355 Journey

Heath agreed with what Alza said. After all, the methods and techniques for advancing to a Wizard were already very mature. Generally speaking, it was not easy to fail. In magic experiments, Wizards would pay more attention to protection. The situation of large-scale loss of vitality was relatively rare.

And it was really rare for Alza to lose so much vitality due to repeated failures.

Heath consoled him, “It’s alright. I can see that you’ve reached the peak of the beginner rank. You’re just a step away from becoming an intermediate-rank Wizard. Once you’ve reached the intermediate rank, your life force will naturally recover.”

His words obviously had a good effect. The worry on Alza’s face disappeared a little. Alza nodded and said, “I hope we can get something this time.”

The main purpose of this expedition to the ruins of Alza was to find some resources from the ruins, so that he could have a chance to advance to an intermediate Wizard.

After a pause, he said, “It’s getting late. We should set off now. Do you think it’s okay?”

Heath nodded. “I’ll be ready at any time.”

After boarding the deck, the ship quickly left the port, and the journey of Heath and the others officially began.

More than half a month later, west of the Golden Islands, in the Moon Gin Bay area.

Standing on the deck, Heath placed one hand on the side of the ship and looked at the sea in the distance.

On the endless blue sea surface, the seawater rose and fell, layer by layer, rushing into the distance. In the distance, it was either blue or blue. The sea and sky seemed to be completely connected, and one could not see the end no matter what.

At this moment, a clear voice sounded in his ear. “What are you looking at? Are you so lost in thought?”

With this voice, Heath felt his back sink, and a soft body was lying on his back.

Heath turned his head, and happened to see Nina’s side profile.

He asked, “What’s wrong? You’re awake?”

Nina got down from Heath’s back and floated to Heath’s side. She stretched and yawned as she said, “Yawn. Are you okay? I slept too long, so I came out to get some air.”

During this period of time, Nina’s soul power had recovered very quickly. Now, she could even maintain a materialized body for a long time. Moreover, in a materialized state, whether it was the sound or the touch, it was no different from a normal body.

Of course, the price was that her sleeping time had been increased a lot recently. Basically, she could only come out for a very short period of time every day.

After a pause, Nina continued to ask, “Hey, you haven’t answered me yet. What are you looking at? Why are you so entranced?”

Heath shook his head. “Nothing, it’s just the scenery.”


Nina sneered. “Ya ya ya, it’s just living by the sea. Don’t you get tired of looking at it every day? What’s there to look at? It seems that the scenery doesn’t change at all.”

Heath said, “Every time I look at the sea, I always feel small and the vastness of this world. Looking at the distance of the sea is like looking at countless unknowns waiting for me to explore. This feeling fills me with motivation.”

Nina pursed her lips. “I don’t understand you. Forget it. You can think about life on your own. I’d better go back to sleep.”

After saying that, she exploded into a cloud of smoke with a bang and went back into Heath’s ring.

Heath was speechless. She had only revealed her head and chatted for a few sentences before she ran away. What was she doing?


At this moment, Jackman’s voice came from behind.

Heath turned his head and saw Jackman and Alza walking over from behind.

Jackman said, “I saw the figure next to you just now. Is that Miss Ghost? Oh my god, is that really a ghost? Why do I feel like she’s the same as us?”

Jackman knew that Heath was feeding a ghost as a magic pet. He had met Nina a few times before.

Heath shook his head and said, “It’s nothing. Everyone feeds a ghost differently. The ghost that is raised by different methods will definitely be different.”

Jackman clicked his tongue and said, “To be able to raise a ghost to this extent, no matter what, it’s already a great achievement.”

Heath did not want to continue on this topic. After all, this involved his deeper secrets. As for how to help Nina recover her soul power, he had spent a lot of effort to research and time.

He changed the topic and said, “Let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s talk about business. How much longer until we reach our destination?”

Alza, who was next to him, said, “According to the current speed, we will reach the island in about two weeks, Sir Wizard.”

It was a small island near Moon Gin Bay. This was the destination of their trip.

Heath asked, “Can you tell me now? Where did you get the clue about this ruin?”

Not long after they set sail, Heath had asked Alza about this question, but Alza did not want to say much at first. He only told Heath that he would tell him after they reached their destination.

Alza hesitated for a moment. Still, he insisted, “I plan to tell you more after we land on the island. This is mainly because this ruin involves the Seafolk. There are spies everywhere on the sea. I have to be on guard. I hope the Sir Wizard can understand.”

Heath was puzzled. “Seafolk? Is there a lot of involvement?”

This was the sea. Basically, everything found here was related to the Seafolk. However, according to the agreement between the Wizards and the Seafolk, under most circumstances, the Seafolk would not interfere with the Wizard’s exploration, unless the things involved were very important to the Seafolk.

Alza nodded. “It’s still a little big.”

Heath’s gaze lingered on Alza’s face for a moment, making sure that he was not joking.

Then, he nodded. “Alright then, let’s wait a little longer.”

Since it had been such a long time, Heath was not in a hurry. They were about to reach their destination, and it would be fine to know the answer when they reached the island.

Alza said, “What I can tell you now is that this ruin is related to the Prester. I heard from Jackman that you are very knowledgeable, so I think you should know him, right?”

Heath was puzzled. “Prester? Are you talking about the illegitimate child of the Sea God Siren and the Arrowsnake?”

Heath had heard of this name before. It was the illegitimate child of the Sea God after mating with an Arrowsnake. Although it was a collateral bloodline that was not part of the Seven Great Bloodlines… It was said that this bloodline was rather liked by the Siren.

Alza exclaimed, “The knowledge of Wizard Heath is truly admirable.”

There were simply too many related to the Sea God’s bloodlines. Other than the Seven Great Bloodlines, the rest were only relatively obscure knowledge. Usually, very few people would pay attention to it. It was even rarer for someone like Heath to know it immediately…


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