Witcher: I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 273 - Emotions

Chapter 273: Emotions

The little boy ran down the hill.

Heath asked, “Who was that boy?”


“A hateful fellow!”

“Everyone doesn’t like him!”

“He’s too naughty!”

The children began to answer in a flurry.

Heath asked in puzzlement, “Where are his parents?”

The commoners of this generation had sent their children over one after another after learning that there was free knowledge to learn. However, Heath had never seen this little boy before.

“They’re dead.”

“There’s only one uncle left now. He’s a sailor. He’s only at home a few days a year. No one can control him.”

Heath was stunned.

So that was the case. No wonder he looked like he lacked discipline. It turned out that no one could control him.

After thinking for a while, Heath said casually, “If anyone sees him next time, you can tell him. If anyone wants to come here for a lesson, I welcome them.”

Although he looked like a very annoying child, he was actually not that bad-hearted. His thoughts were even more meticulous than that of an ordinary child.

For example, the ‘stone’ that he threw at Lily just now had actually been secretly replaced with a small bean before he threw it at her. Even if it hit her head, it would not be too big of a problem.


“Let Eric come…”

“He’s so annoying…”

The children were obviously reluctant.

Lily said in an adult tone, “What are you all talking about? No matter how annoying Eric is, he’s still our companion, isn’t he?”

After a pause, she patted her chest and said to Heath, “Don’t worry, Teacher. I’ll tell Eric. Next time, I’ll grab his ear and drag him here.”

Heath smiled. “There’s no need for that.”

“He definitely won’t come.”

“Yeah, that annoying fellow only thinks about Knights. He won’t come to class.”

“Alright, alright. Everyone, go back to class.” Waving the book in his hand, Heath led the children back.

At this time, a child said, “Teacher Heath, can you tell us about what happened in the forest in the suburbs?”

“Wizard, is there really a Wizard there?”

“A few days ago, someone saw a giant. It is said that the footprints are still there. That is a giant summoned by a Wizard, isn’t it?”

A few days ago, when he was doing experiments on stone men, Heath left a lot of traces in the forest. These traces, which were obviously not done by human beings, instantly caused a stir in the whole Golden Harbor Town.

Now, from the aristocracy to the common people, there were all discussions about the strange events in the suburban forest.

The strange events in the suburban forest continued to ferment in Golden Harbor Town.

For the common people, this kind of supernatural event, which obviously went against common sense, was big news no matter where it was placed. For a time, all kinds of rumors about this place were flying all over the place.

Some said that it was done by the legendary giant, some said that it was a Wizard who summoned the giant, and there were all kinds of rumors about Wizards coming to Golden Harbor Town.

Among them, the most widespread one was that a Wizard came to Golden Harbor Town and lived in the forest in the outer suburbs. That giant was the guard of the accompanying Wizard.

Therefore, the forest in the outer suburbs, which was rarely visited by hunters in the past, became deserted in an instant.

Every day, a large number of mortals went to the remote forest. Farmers, blacksmiths, scholars, painters, and even nobles brought all kinds of carefully prepared gifts, as if they were believers who were going to worship.

Every stone turned into gold, into immortality!

Everyone had heard of the powerful powers that Wizards possessed. Everyone hoped to be lucky enough to be favored by a Wizard. Even a little charity was an unimaginable treasure for ordinary mortals.

Even the Lord of Golden Harbor Town was alarmed. He led his Knights to explore the forest in the suburbs several times, but they still could not find anything.

As time passed, the people gradually lost their patience. The number of people who went to the forest gradually decreased until the forest in the suburbs returned to its former calm.

The weather at the seaside was always changing. In the morning, the sky was still clear, but in the blink of an eye, a dark cloud floated over from god knows where. By noon, the entire sky had become dark.

With a boom, the rainstorm finally fell before lunch.

Golden Harbor Town, Heath’s Lighthouse.

In the lighthouse, Heath was fiddling with a pile of bottles and jars in the laboratory. Each bottle had a label on it, with the names ‘Lily’, ‘Rob’, ‘Hart’ and so on, They were all Heath’s students.

These glass bottles were not ordinary glass bottles. Instead, they were ’emotional bottles’ that were specially used to collect emotions.

Although the main purpose of teaching here was to experience life, at the same time, it was also to do some magic experiments. It was about ’emotions’, ‘feelings’ and so on.

Emotions and feelings were special substances that only existed in life. The higher the intelligence, the stronger the reaction in these aspects. and the core source of these substances actually came from the same place —

The soul.

Through analyzing emotions and feelings, Wizards could gain a deeper understanding of the essence of the soul and thus improve themselves.

Advancing to an intermediate-rank Wizard mainly involved the sublimation of the soul. This sublimation was not only a change in the level of strength, but also an improvement in the essence of the soul. Strengthening the understanding of the soul would be helpful to the sublimation of the soul in the future.

To a large extent, it was also because of this that he came to experience life.

Opening the bottles one by one, Heath absorbed the soul material inside and closed his eyes to feel the emotions brought by the soul material.

There was learning, curiosity, and joy…

Children’s emotions were always like this. They were not complicated, simple and straightforward. The emotions collected were naturally very direct.

After experiencing the last emotional bottle, Heath plugged the bottle and put it back on the cabinet.

Nina quietly floated out. She sat on the table and swayed her long and fair thighs. “How was it? Did you comprehend anything?”

Heath said, “It was alright.”

Nina said, “What can you experience from a child’s emotions?”

“I’ve heard from my teacher that it’s not so easy to complete the soul sublimation. I think it’s best for you to find some stronger emotions and feelings. A child’s emotions won’t get you anything.”

Heath shook his head. “It won’t be that easy.”

Of course, he knew what Nina was talking about, but strong emotions were not easy to find. Moreover, even if he found them, he might not be able to understand them.

No matter how strong an emotion was, if it was placed in front of him and he could not understand it, the Wizard would not be able to understand anything from it. Of course, it would not be able to help with the soul sublimation.

The reason why Heath chose children was because children were simple and straightforward. Their emotions were easier to understand.

“Someone is looking for you!” At this moment, Nina suddenly said.

At the same time.

Knock, knock, knock! A series of awkward knocking sounds came from downstairs…


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