Wisher Beware

Chapter 4: Irje

Chapter 4: Irje

My confusion grew stronger when she just stormed off. I kinda got that boys and girls can be easily confused, especially when we are young. Both tend to wear similar types of tunics and have similar short hair. And in the case of poorer classes and slaves alike, many girls outright wore male tunics - they were a bit shorter, which kept them further away from the dirt on the ground. It is only with age, or with wealth, girls would eventually stand out.

But thats what was actually confusing, generally, people guessed in the opposite direction. Children and teenagers alike were seen as ambiguously male until they have shown otherwise.

Irje came back huffing with a bundle in her hands, which she unceremoniously shoved into mine.

Here, put this on, quickly!

I took a bundle, it wasnt a male shirt, but a female one. A shift if I recall correctly. I raised an eyebrow, did she want me to crossdress?

Hurry up! She said

I put it on, it was a bit breezy, but would be virtually identical to mine under the tunic.

Can I ask what is this about? I was fairly sure she wasnt embarrassed seeing me naked. She wasnt really blushing and, from her age, she should have seen plenty of flesh. Girls loved to ogle, Ive heard the giggles when we all went bathing on the farm.

You cant be seen like this!

Like what? I always look like this.

Shut up! Come.

Its not like there werent male slaves in the working area, there were some even under Irjes command. Unfortunately, the more I probed, the more frustrated Irje got. Making her responses snappier and unintelligible. Eventually, I stopped bothering her in order not to really annoy her this time, and let her guide me around. This gave me some time to realize that I havent seen her frustrated ever before. Irje was always sure of herself. Both when she was friendly, or strict. Even when she was angry a couple of times.

This was something different. I knew she was smart enough to realize, whatever happened, I wasnt at fault. Almost like she made the blunder herself and I was the reminder of it. Moreover, I was something she couldnt get rid of easily, now that we started our venture together. I cringed inwardly. Hopefully, whatever it is, it wont strain our relationship too much.

Eventually, we reached the communal room, where most of the slaves slept. She stopped me at the entrance.

Where do you sleep?

I wordlessly pointed at the hay mattress Ive been using all this time. Right in the middle of the room. And the only one left empty by now. Irje groaned, looked around and, apparently, came up with something.

Come. She said.

Yep. She was definitely trying to hide me like I was some broken plate.

We had arrived at another building nearby. It wasnt a barn, thankfully, it actually reminded me of the buildings Ive seen in the low city.

Come on in. You will sleep in my room for now

Are you sure all this is necessary? I asked.

Yes. Now, I want you to promise me that you will keep this a secret, OK? Not forever just for a couple of weeks. She said. Leading me up to her room.

I will do my best, you don't expect me to act like a girl, do you? I said looking around.

Her room was modest, there was little in terms of room and furniture. Just a mattress on the floor, a woven chest for storage, and a tiny table. A bundle of herbs to keep the air pleasant. One could say the only thing the room provided was privacy, but it was, in its own way, cosy.

Please dont, I have a feeling you would attract even more attention that way, Irje replied. It looked like me arriving to her room, or agreeing with her plan calmed Irje down a bit, but she still sounded frustrated.

So, what would happen after a few weeks?

The soap would be ready, and you will get an artisan position, she said digging inside the trunk. Here, use this as a bedding for tonight we will get you some more padding tomorrow.

I caught the blanket flying at my face. So I won't be under your command anymore? It was starting to make sense now, although I still felt like she had overblown the issue.

I am glad, that you are using that head of yours. Irje took her belt off.

Why is it an issue anyway?

A tall bundle of wool and arms grunted at me. I helped her take the tunic off. Without any way to open it her sizable breasts made it extremely difficult. Doing so every day would have been torture.

Thanks. And you dont know people well, do you? I got my position through hard work and I intend to keep it. And Ive seen slaves getting demoted for less, it all depends on how you say it, and in what mood masters or Domina are.

I hummed ambiguously watching her undress. Irje had an ingenious approach to bust support and the lack thereof, she had a wide sash tied right under her chest transforming her shift into a medieval-style negligee. Granted it was made out of linen and thus resembled it in form only. It did, however, highlight her figure wonderfully. Her height didnt make her lanky: she had well-toned arms and legs. Combined with wider hips and shoulders Irje stood like a good-looking and, in some places, rather shapely female warrior.

One, with a raised eyebrow, looking curious when I would actually start getting ready to bed.

As I hurried up to make my new mattress I heard a soft hum from Irje. I glanced back to see her smiling at me and froze. I knew that smile, the smile of someone who likes something and wants it for themselves. And saying a polite No, thank you, wouldn't probably work here.

I swallowed hard. I hated these smiles.

What I also hated was my minds indecisiveness. Numerous times, in the last couple of weeks, Ive found myself split with conflicting thoughts and the ones I had right now were prime examples of it. I felt the sinking unease of what is about to occur and, at the same time, a feeling of anticipation about it. I stood here like an unwilling prey and had thoughts of a hungry predator inside my head.

Ive had enough of it.

Something snapped in me, and the sinking feeling just vanished, gone like a sandcastle in the storm wave. No more. Why am I still thinking like a manual slave, who had to accept anything coming his way from people above him? I was not just a farmhand anymore. I was Erf, the budding soap-maker and a future inventor. I had many paths open in front of me. Paths of choices and possibilities highlighted by my newfound knowledge.

I shook myself away from the deer in the headlights stance.

Irje was aware of this and my prospective status. She had proven herself to be smart enough to realize she cant just bully her way in with me anymore. And if she persists, well, two can play this game as well.

You know, from all this running I think Ive pulled my leg, Irje said suggestively with a faint smile on her face. I guess me shaking my head spurned her to act.

You did? I wondered out loud, my curiosity piqued at her roundabout approach.

Mhm, And it was all because of you, she leaned back on the wall behind her. So you have to help me out with it. Come here

Ah, so you went for a horny lady and naive boy, huh. Well, let's play along.

I stepped closer to her, my face a mask of curiosity. You want me to kiss it better?

Kiss it better? Irje stumbled for a second, her eyes going wide. Mmmmm. As usual, you have a way with that tongue of yours, she grabbed the bottom of her shift pulling it tight against her body. The curves behind it made a wonderful sight. Too obvious to conceal but still fully covered, making it more alluring.

Well, they always say you need to kiss it for the pain to go away. Up close, our apparent height difference was even more obvious. Her bountiful breasts were right above my head, easily obscuring her face from my sight.

No wonder Sulla bought you. A soft murmur reached me from behind the twin peaks. Her breathing was starting to get heavier now.

Wha- my question was suddenly interrupted by Irjes arms pulling her shift high, higher than her waist. Standing so close, my view was filled by a tanned canvas of flesh with a golden crest in the middle. As suddenly as her dress rose, it fell back down, behind me, plunging me into the under-dress twilight. The linen of her shift was very thick, taking most of the light with it.

A smell reached my nose. It was faint, Irje probably rinsed herself not that long ago it seemed, but my brain recognized it as something quite familiar. Something that belonged here, even though it reached my nose for the first time in my life.

My hands reached outward and met her legs. They were full of muscle but still soft to the touch. The legs of someone who used them to perform tasks day in and out, without giving in to leisure nor trying to go beyond with extreme exercises. My palms slid upward, until they caressed her hips, allowing me to feel her movements and to know her position in the darkness.

Show me, her hips twisted slightly outward as if trying to push what was between them closer to me. How you kiss it.

I smiled to myself and slid down. Way down, until my face was level with her knees, my arms trailing behind, but still above my head.

What? Where are you- She sucked her breath in as my tongue touched her inner knee and slid upward, leaving a short wet trail.

I turned back and placed a soft kiss on the wet patch of skin. You said your legs were hurt, I said with my mouth nearly touching her, my breath making her shiver. Kisses started again, slowly tracing the trail Ive made with my tongue.

But- Once again her attempt at talking got sidetracked as I made another trip up her leg with my tongue. -Mmmmh. This trail started where the previous ended and went even higher up her leg, making my final destination quite obvious. I kissed her leg once more as her breathing went harder and harder, anticipating where my tongue would go next.

Aaaah go on Her leg twisted in my arm, giving me better access to lick her inner thigh. Her musky smell got stronger as I got closer to the source. I placed my arm on her other leg and pushed slightly, making her moan. You are so close I left her mumbling commentary aside, My final kiss put me high enough for me to feel the hair around her mound with my cheek. I didnt slow down, anticipation didnt work if you cant predict it, and to predict something like this pacing was the key.

The final lap of my tongue went on past the inside of the leg, heading straight for her opening and leaving a generous trail behind. And then, made a sharp turn upward, sweeping around her outer lips.

Is it me or did I hear a tint of frustration in her moans?

Once again I made a trail of kisses. While the ones Ive placed on the leg were soft, the kisses around her still-hidden petals were much harder. I pushed my lips deeper, making Irje feel the pressure in her core through the skin, especially on my final kiss just a tinge away from where her clit should be. There were no moans nor mutterings anymore. Irje was panting hard, waiting for my next move.


I slid back down again and lapped on her other leg with my tongue. Irje choked on her breath and made a noise that was somewhere between a moan, a groan, or a whimper. Nnnnooooo. Her legs tried to clench and rub themselves, locking me in like a vice.

Now, now, we cant just leave the other leg jealous, can we? I pried myself away, deliberately speaking far away from her skin, depriving her from the sensations my breath usually brought. I got a quiet whimper as an answer, and the legs jerkily relaxed again, spreading a bit wider than they were before.

She was much more responsive to my ministrations this time. I didnt even need to embrace her with my arms as much, trying to listen to her bodys feedback, allowing me to explore her lower body with my touch. Just as her well-toned legs, her ass was equally fit. Bouncy enough to keep its shape, but pliant enough for my fingers to find purchase and squeeze hard, making Irje moan.

I placed my arm again, now on the previous leg. This time around she answered my unspoken demand without question, shuffling her legs wider apart. This stance was much more explicit, giving me full access to her aroused petals, but also more unstable, making her legs work harder to keep herself open for me.

It was obvious how stimulated Irje had become in the meantime. When my kisses brought me back to her entrance, I was met with not just the smell of her arousal but also the heat coming from her folds, flushed with desire. I inhaled her smell and breathed out, tickling her core with my breath. A soft moan came from her and the hips twisted out, pushing her mound closer to me, begging for my touch. In the dim light, my now-accustomed eyes could see her lips open up for me, exposing the glistening folds within.

My tongue accepted her invitation, slowly trailing the edges of her inner lips, exploring, and memorizing every nook and cranny of her folds. Having her wantonly open to me like that stirred something inside of me. Something primal. Even doing nothing but giving, I felt her succumbing to me, filling me with animalistic satisfaction. My senses feasted on her body: my eyes cast on her toned curves, my arms hugging her in the most intimate ways, my mouth bound in a passionate kiss with her core.

I could hear Irjes purring in satisfaction and felt her mound moving with my tongue, trying to anticipate my movements. My hand gently slid up to her flat stomach, while the other one wrapped around her leg. Stabilizing myself against her body, I let my tongue trail down to her opening, drenched with her juices. Her taste was magical. Letting her juices flood my mouth I lapped at her folds, slowly moving upward until had reached her nub. I dragged my tongue over it, glazing it with her juices and my saliva.

Mmmmmmmhhhhh! Irje jerked forward, fruitlessly trying to smash herself into my face. I gripped her harder and started lapping at her clit, slowly learning her tells and timing my pacing by her responses. Yesyesyes! Luckily for me, she was already aroused enough and extremely responsive to my moves. Thats goo-t-thats great! My gentle but insistent tonguing of her button was quickly causing her to reach her peak. K-keepm-m-movin! I could feel the hood of her nub starting to fill up, her inner lips twitching with the heartbeat, her legs trembling violently. D-donstoo-op! I kept my pace unchanging, my tongue sliding back and forth across her nub, as her legs twitching became more and more erratic. Soon Irje started to quiet down, even her gasps becoming more and more shallow. As if she was trying to sneeze.


My tongue went on exploring her folds once again, eliciting a keening wail from Irje, full of frustration and demand. Her knees bent down and up trying to find a solid stance and bring my face back up to finish her off. I happily savoured her quivering core covered by the silky hair, while she was stuck in the agonizing feeling of losing her edge.

You dried-up prick! Irje swore and I felt her shift. Her hand grabbed my head through the shift and pulled me in, smashing me back against her mound. She panted, Dont you dare to just- Whoa! without her arms to support her against the wall, her already weak legs couldnt keep her stable, easily buckling under her.

We fell down onto her mattress in a bundle of arms and legs. Untangling myself, I sat up and was presented with an irresistible sight. Irje was lying in front of me: her dishevelled shift bunched up, revealing her naked legs, spread apart. I idly noted that it was her natural colour of the skin and not just a tan. In the centre, her pussy lay open to me, surrounded by pale blond fuzz; her folds, slippery with arousal, demanded my attention. Her nipples - hard, poking through the shift. Her lips - full and red; a bite mark on her fist. Her breath - panting with desire.

Her eyes - searing, trying to focus on me.

I lunged at her. My arm cupped her mound, keeping the flames burning hot. My lips on her mouth. My tongue, coated with our fluids, met hers, dry from the panting. She responded to my kiss greedily, her core melting into my hand. Slowly Irje ceased the demands of my attention and relaxed once more into my arms.

I broke the kiss and caressed her cheek with my free hand. Dont rush it, I said looking into her half-glazed eyes. Trust me, her gaze slowly turned to my moving lips, my other hand keeping most of her attention away. When did I ever fall short of your expectations? I trailed wet sucking kisses on her cheek and the side of her neck, making her moan with every single one. Relax, and let me do the rest, I murmured softly into her furry ear.

Uhm, her ambiguous noise was confirmed by a small nod, her eyes unfocused once more. I smiled and headed back down trailing kisses along the way. Even with her agreement, I knew I had little time until she couldnt wait any longer once again. Placing soft kisses on her taut stomach I wondered how extremely responsive she was; my mind taught me about foreplay, but she was acting like she would run out of fuel any minute now! How are we supposed to have sex if she intends to sputter out in a mere fifteen minutes?

I started edging her again, adding a bit of variety with every step. When my tongue reached her folds, she placed her hands on my head again, but this time, instead of a rough treatment, Irje simply raked my hair with her fingers. Grateful for her show of restraint Ive decided to give a gift to her in return and end this with a bang.

While my mouth was latched to her mound, tongue lapping at her nub, I gently started stroking her opening with my fingers. My touch was gentle at first as I tried to lubricate them with her juices, and it was met with approving Mmmmmmmh Steadily I inserted two fingers into her, curving them back as if trying to touch the clit from the inside. I started moving them slowly, letting Irje relax from my intrusion first but, eventually, I picked up the pace. MmhaahhahAh Soon my fingers started to out-pace my tongue, she was already overly sensitive from the outside so I had to catch up. HahAhAgh!Ah!AH I didnt slow down my lapping this time, intent on letting her come. My strokes were broad and enveloped her aroused nub entirely, dragging as much of my tongue across it with every lick.

AH!AH! AGH! AAAHMMmmmmmm-! Irje smothered her scream with her fist, my fingering pushing her over the edge. Her opening squeezed around my moving fingers sucking them inside, noises turning from sexy and intimate to lewd and moist. My shirt and I, and everything around us got drenched from her overflowing juices. Irjes body arched upward like a bow, hoisting me up with it. I didnt stop my ministrations, however, -mmmm!mmh? MMMHMMM!- My tongue pushed her even further, dropping her down into the soaked mattress. Her legs, once again, squeezed shut around my head, her fingers pulling at my hair with abandon. Her mound, glazed in our fluids, thrashed in front of my face.

Her erratic motions pushed my head away from her petals, but my tongue had done its job already, her button would be too sensitive to continue right now. While I was enjoying the process immensely, having Irje twist and moan at my whim, I was starting to feel a certain discrepancy between what my brain was telling me should be happening and what was currently trembling in my arms. -MMM!MMMMHMMHMM!- Unfortunately for Irje, my wedged head kept her legs slightly apart, as such my fingers were still inside of her, moving at a rapid pace keeping her core ablaze. And quickly reaching over another edge.

-MMMHGAAAaaaaaa! Her hands stretched out cupping her tender mound, letting her scream loose. Legs, twisted around each other, shook and trembled. I licked my fingers, pleasantly surprised with the outcome. If there were mermaids in this world, Irje was looking like an orgasming one right now. A smile crept on my face, now she was warmed up and ready. We could begin, just as soon as nanites would flush her refractory period out

Wait a minute.

A hand met the face with a wet splat, covering it with Irjes fluids. I sighed to myself realizing my mistake. Knowledge in my mind was insidious. I glanced at Irje. She was lying in front of me basking in an uncontrollable bliss: her eyes unfocused, a grin on her face, her slightly twitchy arms and legs were spread out, showing off her glistening and naked groin without a care in the world. I absentmindedly stroked her collarbone and fished out one of her breasts from her dress, letting the palm of my hand rest on top of it, earning me a blissful smile. It was hard to remember that this satisfied wreck of a woman was magical, even if slightly, she had animal ears, and the moist fuzz over her mound was actually closer to fur. The magic within her was also subtle, it made her strong and resilient, long-living and healthy. But it was also important to remember that she wasnt a part of The Collective, had no nanite integration, and wasnt linked to her bioship.

I smiled, idly circling her nipple with my thumb. She was just a magical girl. Magical girl with big, gorgeous honkers. Letting silly thoughts take me away from existential questions, I glanced at the prize in my hand. Her perky nipple was still erect, just a tiny bit darker than her skin; her puffy areola pushing it out even more, rubbing into my palm as if asking to be sucked. I obliged, evoking a soft moan from Irje and a weak shuffle of my hair. I sighed inwardly, my mouth full with her flesh, she was still out of it.

I detached myself with a wet pop, ignoring a tiny whine from her, and got up. I still needed to make my bed for the night, and Irje would be out of commission for a while. The entire floor was in disarray with everything scrunched up into a pile around us. I scratched my head, I didnt realize we were that rowdy.

As I was fixing the room into a presentable state and making my new bed ready for sleep, I was reallocating my nanites so they could start making certain modifications to my body. I knew what I got myself into: a few years ago, my uncle, humming wisely, told me to be wary of the females, especially wer. He said that they all played nice until they got you between their legs and then you were done for. Mother was scandalized but didnt refute it, thus cementing my opinion. While I was welcoming Irjes future attempts, her performance today was rather short and left me wanting, but I had no desire to get her pregnant yet. I heard that wer had a much harder time conceiving but didnt want to risk it. Not at my current social level.

I will have to ask her at a later time about it.

In the meantime, my mind presented me with an apparently widely utilized solution that was quite easy to implement. Semen had two major components: reproductive cells and the viscous medium, which kept them nourished and provided ideal living conditions, especially in a rather hostile vaginal environment. The design was quite peculiar by itself, it skipped simpler and similarly effective solutions, like shutting off cell production and, instead, went off to modify the medium composition. It mainly changed the sugar production into some sort of a sweetener indigestible to sperm cells, starving them.

A rather convoluted setup, especially since it made it extremely sweet in turn, and, therefore, had to increase the overall fluid amount to dilute the taste. Yet, my new memories were adamant that this was the best solution and I didnt argue much. I was starting to become aware when my knowledge was still insufficient to make my own designs.

Occupied by my body design I stopped paying attention to the puddle of a woman behind me. As I was spreading the blankets, Irje threw at me merely half an hour ago, my ears heard the telltale plop of a wet cloth. Glancing back I saw Irjes drenched shift lying on the ground and the naked wer pouncing at me.

I collapsed down on my mattress, enveloped in a warm, intimate but tight hug. Her legs wrapped around my body keeping us close, her arm wrapped around my head, plunging my face into her pliant and soft breasts. I inhaled her scent, quickly relaxing inside her bosom, surrounded by her flesh and listening to her peaceful heartbeat.

Her other arm was deftly pulling another blanket over us in the meantime.

I cant sleep in my bed, its too wet. She said with accusation.

I wordlessly raised my eyebrow from between her hills.

Shut up. Its your fault. It was the first time Ive seen her blush and look away. She was indeed awkward about certain things. Trying to maintain her authority even now, when it would have been much easier to accept it and let it go. Besides, after everything weve done tonight, its not like I wouldve refused her sleeping in my bed.

I gently wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled deeper. With my acceptance clear, Irje sighed contentedly and relaxed her grip on my body. Poor thing. I probably underestimated the amount of scrutiny she got as an overseer. I hoped she has a friend or a confidante.

That was amazing Irje breathed, slightly squirming around me. Probably remembering the sensations.

I told you, you could trust me.

She grabbed my face and pulled me closer to her, I hated everything youve done to me, you prick! But- She passionately kissed me, -but that ending made it worth it all. I could feel her mound slowly grinding on my thigh. Thank you- her tongue battled with mine -for this night.

Looks like she had some fumes in her tank left over. You know that there is always more. I wiggled my eyebrows, making her gulp in anticipation. For example my fingers reached out, grasping her nipple.

Very gently but firmly I pulled her closer for another kiss, my fingers mimicking my tongue movements.

Irje shuddered and slumped on me. Fuck. This was getting ridiculous.

Eh heh heh Divine horns, Sulla must have spent a fortune on you

I perked up, my desire inconsequential, Is that why you thought I was a girl? I really didnt want to hear the answer, but the information was crucial.

Well that money pincher never bought a guy like this before! She vehemently protested. But as soon as I thought about it, I realized he bought you for a reason, She licked her lips, I was right of course-

And what did he buy me for? I interrupted her ramblings. I heard why Sulla bought me and Yeva. Merchant words like Buy two! Get four! were quite clear.

Well companion slaves, you know, for sex, Irje said like it was obvious, confirming my fears.

That, was unfortunate. I needed to finish the soap and get out of this status of mine as quickly as possible. Whoever Domina was, I would be unable to act as I did with Irje. It would a boon if she didnt have any crazy kinks that would leave me tortured or broken, and a blessing if she was beautiful. Many wer were, magic saw to that. But even all that was undesirable in the grand scheme of things.

So I was bought for her? I asked to confirm.

Of course not, silly. Domina doesnt need slaves like that, Irje waved me off. All four of you were bought for her two husbands, who are away at the moment.

My thoughts screeched to a halt, and only one thing got stuck inside my head.



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