Wisher Beware

Chapter 11.2 Second Meeting

Chapter 11.2 Second Meeting

I walked through the familiar patch between the trees. Heading for the inner compound. Alone. A glint of yellow kept my attention and scared away anyone close enough to see it in my hands. A Gestr she said hmm? Its cold weight pushed down on my hand. One of five currently given away. Allowing me to teleport inside the tower. Only Matriarchs of friendly houses had something like this. And now me.

I chuckled darkly imagining incredulous Dominas staring down on poor old me. Four wermages wielding immense power, political and magical. And Erf, he has soap. Damned Old fox. I had no idea what he wanted to achieve granting me this, but the wrath of four other Pillars was definitely not on my wish list. Access to the tower or not.

It was probably magical too. I peered at the script carved into the medallion. It definitely did not resemble the letters of Virtana. Nor did it resemble the straight lines of magical runes, that Ive seen everywhere. It was full of curves in fact it was mostly curved with very occasional straight line hidden within.

The only place Ive seen something like it was the symbols on the Orb. Was it a different school of magic? Mental runes? Was the medallion trying to read my thoughts if I was a wer? No. It was given to very important figures of unrelated houses. Something rote like basic wiretapping would have been out of the question. The repercussions alone if something like this was found, even assumed as a possibility would have been disastrous.

Was it simply a different form of runes? Cursive perhaps? That would be hilarious. Or was it just a simple script to write down stuff? And the blue glow Ive noticed from the Orb was it simply telling Domina its readings.

Another slave let me inside as Ive arrived. She was in a different room this time around. My companion for this short trek was deferential but calm. Clearly unaffected by the amulet. Probably used to welcoming guests of status well above. I nodded to him politely as I was invited into the small office.

The soft sand under my feet gave me chills. Awakening the memories I had no desire to relive. Perhaps I should invent a blackboard post-haste if only to avoid them. I could not imagine that they had no chalk anywhere in the ground.

Domina was, once again, laying down on the sofa and reading a scroll. This time around Ive paid a bit more attention to the hems of her now green kaftan, only to recognize the same scales Ive seen on my medallion. The Albins words came up to me unbound. The House of Trade indeed. Was that one of his monikers or an official name of the Manor? Future would tell. The rest of her clothes were immaculate, kaftan was open up front revealing a white shirt underneath, both wrapped by a wide belt or more likely a sash. Each carrying a plethora of engravings that probably said something about the wearer as well.

My observation was broken when she put down her scroll and looked at me. She opened her mouth but noticed the amulet, which made her frown slightly. Eventually, she sighed and gestured to the sofa beside hers.

Lie down, we have a lot to discuss. Her voice sounded tired even this early in the day.

I carefully laid down on the cleanest surface Ive been this far. Trying to keep my dirty feet away from the fabric. The softness making me uncomfortable. This type of reclining sofa was used constantly by everyone in power as the main way to relax, eat, and talk. I could see the appeal for someone with a tail as soft and long as hers, sitting with something like that would have been awkward.

I see you are wearing the Gestr. What my uncle was thinking is truly beyond me, but I guess you managed to impress him. She began as soon as I stopped squirming.

Iheard the rumours. Should I take it down? Return it? Please say yes.

She thought for a moment. No. Damn it. You are smart enough to recognize the danger of a gift like that. Good. But in this case, the Gestr is a symbol of protection. You are the welcomed guest inside the tower and the welcome extends beyond the entrance. Whoever feels left out by this gift, and there will be many, will have to deal with Virnan himself first.

That, was bearable. I still had a huge red target painted at my back, but now the issue was not where I would suffer or die but when and where I would be used as a pawn to strike at others.

My you look conflicted still. How nice it is to deal with someone who understands fast. The smugness in her voice was palpable. You have no idea how tiresome it is to explain things to your lessers only to be met with a blank look of incomprehension. Even better. You are to wear the Gestr at all times. Hide it if you want but if you end up being present among the social elite you are to appear with it visible. You will be granted a personal seal of my manor as well. Wear it in the open at all times as the rightful part of my domain. Make sure you are never to be seen with only Gestr.

As you wish, my Domina. I sighed internally, called it. Political games had already begun.

Dont worry about it. She continued, seeing my turmoil most likely. I have no desire to show you to the public any time soon. In fact, avoid leaving the manor for a while. Talk to Sulla if you need an ingredient. If you leave to seek something new avoid anyone representing a noble house. That is an order. Buy from merchants, order from artisans but no idle talk, especially with mages. Her eyes stared me down.

Of course, my Domina. That was much easier to agree upon. All my previous interactions with wermages have been disastrous so far. Even with Albin. Not only that but her implication meant that she wanted more from me than the soap.

Good. Now to the order of business. I assume you are aware that I decided to begin the soap production. Seeing me nod she continued. Irje will oversee the production. You are to teach her anything she doesn't know yet, even the plant you have found. She finished bluntly, observing me.

Would I be able to offer a suggestion? I ventured. She frowned but nodded. Can you add Yeva to the team as well?

Apparently, she didnt expect that as an answer. Who?

The blind girl, she was bought together with me.

She squinted her eyes at me suspiciously Why her?

Personal reasons aside, she has more to offer to the soap production than she ever could at the washing vats. Due to her blindness, she had developed a great sense of touch and smell, which Ive used extensively, trying to make the last batch. I could see her nodding along, the mask of suspicion replaced by the face of understanding. She had intimate knowledge with multiple batches of soap that I had attempted before and the ability to select the best products for your needs. Moreover, you should be aware by now that the most critical part of the process is the ratios of the ingredients. It is my belief that she would be crucial there as well. Just like Ive done in the past and estimated approximate concentrations using taste alone.

You have clearly done your research. She mused, her tail swaying behind her. Very well she would be transferred also. But tell me, what are these personal reasons of yours?

I blinked. She is a nice girl and I would feel sad if I knew I could help her and didnt.

Just like that? First Irje, now this Yeva. Are you gonna help every girl on your path? Remember where your loyalties should lie.

I shrugged. Not everyone. But we did spend a lot of time together. Just like with Irje. I learnt a lot about them both and do consider them my friends. And I do remember, Domina. Because even helping her you stand to benefit in the process. The only one that potentially lost in this agreement is me.

Not that I considered the loss of soap production as an actual loss.

What about your family? Wouldnt it be proper for you to help them instead rather than the new friends of yours?

If I had an option to I wouldve. But I dont. As easy it is to help Irje and Yeva right now I wouldnt risk your wrath suggesting you to interfere in anothers manor life or even buy my family out.

You are learning, good. And yet your mind is still at work. No wonder uncle spent so much time with you. She mused, pleased.

I shuddered. Your uncle is intense.

She chuckled He is very passionate about the subject. It is a pity that your numbers arent suited for trade.

I couldn't help myself Senile old fox. Immediately earning a full glare, her mouth open to chastise me, but I waved it off not caring at the moment. Whatever I had for pride finally got bruised. Ive said worse to his face at the tower and I will say it again next time we are to meet. To disregard an entire system, extremely robust at that, just because it is easy to forge a number. Nonsense! I used simple forms used for the speed of writing, properly drawn numbers are separate and distinguished from one another. Even if someone smudges a number and writes another one there are ways to prevent that.

I took a short breath as Domina watched me silently, interested. Take double-entry bookkeeping for example. Everything is separate, everything is clean and easy to read, and, most importantly, every transaction is written at least twice in different accounts. You fudge one number - now you have to seek out its companion and fudge it as well. And if you have access and ability to do something like that then you could have fudged the numbers with the traditional system by now anyhow!

I stopped suddenly, realizing where I was. Fuck, this sand was annoying. This wasnt Virnans office, it was Dominas and I had no idea how would she react to my outburst. I am sorry. I stammered out, keenly aware that my next words might seal my fate once again. If they havent already.

Domina laid on the sofa. Her hand gripping the rod tight. She wasnt preparing to strike me. Worse. She was giving it to me.

Explain. A single word sent shivers down my spine.

Ive fucked up again, didnt I?


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