Wisher Beware

Chapter 10.2 Sulla

Chapter 10.2 Sulla


He stood in her office in silence, watching her read. The scroll with a Golden seal of Kiymetl on it. A slight grimace on her face.

Nothing serious then.

Eventually, Domina sighed and put the scroll away. Mother. She means well but can be overbearing sometimes. Domina said as she stretched on her sofa.

A fruit from a tree but he kept his thoughts with him.

Instead, he slightly bowed and asked, Anything requiring my skills?

No. There are upcoming changes to the Divine rituals it seems, but nothing set in stone. She mused more to herself. Do you know why I summoned you? Another manner of hers.

I do not wish to presume.

Hmmm, a pity. I have received a missive from my uncle. She moved on.

Virnan Shah? So this is about the kid? He obliged her habits.

No. And Yes. Not Virnan Shah, my uncle.

What? Oh OH. So the kid really knows numbers.

Indeed. He is planning on visiting me at any moment.

Sulla choked. What the hell did he do?

Aikerim Adal smiled to herself and stroked her chin. I dont know, but I intend to find out. And I want to be prepared for the conversation. What have you found?

Of course. The merchant knows nothing. Ive traded with him in the past and know his character. As far as he knows he gave us a free product as a gesture of goodwill.

Domina grimaced. That wont do. What manor is he from? Kishava? He nodded and she continued. Since you know him organize a list of ideas for a worthy response. Something grand enough for them to happily accept and consider the case closed, but not enough for them to get interested. Or worst, remember it later.

It will be done. One more suggestion if I may. The kid was also most likely starved by the merchant or even before. I barely recognized him when I brought him over compared to the urchin, the merchant had dumped on me. It was unlikely that he wouldve gotten much from him or the blind girl anyway.

Good. That means he is unlikely to remember him in the future. Have you found anything on the so-called Muhammad Algorithmi? Or the Ibnmusa Manor?

Nothing. The names are weird, people wouldve noticed them if anyone like that existed. Most likely fake.

Hmmm. And yet he believed him existing some time ago.

A fake name for the kid alone? He mused.

Perhaps, continue your search just in case. What are your other thoughts? She went on.

Sulla frowned thinking. Didnt know the city when was bought. Spent gawking all the way. His knowledge and manner of speech are concerning. For the old dog not to pick up on that it meant that he was most likely silent all the trip, or faked it. But then why would he be sold for cheap unless the manor that sold him was unaware either.

A farm manor rarely has the slaves nearby, they spend most of their lives on the fields and in the pens, Domina argued.

Perhaps but speech would have been obvious. Either he has been faking it most of his life, only to stop doing it now. Or he started speaking like this very recently. Somewhere between meeting Irje and, maybe, few years before being sold at the farm. He glanced cautiously at her and continued. It would be presumptuous to assume but-

Possession? Domina interrupted. I know sounds somewhat similar but he is a murk. Why would a magical daimon possess a non-magical body? And why does it have no knowledge about magic, to begin with.

A mathematical daimon?

Domina laughed incredulously at his suggestion. Sounds preposterous but about right! And then the laughter was gone. There is another form of mind magic.

Inserting memories? But only They are likely to know something like that. Didnt he deny any plans? He said hesitantly.

Most likely. And he denied any plans that he knew about. Knowing Them it is possible he could be sent not against us but to target something else with his presence alone.

He shivered. He didnt like to think about Heurisks, much less talking about them. Should I get rid of him? It was an option too.

Domina thought for few moments, then sighed. No. He is too valuable to kill that easily, especially judging by Virnans behaviour. And I would not dare to incur Their wrath by removing a pawn of Their making.

And if They didnt?

Domina shot him a look. Think who you are talking about, by now They already did. Or have plans in place.

Before he could speak, the runic circle lit up in front of her. My Domina, Virnan Kiymetl Shah has arrived!

Bring him in. She spoke into it.

Sulla bowed. I shall excuse myself, then.

No. Her word gave him pause.


She shot him a sly smirk. My uncle has requested to see his niece. To talk about family matters. Unfortunately, she is busy right now and only Domina is currently available.

He shuddered as she continued. While niece might be encouraged to think about her family, it is Dominas prerogative to see her own manor prosper, is it not?

Indeed, my Domina He forced out. Aware that his presence alone might antagonize the famous rhetor now.

Virnan Shah arrived shortly. His sight made his eyes bulge and Domina blink in real surprise. Unable to offer proper greetings.

His bloodshot red eyes covered in dusty glasses shot across the room, He scowled to see Sulla here but otherwise let out a sigh.

AreAre you alright, uncle? Despite all her plans, she looked worried.

Fine. He huffed eyeing one of the visitor sofas but still standing instead.

If you are sure. She answered slowly. So what caused such a visit?

Erf. I want him. Sell him to me. Sulla couldnt stop but raise an eyebrow. Blunt as he was he never skipped that many steps in the conversation before.

So I guess his numbers work. Domina drawled, with a small smirk on her face. Most likely jumping to similar conclusions.

Yes. But not for you, easy to forge. He waved at her.

He did count rather fast. She wouldnt let it go.

So sell him to me and buy a couple of accountants, for your work they would be faster. I can give you some of mine if you want. They can count the interest for you.

Dominas eyes opened wide. Interest?

Virnan Shah swore under the breath.

She continued her smile growing. You mean that you have discussed financial interest with him. Erf right? And you, Virnan Shah the self-proclaimed hater of mercantile math of the Kiymetl didnt kick him out?

Sulla nodded along, agreeing with her. The kid definitely knew his numbers.

Her uncle looked at her tiredly. And then sighed. Just give me the price.

She hummed as her hand reached out for a grape. Enjoying her entertainment. Well I, as the Domina of my manor cant just give away something so useful for a paltry sum. He waved at her. Urging her to get on with it. And what is every Dominas wish but to see her manor become the primary one upon the next election?

Sulla shook his head as the room plunged into an awkward silence. She had a flair for grandeur and mischief sometimes.

Domina, idly eating her grape was smiling. And then she blinked. Smile gone, and eyes wide.

He nearly had a heart attack right on the spot.

Virnan Shah was actually considering it!

The silence was interrupted by Domina choking on her grape. Sulla rushed to help but she stopped him, managing to handle it on her own. Eventually, Virnan sighed.

I cant. I dont know enough about him to offer something so extreme yet. And even if he is then what? My word alone is not enough and if it manages to push the scales you would become my Domina as well. And he would be beholden to you then anyway.

A pity, She croaked reaching for some wine.

Indeed. Sulla knew that voice. Or lack of emotion from the refusal specifically. He had something.

It was a pity, I actually enjoyed our conversation. Weve spent quite some time discussing your interests. He glanced at her leading on. For about twenty hours or so.

Virnan timed his delivery perfectly. As the wine rainbow across the table suggested. Aikerim Adal looked at him askance, wiping off the wine from her chin. Sulla was lucky he wasnt drinking himself or he wouldve joined her too.

He continued his monologue, smiling slightly and stroking his beard. You might wonder why did I allow him to talk about something routine like that but he used a peculiar word describing his examples. He reached inside his black khalat and pulled out a note.

The note was rough around the edges. Clearly, a piece ripped out from somewhere else. And small enough to contain a single word at most.

Whatever the word was it was something bad as Domina sucked her breath in.

Well time moves on and I must go my dear Aikerim Adal. I have another meeting to attend. He finished loudly and then muttered to himself. I wanna see that old hag choke on her stupid theories now.

Ah, please wait for a second. Domina jumped up, her hand setting the note on fire with a quick trace. I am extremely grateful for this meeting and, if you don't mind I would like to give you a proper gift for such private conversation.

Ah, but you shouldnt, it was just a talk. Nothing a Domina should concern herself about.

But uncle! Sullas eyes were tired from bulging by this time. As your favourite niece, it is simply improper!

If you insist. But you know me, I have enough material possessions already. All I do nowadays is study geometry and teach younglings.

They stared at each other. As Sulla wondered if it was possible to fall through the floor and disappear.

Eventually, Domina sighed. Perhaps he could visit the tower once in a while when he is free and willing.

Splendid! But not for a while, perhaps, I need to prepare.

What did he manage to tell you for it to take twenty hours? She called after him as he reached the door and pointed at the ash on the table. Besides that.

He turned around. His grin, maniacal. He taught me how to count eternity!

And left.

They stood together, in silence. Looking at the empty door. Moments passed.

Eventually, something jumped into his mind. Willing?

Yes. Willing. Domina said, her eyes unmoving. I just need to make him not.

He followed her gaze and stared once again at the door. Somehow what lied beyond it made him anxious. A great unknown that Virnan Kiymetl Shah just eagerly went into.


"Yes. My Domina."

"No active searches. Observe, collect but don't inquire."

"As you wish. My Domina."

Kid. For three horns sake, what kind of numbers did you know?


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