Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 78

78 78. Erick In The Plum Blossom World




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



Plum Blossom World,

Centre of chaos, the battlefield of Humanity’s last stand.




The large storm formed then a black cloud gathered and lightning zapped at the ground in the centre of the storm.

“Cough...cough!” Erick came out from the storm coughing from the dust which started to settle down upon his transfer.

“Fuck...cough! Where the hell am I!” Erick cursed, feeling the atmosphere is not right around him, and once he observed a little, a lot of ruins and radiation in the air could be seen, he felt the air which was very harmful to any normal human being.

“Shit, I need to deal with this foul air around me, it’s making me uncomfortable.” Erick felt his nose itchy from the atmosphere so he hurriedly thought of a solution for it.

He then wiped out a jade from his spatial ring, which looked like a refined piece of jewel. As he doesn’t have the blood of chicken in his hand, he pinches his finger and draws out a drop of blood then using that drop of blood, he draws simple Archrunes on the jade.

After that, he wore on his neck by hooking on a thread, the jade has Star Dust energy stored inside it so the Archrunes would work for at least a month or so before he needed to recharge the jade again.

“Now this is better, no stench in the air, phew! I can breathe normally!” Erick breathes out comfortably after putting the jade on his neck and seeing it’s working perfectly.

The jade, with Erick as a centre, creates an invisible cover of 5m around him which cleanse the foul air in the environment inside the cover.

“This place is like a battlefield, what the heck? Wow! What are these weird creatures, they do look familiar somehow!” Erick went around the place and looked at the crater and debris everywhere. Then his vision stopped on a group of weird-looking creatures who after sensing the human heat signature started to move towards him and Erick kept looking at the details, the more he looked at their appearance, the more he felt familiar somehow.


The growling of the creature woke him up from his revere, he looked at the incoming group of creatures which numbered a few dozen or so.

“Shit, aren’t these just big ass fucking mucus organisms? How the hell these disgusting creatures came to be!” Erick said with a disgusted expression after seeing the creature from a closer look.

Erick got utterly disgusted with these creatures, he didn’t feel like getting near them so he thought of a method to deal with them from a distance.

“Fuck, I don’t think physical attacks are going affect them much as these disgusting things looked like they are made of completely off of mucus like a slime body so the fire or ice might work!” Erick thought out loud, he guessed that if they are like slime then their weakness should also be the same as slimes.

Erick seriously didn’t want to unseal his cultivation but looking at the problem at hand, he needs to consider how to solve the problem without using his cultivation.

“What to do, isn’t there something useful around here that I can use at the moment!” Erick commented and looked around the area, even going further away from the disgusting things.

After moving a few hundred meters, he came across a destroyed fuel station. He went there to check the tank hoping there would be some fuel left on it.

“Hahaha! Yeah, it’s my lucky day! This much should be enough and I can also use my TNT bombs, made by yours truly. Hahaha! Come here you fucking disgusting things!” Erick laughed, finding that there was a little petrol in the tank, which, fortunately, is in a preserved state.

He thought he can also use his hand-made TNT bombs which he made using the jades and Archrunes. It will cause enough destructive fire to burn these disgusting things to ashes.


The cry of creatures near the Erick location, for that Erick, already took out hundreds of TNT Jades and with a fuel tank in the middle, he spread them around and then got the hell away from there.





Just as those creatures try to topple the tank, the jades get triggered by their weight over them and explode simultaneously. The tank even flew in the air and then again came down and exploded over the rest of them.

The explosion was like a missile smashing down from above, it formed a cloud of dark smoke above the explosion.

“Wow, what a beautiful sight, looking at this scene I suddenly remember a maniac who likes to say that explosions are an art. Well, he or she might be right about it!” Erick said looking over the sight which looked quite fantastic except for the cloud of black smoke.

After the explosion, he checked from a distance if the disgusting things were still alive but found them burned to charcoal.

So as not to inhale any disgusting stench, Erick went on his journey to find someone and gather the information so he can make plans on how to make this messed-up world, a whole again.

Erick started tracking around and while doing so he passed a few ruined towns and cities. Which looked like something had eaten them slowly and he’s not wrong in his guess as the Malice Organism has slowly eaten whatever they found edible in wake of their destruction.

He travelled for a week without being able to find anything living but he did come across multiple hordes of disgusting creatures which also in many weird shapes some look like potatoes or earthworms or caterpillars etc.

Erick had mostly used outside means like broken buildings to bury them or iron pillars to impale them then use his TNT Jades to explode them. He didn’t want to get close to them, so he mostly dealt with them from a distance.

It’s 10th day, Erick finally saw the burning smoke coming from a city-like structure. He was still a kilometre away from that so he increased his pace in hope of finding some human and not the disgusting creature which he had enough for the last week.

In just a few minutes, after running at his moderate speed he reached the place and smelled the blood and burning of flesh so he guessed that someone or a group might be fighting the creatures.

“Nooooo! Samuel, get the hell away from there! Ahhh!”

“Die...die..die...you fucking monsters!”

“Watch out and keep firing, don’t give them time to rest. More fire, get me more fire...!”

The multiple human voices man or women alike entered Erick’s ear, which made him sigh with relief that he finally found the humans.

But again from the panicked voices, he can guess that they were being overwhelmed by those creatures so he hurriedly came over to see what exactly was going on.





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