Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 69

69 69. Right Hand And Left Hand Man Of ‘Apotelesma’




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



A little more than half an hour later,

“Hmmn! Now I get it but I am still not at that level to understand difficult words!” The leader muttered after figuring out a way to read a few sentences from the diary.


“Well for now this will do for my report and the rest will be up to Higher-ups to sort out!” The leader put the diary back into the wooden box after reading whatever he could from the diary which made a basic understanding of what happened to this world.

The man who wrote the diary was just an average person living his life as usual working part-time during the day and resting at the night, one day when he was playing with a newly bought smartphone which had become a trend at that time but little did he knew that the nightmare which would make the human close to instinct started from the same day.


(Marvin POV)

I was enjoying my time as I rarely get the time to relax from the part-time jobs that I do.

When I was surfing the internet, a social forum caught my eye and after reading the things mentioned on it made me puzzled as to what they are talking about so curiously I opened the news channel on the TV.

That’s when I saw the horror, the creatures who resembled Organisms were destroying a beautiful kingdom and the people or the animals were being devoured alive.

In just half an hour a kingdom which houses millions of people and animals reduces to nothing. Not even buildings were spared as the Organisms-like creatures had devoured them.

The first to fall was the second strongest empire or the continent which was just beside our continent in which I lived. When humans lost one continent then they understood how serious the matter is so everyone started to prepare whatever method they could think of deploying like the military with guns, ranks, jets, etc.

I watched everything about how the second strongest continent was devoured by those creatures. It just took them a year to finish the continent and the more they devoured the more powerful the Organisms became. When they became strong they started to release a dark negative aura which would affect nearby living creatures negatively so the humans started to call the Malice Organisms.

Fortunately, the help from the other continent arrived on my continent and helped us greatly from being invaded. But it also lasted for more than 5 years at which time the second continent perished and our continent became the main battlefield where the rest of the humans tried to destroy Malice Organisms.

As the last two continents were just behind our continent so those two continent’s empire sends us every help they can to stop the Malice Organisms’ advance but because they are have devoured two continents so Malice Organisms were very powerful that even the tank shot wasn’t able to do shit to them so the fights lasted for 5 more years where even I was involved in that nightmarish battle.

Even after all the help of remaining humans weren’t able to overcome the Malice Organisms who kept on dividing and devouring humans to get stronger so after our continent which was on verge of destruction had nothing to protect for, in the end, the remaining continent’s empire decided to decimate them with a nuclear strike which was developed in the last 10 years after the invasion of Malice Organisms.

Even though they weren’t sure about the consequences, they still went ahead and deployed them and filled the whole of our continent with hundreds of nuclear strikes.

Unfortunately, the Malice Organisms weren’t destroyed completely, one-third of them still get out sketch but the same can not be said for humans and other living creatures who were roasted alive or got infected with nuclear energy radiations.

I was also deeply affected by it and caught many diseases which made my life even harder than it was. I knew that I won’t be able to leave alive from here and I also don’t want to be devoured by the Malice Organisms so I kept my distance from them and also from fellow humans knowing that times like these will bring out the dark nature in humans.

I wanted to die in peace so I kept myself isolated and to pass my time I made a hobby of writing in a diary which I found in a destroyed house which I passed by.

I just hope that someday these Malice Organisms would get purged from my world and once again we humans live like we used to.


“And that’s all I can decipher from the diary!” The leader told everything he found after observing and understanding the diary.

“All right, good work Commander Band will! Hand over the diary and other things you found in The Plum Blossom World to the R & D department. You are dismissed until further notice!” A man sitting in a chair nodded, gearing the information about the other world and commended his hard work, then dismissed after instructing him briefly.

“Yes, I will excuse myself then Chiefs!” The leader took his leave and left from there to enjoy his rest time.

“So what do you think of this expedition!” The man sitting on the chair behind the table asked the man sitting on the sofa at the side of the room beside the window.

The leader, who is known as Commander Bandwill come to give his report to the chiefs.

The right-hand man and left-hand man are the main leaders of the ‘Apotelesma’ organisation.

The one sitting in the chair behind the table is in charge of information and secret expeditions.

The man sitting on the sofa is in charge of an undisciplined attack force that also carries out the confrontation with the enemy.


Before replying the man sitting on the sofa took out a cigar then lit it up and took one puff from it.

“Well, the world is just like our past so we just call it a low-level world which has no unique energy and is also on the verge of collapse so I think it would only waste our resources if we keep trying to raid that world!” The man replied to an earlier question by looking outside of the window.

“Hahahaha! As expected with our Chief Morg! Very straightforward answer but I can agree with you on it!” The man sitting on the chair laughed hearing the reply from the chief Morg who took the puff and looked at him with a glint in his eyes so he stopped laughing and agreed with him having different thoughts but having the same conclusion.

“We can conclude this experiment is successful as we can travel to another world so we just need to initiate another expedition soon and hope that we land on a mid-level world next time!” Chief Morg said after taking a puff of a cigar while looking at the man in the chair.





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