Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 67

67 67. A Group Got Ambushed In Another World




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



The armed group of 30 people started to move in a random direction looking up for traces to find a native of this world but even after walking the whole day and night, they weren’t able to find any traces of living animals, much less native people.

Then they decided to rest so they took over an abandoned warehouse with decent enough to cover for them.



In the night time when everyone was resting suddenly they heard a loud growl as they have experienced fighting nature beasts in their world so everyone got ready to confront them but they have no idea what or who their opponent might be.

“Get ready everyone to face whatever the danger is and make sure to keep it clean and efficient!” The leader shouted to his team members.

A team leader is an old man with a beard and a cut on his chin which gives him a unique style. Even though he is old, he has the strength of a grandmaster, so his image looks very imposing in the mind of his teammates.

Also, an old man is very vicious when his plan is thwarted by someone or if someone didn’t follow his plan to the teeth then he brutally gives them the punishment which makes his team members afraid of him.


“Swoosh!” “Craccccck!” “Ahhhhh!”

Suddenly the roar sounded like a wild beast or frenzy animal, then just after the sound of whistling wind reached everyone’s ear, one of the members got his hands missing so after registering the pain he cried out sharply.

“Be prepared, it’s much faster than anyone can intercept with their naked eyes. Common, now make the circle formation and observe your enemy movement!” The leader again shouted after seeing one member losing his hands suddenly.

The rest of them got into a circle covering each other’s back and with extreme nervousness observed the surroundings for a sneak attack.

“Swoosh!” “Clannnnng!”

“Not on my watch!” The leader shouted and blocked the attack on a member’s throat with his sword then he counter-attacked but hit the air.

“Leader, we are at disadvantage here, whatever is attacking us is not human as even I can’t pick any kind of heat signature!” One of the members shouted to the leader after using his special ability that he found something about their enemy.

“Hmmn! I get it, No.25 use your fire magic and illuminate the area with it and make a circle of fire surrounding us for extra defence. Who knows, whatever is attacking us might be afraid of fire!” The leader called out to a man with code no 25 who is also a master magus to do his thing which he excels at.

In just a few seconds No.25 made a ring of fire surrounding everyone and kept a fireball hovering above them to keep the area bright so they wouldn’t get sneak attacked.


“Leader, there I just saw something moving on that side!” The person standing at the back of the Leader shouted, noticing something moving in the back side of the warehouse which has been torn down even more now.

“No.25 make sure to conserve your energy otherwise you won’t be able to replenish it here, and the rest of you also remember this as this world doesn’t have any Dust Energy to absorb inside so if we use the energy recklessly then we won’t be able to defend ourselves from unknown dangers!” The leader looked solemnly at others and reminded them of their most difficult problem which they have to keep in mind if they want to return to their world alive.

“Yes, Leader!” Everyone shouted in unison in an acknowledging manner that they understood.

“Good, now I want No. 22 to pinpoint the enemy and No. 20 to attack with an area of attack spell and freeze it completely so we can save ourselves from depleting too much of our energy!” The Leader gave the order to the two people as they were suited for the quick and precise attack with their combo.

No.22 is an ability user who can pinpoint the enemy with his unique energy which releases from his body after using the ability as long as the enemy is in his ability range.

And No.20 is a magus master who uses ice attribute magic as ice being his principal attribute. His speciality is that as long as the enemy is his equal or weaker than him then he can freeze them with much difficulty.

Both No.20 and No.22 came forward with the leader as support and stood in position to attack in a swift motion.

No.22 used his ability and tried to reach every corner of the warehouse or now a broken warehouse with his energy then he locked on the long and circular creature at the back of the broken structure of the warehouse.

“There I marked it with my ability, Leader!” No.22 informed his leader that he got the location.

“Okay, No.20 get ready to fire your AOE attack magic when I distract it with my attack!” The leader nodded then said to No.20 to get ready then he moved in fast speed using his physical strength with his rapier on hand forged with special alloy gripping tightly attacking the place he found a glowing red marked by magic.

“Descent of Crescent Moon!”

“Swish!” “Bamm!”

“Boooom!” “Raaaaaa!”

The large crescent moon-like shape formed when he performed his move and with a burst of energy, he struck at what he made out from the shape of a worm-like creature.

Using his sneak attack to his advantage, he struck again at the mark with one of his strongest moves without holding back so as not to give his enemy a chance to counter-attack.

The creature made noises after the attack hit its body so the leader was sure that his attack had some effect on the creature.

“Now No.20, freeze it!” The leader shouted to No.20 to attack, feeling his attack go through the creature which is enough to keep it distracted for a moment.

“Mercy of Goddess, Vail of hell, Freedom from the mortal plane; Hell breath of Death!”

No.20 chanted a short chant and cast his magic spell which only took a few seconds so just after the attack of the leader, the place started to freeze and in a few short breaths the whole area surrounding the creature was frozen in an ice cube.





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