Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 59

59 59. The Sudden Spark Of Ember




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



Once the fierce retaliation started, the number of nature beasts dwindled slowly in the border area but there are several more in the other areas so it’s a long way to go for clearing the coastal area.

Non-naturalists with the help of firearms and RPGs are having a very easy time slaughtering the low-level nature beasts.


Just like martial artists, the nature beasts are also decided into several stages, from 1-Star to 9-Star. 1-Star being the weakest and 9-Star being the strongest.

The low levelled ones from 1-Star to 3-Star can be handled using the RPGs but above that level are very hard to damage their skin.

As not only their skin or outer shell becomes harder, the higher the level they achieve but also from the 4-Star stage, they can use the Dust energy to form natural skin cover which gives them another form of defence.

So only peak-level Master naturalists or above can deal with them. For others below that level, if they meet that kind of nature beast, then they can only run for their lives.

Fortunately, for these non-naturalists, there are only low levelled ones present in the Chan-Chiang area.


“Hey, watch out!” A person shouted to his comrades, seeing the sabertooth-looking tiger clawing his friend in the back.

“Swish!” “Ahhh!”

“Bamm!” “Boom!”

Just as the beast was about to claw him again, the man was saved by a naturalist who intercepted the tiger and pushed him a little.

“Hey, Uncle! Are all right!” A young man asked who just saved the man.

“Ahh! Yes, I am fine. Thanks, young man! Cough...cough!” The man covered his arm which has a claw mark visible from the shirt and thanked the young naturalist.

Supernaturalists who were dispatched here this time are mostly the students from the fantasia academy who have joined the Débacle organisation after graduating from the academy.

So they are under 25 in age, that’s why the young naturalist called Uncle to the injured man.

“Uncle, you should take care of your injuries and leave this work to others!” The young naturalist advises the injured man.

“Yeah, my friend! You need to retire from here and go camping to settle your injuries and once they are healed you can join me again!” The person earlier who warned him also advises doing the same.

The injury is quite deep making the one arm useless and if not cured quickly then he might lose the motor control in his arms even if he got treated by healing magus later.

The man taking the advice took his leave and limping away he went to the main camp to heal his injury.

This is quite a common thing happening on the battlefield, the nature beast fights purely on instinct so the attacks they make are always very fatal and deadly, that’s why you need to be very wary of your surroundings when you are fighting with a natural beast.

Just like that, a fight lasted more than two days, when the nature beasts suddenly halted their attacks and went back a few kilometres from the human beings.


In the main camp,

“Boss Wuji, this is everything that happened in these two days and with the casualties on our side, we aren’t able to proceed to attack them again before the soldiers are in their top condition!” Mcfallen reported everything which he calculated so far with the enemy movement and nature beasts’ behaviour.

“So you mean to say that something is very fishy going on behind nature beats attacks and suddenly halting their movements. Hmmn!” Boss Wuji looked at the report and agreed with Mcfallen thinking process.

“Boss Wuji, there are also more deaths of soldiers than usual!” Mcfallen reported with a saddened expression as whenever they had to fight with nature beasts, all the soldiers made sure ready hearts as they might die fighting with nature beasts.

But Mcfallen who has to organise their bodies and send them to their families always felt their sadness and when he thought about his family, he felt even more sad and angry at the nature beasts, and those lunatic people.

“Hmmn! Organise their bodies and write down their names in the memorial so everyone remembers their name who have sacrificed their lives here and send their family members the living expenses we promised them!” Boss Wuji replied with a heavy heart and helplessness.

“Okay, Boss Wuji! I will do that, then if you excuse me.” Mcfallen took his leave after giving a salute to Boss Wuji.


On Erick Dahl’s side,

“Phew, it was nerve-wracking fighting in the front lines!” Erick commented and exhaled turbid air from his lunges.

“Hahahaha! We have always been like that whenever nature beats us. We, the Débacle, are the ones to have a head-on confrontation with them.” A mid-aged man laughed seeing Erick exhaled like that and commented as he misunderstood that he was feeling nervous or something.

“Well, that’s fine as well! I just wanted to participate in the exciting battlefield but who knew that I would have to witness a bloodbath like this!” Erick looked at the bodies in the distance and commented that he felt uncomfortable seeing the bodies.

“Well, lad! That’s a common occurrence! Even though we all know what is going to happen to us when we fight with nature beasts, we also know that we are fighting for our family and friends so we don’t have many regrets that we die fighting with those beasts!” Another man interjected in their conversation with a melancholic and firm expression.

Erick, seeing the look on everyone’s face, understands that they have accepted that fact but still are willing to lay down their life for families and friends.

That’s what real men are supposed to feel, Erick thought in his heart and slight respect for these people was born in his heart.

‘Maybe, that’s what I am missing in my heart which has stagnated in one place!’ A thought came to Erick’s mind after looking at the surroundings and understanding their viewpoint.

The silent fire suddenly started to burn inside Erick’s heart which would slowly spark like an undying ember after witnessing and experiencing the worldly sorrow and worries.





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