Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 46

46 46. The Headmaster And The Four Deans




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



Island of Martial Fantasia Academy,

The academy is on an artificial island, which was established after the first otherworld phenomenon happened.


In the beginning, the island was very small at a size of only 1000s metres in diameter.

The fantasia academy was stabilised in the middle of the island and its main purpose was to train the returnee to control their strength and research abnormal supernatural phenomenons.

There were only a hundred people at that time and the eldest person among them became their leader so the group remained in a disciplined manner and did not become like stray dogs.

After 30 or so years later, the island size has increased to a large degree. Now it’s as large as a region of Japan. Which can house 100’s thousands of people.

The East side of the island has mountain peaks which are also connected with the south side of the island with rivers which directly flow from it and then connect to the sea.

Beside the river on the south side of the Island has a herb garden where all kinds of exotic and rare herbs can be found, and not only that but the rare seeds and plants brought by returnees from the other worlds are also planted there and taken care of by a herbalist with a special ability user.

On the west side of the island is a large forest area which is also used as a training ground for training young Supernaturalists.

On the north side, where the pier is situated and also a town area for business and marketing things.

After the change in the world, if anyone was found to have the capability to wield Supernatural strength they will be transferred to the island and for that several first-generation returnees are responsible for it.

Now, the population has exceeded over 10,000s. Most of them ended up untalented with very low potential so they were given the chance to do something else that is like becoming a shopkeeper in the commercial town.

Just anywhere else the huarache exit on the island, the more potential the person has, the more privilege he will get after joining the academy.

There are several small factions with people who have low potential and are shunned by high and mighty geniuses in the academy or on the island itself.

Not only that, the geniuses who have rich families behind them have individual groups.

And these groups together can shut anyone in the outside world.

Even after that, The headmaster and four deans of the academy have the highest authority which prevails over everyone.

The dean is also the first generation returnee and their leader from then, also he gave the most experience among the returnee being the oldest person to come out from another world.

The headmaster and four deans are also the council members who oversee the whole supernatural side of the world.

The Academy is the centre of the island and for any foreseeable future trouble, they have put together a large formation which covers the whole island, so the island is like an impregnable fortress.

Except for the headmaster who stayed neutral, the four deans all sided with their own countries. The first dean, who takes care of the mage department, is from Japan and he is also a grand magus. His name is Cyril Gogatsu, when he returned from another world he was a teen approaching adulthood so now after 30 years so later, he is in his 50s like the rest of the deans.

The second dean, who is in charge of the Ability user department, is from the US and is a Grand Practitioner. His name is Everett Sawyer, he is also in his 50s.

The third dean, who is in charge of the Martial Arts department, is from China and is also a Star level-9 Martial Artist. His name is Gao Xing-fu, also in his 50s.

The last dean is an odd one out of everyone on the island who also has a very unique title that is Sage or Pioneer of a new era. He is in charge of the only research facility on the island, he is not from any well-known country but he took the side of those small countries who are helpless against the new era.

His name is Davy Crockett and also in his 50s, he is a pure schooler so he is also the weakest among them but nobody dares to disrespect him. He is also the first person to know why their strength is restricted and

He also came up with a lot of theories which were used as references to develop techniques and all kinds of other things.

The most mysterious among them would be the leader of the council, which nobody knows how they look like except a few core members.


In the meeting hall after the discussion finished about the new young talents, the most crucial matter left to discuss.

“So does anyone care to explain how this happened even after I gave the warning!” The headmaster asked with a serious expression and unconsciously making the air heavier.

“Umm! Headmaster, it’s not like we wanted to neglect it but we didn’t have any choice in that matter!” A brave instructor stood up and tried to explain the situation.

“Yes, Headmaster! We don’t have any organised team for that and nobody has thought about it until now!” Another instructor stood up with him and also spoke out to agree with the other instructor.

“Sigh! I should have thought about this problem but I never imagined that ‘they’ would grow this fast!” The headmaster sighed and stopped them with his hand gesture as it’s pretty much useless to argue about what had already happened.

“Anyway, Chung-Cha! Go inform Dean Davy Crockett that he should make time for tomorrow and welcome a new fellow instructor who will heavily help him in his current project!” The headmaster called instructor Chung-Cha and gave a message to deliver to Sage Davy Crockett.

“Alright, the meeting adjourned and remember to have solid information about ‘them’!” The headmaster ended the meeting before he gave a warning with his aura flaring up, making it clear to all the instructions present that the headmaster was serious about that particular matter.





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