Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 107

107 107. Meeting With Mr. Edward




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



A few minutes later, a woman dressed in a low skirt and white shirt came out carrying a file, and then she looked toward where Leader Shun and Rodrick were sitting.

“Are you Mr. Shun!” The lady who came near them asked while bowing a little.


“Ahh! Yes, I am!” Leader Shun nodded his head towards the lady who looked half his age so he guessed that maybe she was the secretary of the city leader.

“Please follow me inside Mr. Shun and this gentleman as Mr. Edward is waiting for you!” The lady sounded a little more respectful after she confirmed the identity with a gesture she invited them to the office.

“Ohh! Yes, let’s go!!” Leader Shun stood up and followed the lady along with Rodrick into the office.

Inside the office,

A large oval table with four chairs around it and sitting in the center was an imposing middle-aged man not much different from Leader Shun in age or experience.

The office wasn’t that large but it was spacious enough for two or four people to sit comfortably while enjoying the scenery outside of the glass windows.

“Hello, Mr. Shun and welcome to my office!” The man stood up from his chair and gave a warm welcome while shaking hands with leader Shun.

“Hello, Mr. Edward, it’s a pleasure meeting you!” Leader Shun shook his hand and replied with a smile.

“Hahahaha! Pleasure is all mine!!” Mr. Edward laughed, feeling the instant click with Leader Shun’s attitude.

“And who is this young man, is this one of your team members!” Mr. Edward’s vision stopped on Rodrick and found him a little familiar so he asked leader Shun without sounding rude to the young man.

“Hmmn! He is the youngest member of the group. Common, Rodrick! Give your greetings to Mr. Edward.” Leader Shun introduced and beckoned Rodrick to show his respect to Mr. Edward so as not to look like a rude young man.

“Greeting Mr. Edward!” Rodrick gave a slight bow while greeting him with respect.

“Hahaha! What a fine young man, don’t stand around, just sit down so we can have a warm conversation!” Mr. Edward laughed looking at Rodrick’s respectful behaviour and feeling pleased, he also gestured to them to settle down as they stood for a while there.

Once they sat down comfortably, the lady who had been standing at the side made a coffee for them and served them before she went out of the room while giving a slight bow to them.

“So care to enlighten why you wanted to meet me!” Leader Shun asked without beating around the bush as he felt that he should quickly conclude this business so he can get back to his work.

“What a straightforward personality Mr. Shun, directly getting to the main topic!” Mr. Edward praised Leader Shun’s attitude and smiled while taking a sip of his coffee.

“Well, I wanted to thank you guys for a while now, as you have done so much for this city. From cleaning internal to external dangers of the city, I am very grateful for all your help!” Mr. Edward expressed his gratitude to Leader Shun as a leader of the city’s highest authority, he ought to keep the citizens safe but he doesn’t have the power or manpower to do that so that’s why when he heard that there was a team who has solved all his problem in just a few months made him surprised and intrigued.

“No...no! You don’t have to, We are also responsible for keeping our place safe from any form of danger so we did what we were supposed to do!” Leader Shun shook his head and denied his gratitude and explained himself.

Leader Shun still has his pride and he doesn’t find that it’s right to receive the gratitude of someone for what they have already done of their own free will.

Mr. Edward complimented Leader Shun heavily, and Leader Shun just shook his head in response. They talked some more about their old days and reminisced about peaceful times.

Leader Shun and Rodrick got to know that Mr. Edward had been working in this position for more than 20 years, the only difference from then to now is that he worked for a county before and now he worked for a single city.

Leader Shun felt apathetic towards Mr. Edward listening to how much hard work he put in his work to maintain this city from crumbling.

The social order itself has become a mess now, so all kinds of people have emerged in society who don’t take others seriously and do what they feel like.

“Anyways, I also wanted to commission your group for guarding the city against any social disturbance or any outbreak from outside. You don’t have to feel obligated to do it for free as I am offering compensation in the form of money and a 10 percent discount on any purchase from the Bank!” Mr. Edward finally came to the point and presented what he wanted from leader Shun or more like his team.

Listening to the offer Mr. Edward was making for the commission that he wanted them to take and felt that the deal wasn’t a bad one. Just the discount would save them from a lot of trouble, and not as there would always be problems in Narsi city.

Most of the troublemakers were already beaten black and blue by them and about an outside problem which they had already cleaned the perimeter surrounding the city so there was no danger or loss in taking the commission.

Thinking about some time Leader Shun accepted the commission and happily chatted with Mr. Edward for some more and half an hour later they left the office.

“Hish! I never thought we would get a sweet deal that might solve our current problem!” Leader Shun sighed and commented with a smile after he came out from the building along with Rodrick in toe.

“Right, we can now legally form a large group without clashing with the government.” Rodrick nodded his head and said what Leader Shun was happy about.

“Hahaha! Now...now, let’s first go and meet with the rest of the team so we can also tell them the good news!” Leader Shun laughed and increased his pace of walking back to their meeting place while thinking about how others would feel about the news.

When Erick suggested they gather a group of people under them, he didn’t specify how to do that. So they have been thinking for a while that if they had more people in their group then they could easily form an offence formation and protect the people at the same time while fighting several hundred people.





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