Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 104

104 104. Slapping Hard On The Face




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



“Don’t! Not that way, move from there!” Rodrick shouted when they were almost to the exit door and were about to go outside from the front door, and Rodrick sensed the danger, he warned Soren and others but it was already late as they were already in front of the front door.



Suddenly the bullets came flying from the outside, Soren with four brothers who were in the front, hurriedly tried to dodge and hide behind the wall beside the door but still, a few bullets grazed their bodies.

“Ahhh!! Fuck*ing shits!!” Soren had weapons on him so his body got shielded by them but four others were hissing from the bullet holes in their hands and legs.

“Hey, are you all right!” Leader Shun and the rest lucked out as they were behind the five of them so they were safe, hearing others cry in pain Leader Shun asked in worry.

“Huff...huff!I am fine!!” “We are also fine, it’s just a small issue!!”

They hurriedly denied and shook their heads even though they breathed hard but they had calm expressions to show everyone that they were all right.

But they were still surrounded from back and front so there was no escape route for them. Leader Shun and others got in a pinch.

“Umnn! This situation is a bit difficult to solve but it’s not impossible. I, Monan, Merial, and Rodrick can try thinning the number inside, we can use that self-important trash as a hostage to escape from here!!” Cortel words made everyone look at her in surprise.

“What...! Don’t you dare give me that look!!” Cortel made an upset face when they gave her a look that said ‘ohh! So you also have a brain!’.

Even though they are surrounded, they still have the same expression as when they started.

“Hey, you group of morons, hurry up and die!!” Mr. Miris Alamin stood behind his fifty men who had just assembled and cursed at Leader Shun and his team.

While gesturing to his men to shoot them, before any of his men could react, the front five or so men wailed suddenly, and with a thud voice, they dropped down with their throats split and blood spilling like fountains.

“Ahhh!! Ahh!!”

The more screaming sound echoed after five or so went down and slowly the number increased and became 20 or so.

Only then a few of them reacted and noticed four people were moving between them at a high speed.

Rodrick and the three ladies again demonstrated the impressive strength they had. They moved at a speed that was difficult for these normal thugs to react against them so one by one every thug got taken down by four of them.

With swift movement like wind, taking lives like cutting unwanted weeds without the slightest resistance.

Leader Shun and rest again felt reverence for their strength and felt the gap between them.

“So what were you saying earlier? Mr scum leader!!” Cortel said sarcastically while keeping her sword in his throat.

“N...nothing, nothing at all! I was just joking around, hahaha!! Mr. Miris Alamin stuttered, feeling the cold chill on his neck, and replied with a forced ugly smile while laughing nervously.

“Hey, where do you think you are going!!” Monan caught Madam Vitch trying to escape by using dead bodies as a cover.

“PHA...PHA...!!” Two slaps landed on both Mr. Miris Alamin and Madam Bitch...cough Vitch’s faces.

“Phew... that was satisfying!!” Cortel sighed with a small smile, feeling like a little bit of her grievance that she had with these scum leaders had been credited after two hard slaps.

A handprint appeared on the same side on both Mr. Miris Alamin’s and Madam Vitch’s faces.

“Now that we have this scum in our hands, we should immediately escape from here!!” Rodrick reminded them and took Mr. Miris Alamin by the collar. He also pushed his blade slightly into his throat to make him follow obediently with them. As for Madam Vitch, Monan also put a blade on her throat and led them toward the others where they were standing while protecting Shen Sareko in the middle like a chick protecting its hen.

“Now be a good boy, and listen to what I will tell you to do!!” Rodrick said in Mr. Miris Alamin’s ear while showing his reflection on the cold blade making him nod his head like a chicken.

“Common, have your men throw their weapons on the ground and stand with their hands behind their necks!!” Rodrick said after they got out from the front gate with Mr. Miris Alamin and Madam Vitch as hostages that nobody dared to shoot their gun at them.

Afraid of implementing their leader in their crossfire, if bystanders think that these men are worried about their leaders then they are utterly wrong to think that. These men are worried about shooting their leader’s body by mistake because if their leaders die then who will pay them their salaries and luxurious lifestyle that they used to?

In these troubled times, nobody cared about being loyal or shit like that, as long as the interest aligned with the person then those people would follow along with whatever the fellow asked them to do.

That’s what is happening in front of the Night and Day hotel.

“Do as he says, throw those weapons in the ground, hurry the fuc* up!!” Mr. Miris Alamin shouted towards his men, feeling the cold sword increasing the pressure on his throat.

“Yes...yes!!” One by one, immediately everyone threw down their weapon and stood in a two line with their hands like they were asked to.

“Hehehe! That’s good, that you fellow listen to you otherwise my hand might have slipped just now!!” Rodrick’s playful words made Mr. Miris Alamin shudder in fear.

The same thing happened with those that were Madam Vitch’s people and after having made a way for themselves, Leader Shun and Rodrick helped Soren and others who were injured to move along with them.

When they were some distance away from them, Rodrick even shouted so nobody would follow behind them.

After walking near the exit, they took both scum leaders into the alley and beat them until their faces became disfigured.

“Okay, we are good to go!!” Feeling satisfied after beating the shit out of both leaders, Leader Shun and his team along with Shen Sareko exited Miami city and left directly for Narsi city to the back of their home.





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