Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 100

100 100. Lofief Bar




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



“Hey, Bro! How was your day today? Mine was pretty shitty and I don’t have any haul today either!” A man sitting at the table with his buddy complained about his bad day.

“Hahaha! I had some luck today and got a pretty nice bonus, if not who would be paying for today’s alcohol!” The person laughed while showing off and opened the bottle to pour into the mugs for both of them.


“Hehe! Bro, Next time would be my treat so don’t mind!”

“Hahaha! Then I wait for you to get some cash first!” Both of them laughed and bickered with each other.

The Lofief bar, a place which is near the gate on both sides as two separate bars which are also handled by twin brothers.

In this place, the people come often to enjoy the old wine which is sipped here by other places, so the price is above average. Even then the alcohol is well-liked by the local people so they come to the bar and get drunk then complain like the earlier two buddies.

You could say, it is also a great place to gather information from these drunkards’ mouths, they often talk about all kinds of things happening in the city and outside alike.

“Anyways, do you guys want to go to the Night and Day hotel to enjoy the night? Don’t worry we will split spending equally among us so how about it!” At one of the tables where five uncles were sitting and talking with lecherous expressions when one of them suggested something.

“Ohhh! Great, we can do that!” Another one also agreed with the first one.

“Yeah! Go...go, let’s enjoy today’s night!” One after another, all of them agreed to go.

“Look at these guys, wasting their hard-earned money into debauchery!”

“Yeah! Look at these lucky bastards cough I mean hedonistic assholes.!”

Other people looked at them with various emotions, some of them scolded them while some felt envious of them.

“What are you getting jealous of? Use your damn money for once if you want to experience being a true man!” A Group of five men scolded back at those snickering at them and left the bar while smiling like drunkards.

In a corner, five inconspicuous people were sitting while taking small sips from time to time while paying more attention to others’ conversations.

“Hey, did you hear anything noteworthy?” A beautiful lady asked another beauty while taking glances at the surrounding people.

“Cortel, please pay attention to your side. I haven’t heard anything which I find noteworthy at the moment!” The beauty replied to her inquiry.

And yes, these five are Cortel, Monan, Merial, Rodrick, and Erick. They were looking for a clue to find the person named, Bitch cough Vitch, they don’t have any idea if the person in question is male or female.

Cortel and others had no idea where to even begin looking at this big place so Erick suggested starting from this place, a local popular bar.

Leader Shun and the other four have been split up and looking at nearby places like street stalls, weapons stores, etc.

Weapon stores are strictly operated by the city guards as per the license issued by the govt. of Empire which is still operating as always.

The people below never cared how many people come and go into the upper echelons, as long as their life won’t be heavily affected by their policies and schemes.

Erick had given them strict instructions not to cause trouble in the city as Miami city is different from Narsi city so the follow-up mess would be hard to clean for Erick without causing others attention on himself and that is what he doesn’t want at the moment.

It was also a good chance to train them on the value of observations, and how to read the information you need in a crowd of people without exposing your whereabouts.

Fortunately, for Erick, these guys followed his instructions even though they didn’t understand why he was making them do it.

Experiencing their strength increases in such a short time, made them regard him as someone who is like a god to them so they followed his every word like a god’s sacred decree.

Spending a few hours on the Lofief bar, Erick took them towards a gate from where they again travelled some distance and looked for a hidden place where nobody would bother them.

“Okay, this place would do! Now then, you all have developed your basic foundation so from now on for a month you all will be doing the strengthening exercises which I already provided you until your body is completely exhausted!” Erick looked at the steep low ground with tall trees around them so he stopped and informed them what they would be doing from now on.

“Yes!!” All four of them shouted in unison.

Erick nodded at them in approval of their attitude and the fire in their eyes to further improve themselves.

“Okay, now get ready to start!!” Erick gestured for them to get into position.

Cortel, Monan, Merial, and Rodrick, four of them got in horse stance.

“Go... 1,2,3. Common, put more power in the fist!!” Erick then gave them signals and started their practice on how to throw well-balanced and filled with power on every fist attack.


At the other side of the gate,

“Leader Shun, we didn’t find any clue so are we still going to continue!” Soren asked old Shun who was pondering what to do as they haven’t gotten a single clue from morning till afternoon.

“No, we won’t and I am not sure that even if we continue till night, we will get any clue about this Bitch person!” Leader Shun shook his head and stopped their search. They were also feeling a little sluggish from all the activity that they have been doing using their newly discovered heightened senses.

“Ummn! Leader Shun, it’s Vitch not Bitch!!” One of them reminded their leader that he misspoke.

“Cough...cough! Whatever, we will be taking a break and meeting up with Erick-san later in the evening!” Leader Shun coughed to hide his embarrassed expression and took the lead to get out the topic while telling them what they will be doing next.





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