Winter Rabbit in Wonderland

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Alice, who had always thought that SoYoon was cold, realized that right now, her tone was very warm. The temperature difference made Alice remember the last memory she had before she had passed out.

She remembered the researchers’ eyes full of madness and ecstasy as they had witnessed her healing abilities, she remembered the rough touch of them forcing pills into her resisting mouth, she remembered the fear she felt as she realized that there was no one to help her and that there wasn’t anyone who even felt pity for her.

Her body trembling, she stood up. Suddenly, she realized that she didn’t have any clothes on. If she continued like this, that girl would leave her here. Then, she would be stuck here all alone. Alice became desperate.

“Wa, wait! I’m coming too! Bu, but, um... clothes...”

“There isn’t anyone here interested in your naked body.”

Alice got angry at her sarcastic tone, but when she heard the sound of SoYoon leaving, Alice ran over desperately towards her. Through the broken wall, she could see SoYoon’s back.

Her body was splattered with blood here and there and was also unclothed. How many men had she been naked around that she was so nonchalant about this? As Alice muttered to herself, she realized that SoYoon had gotten farther away.

Alice hesitated, not knowing what to do. Finally, she stepped into the hallway. She covered her chest and lower body with her long hair and tiptoed after SoYoon.

After they had been walking for a couple of minutes, a girl shot out to attack SoYoon. SoYoon moved away quickly to avoid the girl’s knife, then swung at her exposed neck with her sword. As the head detached from the body, SoYoon was sprayed with blood.

As a result of all the people, including SoYoon, who had sought to protect Alice, even though she had spent a long time in Wonderland, she had not truly been exposed to such a scene this up-close and personal. Alice turned blue as she stepped backward. Then she tripped over her own feet and fell hard onto her backside.

SoYoon was too busy observing her surroundings to pay attention to whether Alice had fallen down or not. A few feet away, she felt a presence in the hallway. They were coming towards the two of them. One of them felt familiar to her.

SoYoon tried to hide her presence and moved towards them. Eventually, she got close enough to hear what the voices were saying. The surveillance camera, the violent actions of the white-haired experiment, Alice Liddell, etc. After listening to the parts of the conversation, SoYoon was able to figure out why the researchers had taken this into their own hands.

SoYoon had been destroying any surveillance cameras she had seen along the way to find Alice. Unable to track where their precious Alice had gone, they were moving quickly to get a handle on the situation.

She gripped her weapons tightly and charged at them. The busily walking researchers screamed at her as she popped out at them suddenly.

“Get her!”

At the command of one of the researchers, the experiments who they had brought along as guards started to attack SoYoon. As expected of the highest elites, the experiments they used as guards were the best of the best.

Some even looked familiar to SoYoon. One was a man that had grown exponentially taller since she’d last seen him 4 years ago. As their knives made contact with each other, SoYoon said to the man in a quiet voice,

“What are you so afraid of that you are staying here?”

The gigantic man hesitated. A girl half his size had broken through and escaped. Her signal had been interrupted afterward, so the researchers assumed she had died and had told the other experiments as much. “Look, this is the end you will meet if you leave this research facility.”

Right now, they were inside the research facility. This meant that they had not been forced to eat the poison they had to take when they left this place, and because they had to fight against SoYoon, they were unchained. The girl that they had assumed was dead because of the lost signal was alive and well in front of them. There seemed to be a way to block the brand’s power as well.

This meant that, right now, there was nothing to stop him. He came to the conclusion quickly. SoYoon’s voice had been small, but it wasn’t quiet enough that the re-engineered experiments could not hear her. Each of her attackers came to a halt. In each of their minds, they had quickly reached the same conclusion as the man.

The research facility. Pain. Escape. Freedom. They quickly agreed with each other as the idea rippled through them.

At that moment, SoYoon said something to close the final deal. “Today, I’m going to destroy this place.”

At the same time, all the experiments’ movements slowed. The researchers reacted sensitively to this and exclaimed angrily, “What are you doing! Capture Alice Liddell first! You can get the white head later! No, just kill her!”

The reason the researchers had captured her was to figure out how she had stopped the signal from being emitted from her brand. But they had figured out that it was the patch that allowed her to do this. This meant that they no longer had any need of her.

But even at the researcher’s commands, the experiments not only failed to attack, but their power over them slowly started to fade.

SoYoon passed the hesitating experiments and walked toward the researchers. The researchers, getting desperate, attacked her using magic which she was easily able to maneuver around. Compared to her previous opponents who had been agents, their attacks were too slow and weak to have any effect over her. As elites who enjoyed work at a desk, their lives warranted little practice when it came to perfecting attack spells.

However many times they attacked, they couldn’t get a scratch on her. And as she came closer, they became enraptured by fear. Among them, there were those who became weak in the knees and collapsed. There were others who screamed at her that she was a monster. What happened next flew by in a blur.

They were all wiped out by the weapon they had created.

SoYoon looked at the last researcher standing, an old man. He backed up into the wall and muttered pleadingly, “Save... save me...”

He was this research facility’s project manager. SoYoon adjusted the ax she was holding in her left hand. The ax blade had become bent when she had used it to free Alice. As a consequence, it looked even more deadly. She raised it and swung it down powerfully at the man pleading for his life. It ripped through the man’s shoulder to past his chest.

His pain-stricken scream echoed through the halls. The man cried in agony with his face full of tears, snot, and blood. SoYoon observed this quietly and casually turned around.

The experiments were all holding weapons and staring viciously at that man. She stepped lightly out of the way and asked.

“Would you like the honors?”

“Are you content with this?”

“As long as you all finish him off. It will be more painful to be murdered by many than by one.”

SoYoon removed the blood from her knife and ax as she approached Alice. Alice, who had collapsed onto the floor, scooched her butt to get as far away from her as possible. SoYoon looked down at Alice as she did this.

“Why? Are you scared?”

There was not a spot from head to toe on SoYoon’s body that was not splattered with blood. In both her hands, she held weapons. Alice trembled and clenched her jaw tightly.

Her head was spinning from the gruesome scene she had witnessed only a few meters away from her. Even if she turned her gaze just a little, she would see decapitated heads and intestines pouring out of split open stomachs.

Alice resisted the urge to throw up as she looked away from SoYoon’s gaze. SoYoon tilted her head as she stared at the fear-filled blue eyes. From her white hair, drops of blood dripped onto the floor.

“Didn’t you kill also? You also killed...”

Me. Alice stuttered without saying the last word that came into her head.

“You, are you really Ye SoYoon?”

SoYoon threw the ax onto the floor and swept back her long bangs. As she did, Alice saw the face of the girl from her memories. Alice faltered as her arms and legs got weak. She quickly stepped away from SoYoon.

“Go, go away! Why are you following me all the way here and bothering me?”

SoYoon looked down at Alice who was creeping away like a bug and instantly reduced the space between them as she threw out her fist. The fist that was heading straight for Alice’s face stopped inches away from her nose. Alice hadn’t even realized that the fist was getting closer She jumped in surprise as she blinked repetitively, realizing something. Ye SoYoon was extremely weak-hearted. Even when she had known who had started the rumors, she hadn’t uttered one word of defense. That’s how easy that girl had been to manipulate.

And that must still hold true. That’s why she was unable to hit her now and was still hesitating. However, the moment Alice thought this, the powerful fist hit her hard in the stomach.

SoYoon looked down at Alice who had fainted. The naked Alice looked even more pure and innocent than before. As she collected her thoughts, she heard the conclusion form in her ear. The last experiment had been annihilated.

SoYoon warned all the experiments to be careful of the magic traps, then grabbed Alice by the hair and dragged her along as she started to walk.


After coming out of Wonderland, Dee opened the door to the car that his assistant had waiting for him. The assistant, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, looked over in shock when he saw him covered in injuries.

“Dee! Did something happen?”


“You should first get treated...”

“Shut up and drive!”

Dee sat in the passenger’s seat, opened the glove department, and started to search it. The assistant started the car utilizing the magic capsule he had eaten before and asked, “What are you looking for, sir?”

“Magic capsule.”

“It is over here.”

His assistant reached into his front pocket and pulled out a small pouch which he handed to Dee. Dee pulled out the magic capsule and swallowed it. Then he gave his driver his destination.”Go to the government research facility. The place where Blondie is.”


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