Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 32: Family P 3

Chapter 32: Family P 3

The long hallway had dark ebony walls with several doors on the left side, while the right was filled with big windows.

A woman named Claire showed Lia and Noel the meeting hall.

The other staff were already sitting at the long table and looked up as Lia and Noel came in. They all wore the white attire like Claire and she gave them the same one. Lia put it on while Noel just put it over his shoulder.

"Wear it please, this is a sign you're a staff member. Without it, you'll be thrown out or not let in, so don't lose it," as Claire said, she also sat down.

Noel put the white coat on and sat at the end of the table. Lia next to him.

"Finally arrived huh? Been waiting my ass off for ya!" a male with dark hair and piercing eyes sat lax on the chair. He seemed as old as Lia and Noel.

"It's fine, you haven't been much earlier too," the female opposite to him pulled up her glasses and refused to look at the male. She had shoulder-length brown hair with a small flower ornament.

The guy shot her an annoyed glare but remained quiet as Claire cleared her throat.

"Everyone knows their task right? We're here to create ghosts. Two of us will be on each floor to help one of the P family's members."

Lia held her hand up, "What's our task? How do we create ghosts?"

"You'll see," Claire started.

"You don't even know that?" the guy from before spat out.

"Can you be quiet?" a stern-looking guy sitting next to Claire scolded.

"Each of the members has their own methods. If you're concerned if you're up to it, then you shouldn't worry. The fact you've been chosen as staff is proof. Furthermore," Claire folded her hands,

"You might have heard of it but the floor that is successful in creating the most vengeful ghosts in the largest quantity will have powers granted. As for the internal competition between the P family, it is none of our business."

Lia glanced at Noel but seeing how he didn't ask anything regarding the fact they have to create ghosts, she figured it'd be best not to arouse suspicion.

"Ok, moving on, we have assigned you to each floor as you might already know."

Claire pulled out a document, "On the ground floor Mat and I will be responsible for you all and your well-being. We're so to say your overseers. Please turn to us in case of anything you need."

The stern-looking guy next to Claire nodded.

"Aiding Miss P, Fourth P, on the first floor will be Tim and Barn."

Lia almost jumped up on her seat as Noel next to her nodded. It was strange to hear that Noel was called Tim here. Barn sat opposite to Noel. He was a tall and lanky male with a gentle smile.

"Kim and Tom will be on the second floor with Third P."

Lia got another fright. Her cover name here was Kim. As for Tom, he was the annoyed guy from the beginning. Lia cursed inside but she coldly gave Tom a nod who clicked his tongue. Lia sighed, why did she have to be paired with him out of all people?

"With Second P on the third floor are Sera and Phil."

Sera was the girl with the glasses while Phil was a middle-aged guy with a slightly chubby belly.

"Lastly, Nessa and Nita are on the fourth floor with First P."

Nessa and Nita were two females who looked to be in their 30s, they also seemed to know each other. Nessa with reddish hair spoke up, "What about Elder P?"

"Elder P doesn't need any staff to help him," Claire finished and looked into the round, "anything else?"

Lia felt Claire's words were very suspicious and for some reason, she guessed that everyone else also had the same thought. Their intuition told them that Claire and Mat weren't only responsible for the ground floor but actually for Elder P.

For immortals to want to create ghosts without any conscience meant that this bunch was quite dangerous and intelligent. Even if they only wanted the power, to go to this extent, showed how cold-blooded everyone was.

Lia felt that this mission wasn't as easy as she initially thought it'd be. She wanted to immediately lunge at Elder P but understood that there were even more pressing matters such as finding out the purpose of this facility and stop it.

Her biggest concern was Tom who hasn't once taken his gaze off her since it was announced they'd work together. His sharp eyes told her that he was suspicious of her.

Lia also knew her mistake. She should've kept quiet in the beginning but she never looked at Tom once and bore an indifferent face that made her seem aloof.

"Alright, we'll show your room and later please make your way to the designated floor and instantly report to the P members."

Claire and Mat led them to the other side of the building where the rooms were split up by the floors they belonged to.

Between each two rooms was a large passage that cut them off from the other rooms. The rooms were spread out in a circle that was in the centre of the ground floor.

The cream ceramic gave it the look of a mansion with large pot plants in each passage. Noel and Lia split up and they didn't look at each other. It'd be better to pretend to not know each other.

The two rooms were in a small area that each had a number marked. They started from 0 to 5. Lia and Tom went to 2.

Before Lia went into her room, Tom called out to her, "Kim."

Lia turned around and had long anticipated he would call her, "What?"

"Nothing," Tom had his hands in his pockets and a dark glint hushed across his eyes.

Lia thought of the first time she met Noel but at that time Noel exuded an air of vigilance while Tom definitely radiated danger. She had to make sure to stay away from him.

"Just wanted to say I'm looking forward working with ya," after agonising her with enough silence he finally said and then vanished inside his room.

Lia also entered hers and her eyes narrowed. It was really bad luck she ended up working with Tom. She was sure that she somehow stepped on some alarm buttons in his mind. She had to figure out what his goal and motives were.

The room was a fairly large ensuite room. It was nothing special, enough to feel comfortable and live for a while.

After a while, she left the room. Coincidentally, Tom also came out. They silently looked at each other before heading to the second floor via the stairs.

The second floor looked clinically clean with white walls and tiles, reminding of an operation room. There were several rooms. One was a large office, apparently for Third P, then there was an open space office like in a company for Lia and Tom. Behind that area was the so-called laboratory.

Lia and Tom walked towards the open space. There were two desks. Tom took the one next to the window and sat down. His feet on the table. Lia moved to the other and proceeded to also seat herself.

From the office in front of them a male came out, "You're here?"

He briefly gave them a look and strode between them. He ignored Tom's manner.

"I'm Third P," he introduced himself.

Third P looked about as old as Elder P did. They had the same hair and the same lips that curved into a mocking smile, however, compared to Elder P, Third P looked more dignified and diligent.

"Tom," Tom just waved his hand and put it to his head and back in a swift movement.

"I'm Kim," Lia gave a respectful nod.

The siblings were competing with each other. If she could curry favour with Third P, things might be easier. It would be even more ideal if Third P would dance like a puppet in her palm.

"Good," Third P remained unmoved between them, "You should be informed about what we do?"

"I am, not this lass though," Tom pointed at Lia who secretly scowled. This troublemaker really had something against her.

"You do?" Third P turned to her and his slightly curved lips really gave one the feeling of being mocked and looked down upon.

"No, Tom is only saying that because I wouldn't give him my relationship status. People who have been rejected sure are pitiful and sad creatures, seeing how bitter and salty he is."

"Fu-" Tom jumped up from his chair and was ready to grab Lia when Third P stopped him.

"Refrain from harming each other and keep your private life matters out of work. I don't care if you are going to pine after her but it'll be a hassle to look for new staff."

Lia gave Tom a small wry smile as he was held back by Third P. Tom's eyes instantly turned red. Third P had his back faced to Lia so he didn't witness her provoking action.

"Also, you're here to work. Strictly keep to that. Don't forget that we have to produce results and you'll be rewarded with powers."

The moment the word 'power' fell, Lia was surprised to see Tom's eyes flash momentarily.

"Sir, I hope you were not offended by my previous statement," Lia hung her head low a bit and seemed to regret her words.

"No, I'm not interested in relationships."

"I see," Lia gave him a warm smile.

Tom narrowed his eyes at her. Lia briefly caught his glance but decided to ignore him.

"Heed my words, both of you. You're here for work," Third P reminded them again.

Then he walked forward telling them to follow. Once he stood in front of a see-through glass door that opened at both sides, they stepped through it and found themselves in a warden-like area. On both sides were several doors.

"This is the laboratory, behind each door is a room with a different method to create ghosts. I want you to daily check on the progress and experiment which of these rooms provide the best results," Third P walked along the hallways until he ended up in front of a door.

"Once you have decided on a method, we'll clear all the rooms to use them for that particular one. For now, you'll have to note the rate and growth of the success. Please feel free to add your own ideas. If you want, you can split the rooms and manage it separately while reporting the results to each other."

Lia's face paled when the door opened and revealed the masses of bloody bodies in a room full of torture devices. It was clear that those people weren't immortals. They were mortals.


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