Why Did I Have to Enroll

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Lesson 2. This is your roommate 1

Professor Yoo Mina was as kind as she was beautiful and taught the academys common sense to Ban Yu-won. In conclusion, the student selection system of Union Academy drew Ban Yu-won here.

The Union Academys student selection system targeted all dimensions, selected students who met the necessary conditions, and automatically provided the appropriate type of evaluation. Therefore, the professors learned the name of the planet Earth for the first time today, and it seemed they were quite surprised that Ban Yu-won came from a lower dimension where even the existence of Union Academy was unknown. But after seeing the Tower of Babel, Ban Yu-won had already cleared his desire for revenge and decided not to care about it anymore. Professor Yoo Mina, unaware of that, tried to cheer him up.

Is that the artifact you made? Its amazing; even though the power it contains is poorstill, its an offensive artifact that moves completely autonomously. Oh my, I can feel its ego! Huhu, I look forward to seeing student Ban Yu-wons development.

What do you mean you want to return to your hometown before the entrance ceremony? Hmm, well, you didnt know about Union Academys existenceokay. Ill give you special permission.

Ah, they just told me that the other low-level special admission candidates passed the evaluation. There are four people, including you, and you will share a room with one of them.

Then, Ban Yu-won, go back to your room and tear this piece of paper when youre prepared to return home. We will request a summon on the date of the entrance ceremony, so please respond after all preparations have been made.

When Ban Yu-won returned to his room after his interview, another person was already there.

Who is it?

When he noticed Ban Yu-won, the good-looking man drew a shining sword from thin air and aimed it at him. If it had been only half a day ago, he would have sat down in shock, but Ban Yu-won was no longer surprised to come face to face with a blade. In fact, the Goblin Club had already reacted, blocking it.

Cant you see the clothes Im wearing? Im a new student here. And your roommate.

Uh? Oh, oooh. My bad. I was taking a practical evaluation until now, so Im still on edge.

After understanding Ban Yu-wons clear explanation, the man realized his mistake and hurriedly bowed his head in apology. He had a bit of a quick temper, but he didnt seem like a rude person. Since he decided to stay, the character of the person living with him was important, and it seemed there was no need to worry about this.

I heard you are also a special low-level archetype.

Hmm? Oh, you, I mean, you, ahemare you also from a lower dimension?

Ban Yu-won. Feel free to call me by name.

What? By name? No, I cant. Ban, please. Call me Ace Light; no, I am Ace Light. You can call me Light.

It seemed that in the world where Light lived, calling someone by their first name was very rude. Ban Yu-won observed Ace Light, the colleague hed be living with.

I thought I looked goodbut its ridiculous to look at him.

He had a slender and small face, sharp and sparkling blue eyes, and wavy blonde hair fluttering down to his shoulders. Combined with his high-bridged nose and delicate lips, he almost looked a little artificial. He looked like a prince straight out of a cartoon.

I mean, do I have to be describing some guys beauty like this? This is so annoying, seriously.

So, he stopped. Instead, he asked him.

You just finished the practical evaluation? Then you came after fighting the Blind Goblins too?

What? Blind Goblin?

However, his response was unexpected.

No, it cant be. Such low-level monsters can be easily hunted by soldiers who have received a basic education. I dealt with Trolls and Ogres, and Im tired after moving through the swamp for hours. Whew.

Ogres and Trolls? While he wasnt sure how similar they were to their game counterparts, werent they much stronger than Goblins?! Ban Yu-won moved his lips without sound. It was then that something caught his eye: the Goblin Club used to block Lights sword. It was hanging helplessly by Ban Yu-wons shoulder. It seemed that it had used all its energy, no, Spirit Strength, to block Lights sword.

Is that so? Then Ban, are you a special ability type? That must be it. The artifact that just blocked my sword was unusual.

Light nodded as if he had noticed something in Ban Yu-wons bewildered look.

I do not meet the other conditions, including the dimension of birth, but I am confident in my combat power. Passing the practical evaluation, which was higher than the general admissions, was the condition for my admission.

Is that so?

He thought that all the low-level special admissions were for students who lacked strength, but there were apparently other cases. He couldnt help but feel pathetic for having felt he could relate a bit to this man with inhuman beauty just by hearing that he was a certain archetype like himself!

Hey, hey, Ban! Dont be gloomy. After all, we all entered this academy to get a proper education and grow, right?

Yes, youre right.

Light, noticing Ban Yu-won was down, tried to cheer him up. He was even a good-natured guy! The only factor that he could beat him at was language. However, he couldnt brag about it without disgracing himself.

Ban Yu-won, who could no longer stand it, decided to retreat.

You said you were tired from going through the swamp. Take a shower and rest. Actually, I decided to go back to my hometown for a while before the entrance ceremony. See you then.

What? Did you get permission to return to your hometown during the waiting period for admission? From the academy?

What? Oh, yes.


He thought it was no big deal, but Light looked startled.

Ban, you seem to have some really great abilities. To think that the professors of this snobby academy granted that level of convenience to a student who has entered through the lower-level special admissions system.

Is it that great?

Haha, you dont know how great it is. You dont know how much higher-dimensional beings look down on and ignore the lower-level dimensions as if they were godshave you never experienced such meanness in an interdimensional exchange?

Lights expression was bitter as he said those words. Ban Yu-won responded awkwardly.

Sorry, actually, I first learned about other dimensions today. I dont even know whats so great about the higher dimensions.

The resources, knowledge, and magic you can have from birth are differentbut what? Did you learn this for the first time today?!

Oh, was there such a difference? But lets talk more about it later. I couldnt tell my parents I was brought in for a practical evaluation, so I think I should go back first.

O-Okay. Allright.


Ban Yu-won took out the paper the professor handed him earlier and tore it. Without any delay, he was teleported to Earth.

* * *

Oh, you scared me! Ban Yu-won, where did you go? I thought you were so happy about being accepted that you ran out.

Returning to his room, his older sister, Ban Yu-mi, was now standing in front of him. Wearing a loose sleeveless shirt and hot pants, she was the unemployed woman rolling on the bed in his room, reading a comic book.

Why are you doing this in my room?

I cant spill cookie crumbs on my bed.

Get out. Go away.

He noticed the empty chip bags left on his floor. His bed must be coated in crumbs.

Ban Yu-won sighed and tried to kick his sister, but she rolled away. Of course, he did it, knowing she would dodge. She was a national fencer preparing for the Olympics, after all.

But she jumped up and said:

Hey, Ban Yu-woni.

Dont talk like that.

No, I am not joking. You suddenly changed.

Ban Yu-mis eyes flashed. Ban Yu-won stared at her as if to ask if only now she noticed.

Cant you see the gorgeous clothes Im wearing? Your brother has matured. Youre not on my level anymore.


Ban Yu-mi, raising her hand like a sword, attacked. At that moment, Ban Yu-won moved half a step to the side and dodged her attack, then raised his hand to poke her. But she reacted quickly and turned around so he couldnt hit her, and instead, she noticed his right hand approaching from the side and swung to block it.

Nowhat is it? What is this?

All her attacks were blocked, and while she managed to dodge his attacks, she couldnt hide her shock. Ban Yu-mi, dumbfounded, fell back onto the bed.



Actually, I always thought you werent from our family, you know?

Youre dead.

Ban Yu-won continued as he grabbed his sisters hand

But it turns out that I had a similar talent.

No, can this be explained by talent? Ive been swinging my sword for years!

Ban Yu-mi was born as a monster with an empty head, unsuitable for the Ban family, who lived by their brains. She had been good at everything physical since she was young, but with the barbaric desire to beat people with weapons, she chose to become a fencer. She had returned with three gold medals and one silver medal in the team event from the last Olympics.

So, Ban Yun-won had thought since childhood that she was definitely not from his family lineage, but when he entered the dungeon, he found that he had a similar talent for fighting, and it just took his life at risk to discover it.

And now Swordsmanship 3 has been added to that.

However, as he knew, he couldnt surpass an Olympic athlete at this level. There was still a long way to go to overcome monsters like Light and proudly claim ownership of the Tower of Babel.

Ban Yu-won! So, what happened?!

Shut up! Lets have a family meeting.

Ban Yu-won declared, pushing his older sister away as she yelled.

Haah, youre looking down on me just because youve blocked me once.


Hmm, youre dead if its not a big deal.

While Ban Yu-wons one-sided explanation disconcerted her, Ban Yu-mi meekly followed. It seemed her brother had gone through something, and he would tell them at the family meeting.

Ban Yu-won shouted at her as she left the room.

Sister, call grandpa too.


Call him.

Gosh, whatever, Ill call him, so you take care of it. The men in the Ban family are so exhausting.

Ban Yu-mi shook her head and went out to collect the family. Ban Yu-won watched her go and sighed. Without a second thought, he started cleaning the mess she had left.

[Are you sure you want to usurp the concept of the Bag from the bag of finished chips?]

Look at this.

A smile crept onto his lips. Apparently, they needed to talk about a budget during their family meeting.

* * *

As Light, left alone after Ban Yu-wons departure, was still in shock. Eventually, realizing the state he was in, he decided to take a shower. He threw away all he wore except the cross-shaped necklace against his chest.

I guess I can take it off nowno, no. I will have to get used to it.

Light decided to take a shower with the necklace on. During the shower, what naturally came to his mind was the face of Ban Yu-won, his new roommate.

I knew I had to get a single room. Haah, what do to?

Fortunately, he didnt seem like a bad person. Moreover, he was sorry to think this, but he seemed much weaker than himself, so he could subdue him quickly no matter what happened. However, the artifact with him was quite surprising. It wasnt a swing at full power, but it could still block his Holy Sword.

He could tell because he was the owner of a great artifact, but that ghostly sword wasnt your usual stuff.

Its not all about collecting artifacts. Dealing with them also requires absurd talent. Whats more, its a connection type, maybe heit must be a talent that the faculty is paying attention to. A complete talent, not half like me.

Ban Yu-wons talent had already bloomed and would develop further in the future. It was different from his own.


He ground his teeth as if to deny the thought. His fists pounded against the shower wall.

If I get soft, I will be swallowed up. I cant break. Because somehow, I managed to get into the academy. No matter whatIll surely climb to the top, and I will gain the strength to protect my own world.

Ace Light gathered his resolve and washed his body thoroughly. Then he realized something.

When I talked to him earlier, I didnt recognize it because it was so naturalbut that man, I think he was speaking the Union language.

The languages of everyone who set foot in the Union Academy were integrated into one language called the Union Language. Teachers, students, and of course, the books in the academy were unified. This power was applied over many areas so every individual could use it. However, strictly speaking, this could be seen as a simultaneous interpretation.

Even if you speak in your native language, it was translated naturally into the Union language. If you heard the Union language, you could recognize it as your native tongue. The same went for reading text. Therefore, everyone communicated in the Union language. However, there were some unavoidable drawbacks to this.

That was, the movement of the mouth and the pronunciation didnt match. It was only natural since they would be speaking in their own tongue, and it would come out of their mouth changed to the Union language. For people with great senses like Ace Light, it could bother them quite.

But why did the mans mouth and pronunciation match perfectly? It was bothering him, given he also said that he learned about the different dimensions only today.

Is his mother tongue similar to the Union language?

That was the most convincing conclusion Light could come up with. There was no way he couldve learned it as soon as he heard about the Union Language. But, above all, this wasnt as important as the artifact he possessed.

Ace Light shrugged, dried himself, and grabbed his sword.

Two days left until admission. To be recognized in this academy filled with high-level dimensional residents, even that short period couldnt be wasted.


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