Why Did I Have to Enroll

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

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Lesson 7. I swear Im not doing this because I like him 1

What was that just now? It doesnt seem like he consumed a lot of Magic Power.

While Dok Go-yeon watched Ban Yu-won smash the spiders leg, her mouth was wide open in disbelief.

Crrrr, khang!

Thank you, Beast.

She threw her thankful friend (Ruchel) to the far wall again for pointing out how ugly she looked and looked back at Ban Yu-won.

As expected, there was no sign of him consuming Magic Power. That was a matter of course; he still didnt know how to properly handle Magic Power in the first place. He was just at the level of activating his body.

But how just now? That.

Even Dok Go-yeon recognized that it was a movement that used the concept of Reverse. But if she asked herself if she could do that, that would make her tilt her head a bit.

The Martial Arts she dealt with were subversive and destructive, pushing with a strong and overwhelming force. On the other hand, Ban Yu-won just showed a technique that was only possible by grabbing and moving in a fleeting moment equal to 1 in 100,000. Whether she could do it or not wasnt the problem, it was a skill that didnt fit her Martial Arts.

I heard there is a sect that focuses on counterattacking like thatI dont know if they teach that, though.

However, that skill resided in the realm of talent rather than skill, and naturally, the clan had no choice but to choose their disciples carefully, which made it difficult for them to grow. That was the reason why clans that dealt with that kind of skills couldnt become the majority. That is to say, originally, Dok Go-yeon didnt care about deflecting an opponents attack or using their power to inflict damage, but she changed her mind a bit after seeing Ban Yu-wons strike.

When I return to my hometown, Ill have to look for it. I cant handle it, but.

It was interesting. He looked so cool that she unwittingly clenched her fist the moment he broke the monsters power.

Its not that I fell for him; its just that his beautiful movements and profound technique were cool.

Its enough, Ban Yu-won.


Your progress is enoughhuh?


However, it was the moment that Dok Go-yeon, satisfied with seeing more than expected, was about to declare his achievement

The giant spider, which had lost its legs from Ban Yu-wons counterattack and was writhing in pain, suddenly inflated its body and let out a bizarre cry.

Damn, Irregular!


This Beast is a bother even at moments like this!

Dok Go-yeon, sensing the abnormality of the situation, tried to run to help but was blocked by Ruchel. She couldnt really kill her just because Ruchel was annoying, so accepting that, Dok Go-yeon glanced at Light and let out a sigh.

What were you doing that you couldnt even catch that thing?!

I mean, its annoying to deal with the threads all over the place! My sword gets caught by the thread!

So incompetent!

* * *

As soon as the spider started to swell, Ban Yu-won intuited that a bad change was taking place due to the Irregular phenomenon.

I have to cut it now.

He rushed straight towards it.

The Reverse that I just realized will have no meaning now. It must be stabbed or cut to death. But it is absurd to think I can kill that huge spider with this sword.

So, it had to be cut, but he couldnt cut it with his current power. Still, it must be cut down immediately! Still, as some time passed, he could use Blood Poison again.

However, Ban Yu-won himself knew that it wasnt enough.

What should I do? What?

Taking out the Magic Bomb right now was suicide, and there were limits to the attacks he could use with Eve. Trying to get away with Lilith was futile; the distance was already too close.

If this!

The only realistic possibility was the concept of Wave that he had acquired in Room 3.

It was absorbed into the body because it said humans could possess it. So that means I can use this concept in any way.

The moment he became aware of that concept, he suddenly felt his sword vibrating in his grip. The Beheader Long Sword was emitting light from the several golden threads rising from it. Seeing those separate concepts resonate, Ban Yu-won intuitively realized the combination.


When Ban Yu-won concluded, the concept of Wave that had been randomly thrown into his body was activated and began to consume his Magic Power.


The Wave concept, now expanded and full of Magic Power, began to vibrate as if claiming its existence to Ban Yu-won.

I see.

The Babylonian Code was the power to understand a concept as a language and thereby manipulate its true meaning. With it, Ban Yu-won realized what he could do with this concept.



Ban Yu-won believed in his intuition and took a decisive step forward. Just as he realized and was taught by Dok Go-yeon, he put the concept of Wave in his sword and slammed it down.


It was like watching the wrath of a god rushing across a bloody sea. The power of his swing, strengthened with blood, was amplified and stretched out with the wave.


It didnt just split the giant spider; it spread vibrations through its body and shattered it!

Ha, hahaha!

Ban Yu-won just laughed as he watched the giant spider drop a single Magic Core and disappear. A feeling of exhilaration that he had completed something splendid and a feeling of emptiness that hed emptied himself of energy warred in him. Finally, he slumped down and started to laugh, feeling his surprise at his own actions melting away. Of course, he had to draw his blood and Magic Power, but that feeling of exhaustion didnt last long.

[You realized how to create a more powerful concept by temporarily synthesizing concepts inside and outside the body. The depth of Complete Sight, Complete Hearing, and Complete Speaking increased by 5 each.]

[The depth of Life is 195, the depth of Physique is 160, the depth of Magic Power is 170, and the depth of Soul is 420.]

[The depth of Swordsmanship has increased to 55, and the depth of Snapping has increased to 20.]

[The depth of Wave has been increased to 15.]

There was a change in his body code. He came to realize naturally that the skills of his Martial Arts were important, but the realization of his original abilities was more important.

But there was one more important thing left: the mass of golden strings that flowed from the slain giant spider.

[You stole 15 Life, 13 Physique, 16 Devil, 12 Carapace, 2 Resistance, and 10 Splitting from the Tower Spider of Compound Eyes.]


Ban Yu-won narrowed his eyes when he saw the concept of Resistance at 2 and the Splitting that appeared next to it, unlike the other Elites.

Was Splitting what he was trying to do? So he gave up on fighting and tried to increase his Resistance to buy time to splitthats convincing enough.

However, it couldnt win against the concept combination Ban Yu-won put everything on. If it had ended with just cutting it in half, the Splitting might have taken place regardless, but the power rode on in waves and caused it to explode.

He couldnt believe that, at Eves urging, he could create such a special move from the concept of a trap he absorbed without thinking.

Yes, I activated it by infusing it with Magic Power, so this is an Active Skillno, lets call it an Active Concept.

Contrary to Martial Arts, Riding, and Resistance, which always showed their power, Wave showed its power only after absorbing a large amount of Magic Power. To be honest, he forgot about the status window and skill for a while, but only after using the concept of Wave did Ban Yu-won think, Hey, doesnt this look like a skill?

Ban Yu-won sorted the codes according to the idea he just came up with.


Life: 210

Physique: 173

Magic Power: 175

Soul: 422


Martial Arts: 130 [Swordsmanship 55, Sewing 26, Snapping 20, Flow 5, Reverse 10]

Leadership: 7

Riding: 17

Resistance: 5

Complete Sight: 130

Complete Hearing: 115

Complete Speaking 117


Wave: 15 The force of flow and vibration.

This was how it was arranged.

Okay, Im satisfied.

This tremendous growth was achieved in just one day after entering the Tower. He hadnt caught up with Electo, buthaving mastered Reverse and Flow, he gained confidence that he could win their match.

If I train here on Saturday and Sunday, that conviction will deepen.

From the looks of it, he would spend his entire weekend here.

When Ban Yu-won picked up the Magic Core left by the spider and looked back with a sad smile, he could see Light, who had just defeated his spider, gasping for breath.


With spider webs all over his body, Light could not move and dreadfully called out his name. Ban Yu-won sighed, wondering why the boy who was so talented looked that miserable. It was a disaster that happened in the opposite direction of what he was worried about at first.

What, you are strong and good at swordsmanship.

The spider web! I got caught in that spiders web by mistake once, so it got harder to properly draw Magic Power from the sword!

Even Ban Yu-won noticed the special debuff ability in the spider webs. However, since he removed it before he was hit by it, he wasnt able to conceptualize it.

All right. Dont fall over struggling. Stay still.

Ban Yu-won reached out and took the concept from the giant spider that Light had just killed and then pulled out not only Light but also the concept of the spider webs scattered around him. The whole area cleared in an instant, and Light was freed.

Now, why dont you decide what to do with this Beast?



Dok Go-yeon, who had been dealing with Ruchel until now, spoke in a tired voice.

In fact, it was also partly because she was nervous. After all, she couldnt help Ban Yu-won, but when she saw him take care of that spider alone, Dok Go-yeon felt drained.

Doesnt she get tired?

I cant just hurt her either.


Ban Yu-won learned about dealing with emotions and having an active concept, but interfering with other peoples concepts was another story. However, as he looked troubled, Eve again tapped Ban Yu-won on the back to convey their intention.

You want the spiderweb?


It was a concept that Ban Yu-won couldnt deal with anyway, so he handed over all of it to Eve. But he didnt just give that; he gave Spider and Web as Eve requested.

[The depth of Wicked Beast that Eve possesses has been increased to 25. Absorbed 16 Net.]

Perhaps because the spider wasnt normal, the depth of Wicked Beast also increased considerably, but the core was the Net. Eve, who finished absorbing the concept, turned into a bundle of chains and threw itself at Ruchel.


Ruchel noticed them approaching and swung her hand, but Eve released its body and wrapped it around Ruchel. And surprisingly, it split into dozens of strands and became a web of iron!

Ugh, crrrrrrrrr!

You couldve done that right away.

The web was originally a concept that wrapped around the body the more you tried to get out. Eve tightened even harder as Ruchel twisted, struggling, and as Ban Yu-won watchedand watched 

Light? Why are you covering my eyes?

Y-You cant see it.

And what about you? You!

I can!

Well, he doesnt want to hide his identity!

Phew, its over anyway. The Shift to Room 5it doesnt seem like its happening either.

Ugh, crr.

Ah, mana seems to work normally on the student IDshould I activate it?

Stop covering my eyes.

Right. Then now

Lets go out and ask the Principal or anyone about this.

When Dok Go-yeon was about to say that, her words were cut off, and a voice echoed above them.

Children who passed the test.





Everyone, from Dok Go-yeon, who was convinced she was the best in the world, to Ruchel, who had lost her sense of reason, stopped moving.

I will reward you.

The master of that absolute presence made them even breathe hesitantly.

Ill allow you to become a contractor of the Observer of Complete Sight.

From the empty void, it spoke again.


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