Why Did I Have to Enroll

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Index. Congratulations on passing the document screening.

As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was the tower everyone worked together to build when there was only one language in the world.

The person who built the Tower of Babel was our ancestor, Won. Moreover, the Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.

Thats what he said. If he had heard it after he got older, he would have refuted it, saying that it was absurd, but

Really, Grandpa? So our ancestor was its owner? Not just any owner, but a building owner!

What did your father teach youahem! Not just a building owner, Won. What is important is our ancestors ability.

Ban Yu-won, young and naive at the time, believed his grandfathers words without a doubt, and his grandfather continued on with a twinkle in his eyes. He told him that the Tower of Babel was built not because everyone spoke the same language but because their ancestors could enable everyone to communicate. That the story that God destroyed the tower and scattered mankind was just an ugly delusion of humans who were jealous of their ancestors. The master of language that interpreted and transformed all languages wielded a powerful force.

He told him they were the descendants of such a great man and to never forget that fact. However, Ban Yu-won, who was more interested in houses and buildings than these vague abilities, asked.

Then where did the completed Tower of Babel go? Thats our building, hmph.

The Tower of Babel.

For a fundamentally different reason from his grandson, already tainted by the world at a young age, that grandfather pursued the Tower of Babel. He replied with a distant glance.

Thats something that even Grandpa doesnt know. One thing is for sure, when we find it, our family will be able to regain all its strength and glory.

The Tower of Babel, which the young Ban Yu-won was already eagerly looking for, couldnt be found. However, the ability they inherited from their ancestors did exist, and the proof was none other than Ban Yu-won himself.

The light of my life, the spark of my life. My sin, my soul.

Yu-won, what are you reading?

Im reading a book!

Haah, why does our son work so hard on reading ahoney, our kid, is reading the original edition!

Language is inherently memorized through continuous repetition. The conditions for speaking a language are met only when the ears, the mouth, and the eyes are open.

This is apple, ringo, pinguo, melatheyre all apple!

Father, our Yu-won seems really strange, doesnt he?

He can read a language hes never seen before and understands its meaning in seconds, Father!

However, Ban Yu-won ignored the learning process. From birth, he could understand and deal with the concept of language with a skill on par with any expert.

It seems that Yu-won has the blood of our ancestors.

Father, its not that much; its just.

Finally, a child who will fulfill the familys dream has been born! The child who will bring the Tower of Babel back to the family!

Id rather die than suffer that.

Yes. Ban Yu-won could understand and handle all languages on Earth. No, he was even better than that.


I mean, there is a limit. How can I interpret these words?

[Congratulations on passing the document screening of Union, the best academy in any dimension!]

Oh, I can?

In fact, he could even read crazy moon languages.

Lesson 1. This is your status window 1

It was February, and the young Ban Yu-won was 20 years old. He was sitting in front of the computer, waiting to see if he was accepted into college, refreshing the page repeatedly. Suddenly, his eyes brightened, and a translucent glass window appeared in front of him.

Even Ban Yu-won, whod mastered all the languages on Earth, had never seen these unfamiliar words before.

[Congratulations on passing the document screening of Union, the best academy in any dimension!]

It doesnt go away.

He was waiting for the announcement of his university acceptance, and suddenly a window with an alien language appeared in front of him. An alien language he could understand.

Ban Yu-won, unable to convince himself this surreal phenomenon was actually happening, shouted the very first words anyone should shout in an unusual situation like this.

Status window!

There wasnt such a thing, but the alien language text written on the glass window changed.

[Candidates who pass the document screening will take the practical evaluation immediately. But rest assured! Since the dimension you are currently in is a sub-dimension whose name is unknown, your practical evaluation is also classified as a special sub-dimension. The difficulty level is very low compared to the normal high-level dimensions, so you can pass it easily!]

Im going nuts. Seriously.

What was the practical evaluation, and what was the special low-level screening? The glass window didnt answer, but he could understand the basics thinking about it.

This special admission system is referred to in university entrance exam systems using a selection that differed slightly from the general admission criteria. Specifically, it was probably to recruit special talents. So, Ban Yu-won passed the document screening of this academy called Union or something like that because of his special ability, and he could also take a practical evaluation that was easier

[If you pass the practical evaluation, you will immediately become a pre-admitted student and move to the dormitory of Union Academy, so prepare yourself. We will start sending it in the next minute. 59, 58]

What bullshit is that? Ive never applied in the first place!

When did he write the paperwork, and what was the practical evaluation? He had applied to only S. University. I mean, if youre going to show me such a strange message, give me a status window too!


At that moment, the monitor screen was refreshed, and the announcement of successful applicants from S Universitys College of Social Sciences (scheduled to major in Political Science and Diplomacy) appeared. The result: hed passed! Yes, he must have been so nervous before the announcement that he hallucinated. Convincing himself of that, what welcomed Ban Yu-won, as he took a deep breath

[1, 0. For the practical evaluation location, youll be sent to the Blind Goblin Den!]


He teleported.


When he finished speaking, Ban Yu-won was already somewhere other than Earth. To paraphrase it with the most appropriate word, he knewhe was in a dungeon.

* * *

[The goal of the practical evaluation is simple. Reach the center of the Blind Goblin Den and destroy the dungeon core! As it is a special low-level archetype, you will pass as long as the dungeon core is destroyed!]

Ban Yu-won wondered as he hid in a dark and damp corner of the cave.

Its neither an illusion nor a hallucination. Im sure.

He had come to admit that he was in a terribly unrealistic situation. In fact, after he was dragged into the dungeon, he denied reality for about 30 seconds, but then, when he felt a ghostly presence of a monster approaching, it felt like someone had dumped ice water over his head.

Since his own abilities were the product of a miracle, Ban Yu-wons strength was that he was quick to adapt to surreal situations. He stopped worrying and moved quietly to find a hiding place.

Let me think.

Why was he in this place? Was there no way he could go home? There was no meaning in thinking about those things right now. Now, he had to consider how to safely pass this practical evaluation. Once he left this dungeon, he would have to meet the person in charge and argue with them. He wondered what he could do against a group that could forcefully teleport him.

No, lets not chicken out. I will get out of here safely and enter S. University. A brilliant college life awaits me!

To do that, he needed to find a way out. That was obvious; the goal was presented to him at the start.

[Reach the center of the Blind Goblin Den, and destroy the dungeon core.]

Hed seen stuff like this a lot in games and novels.

They just openly said that this is a dungeon. Is Union Academy like an academy that trains explorers? Then why the hell did I pass the document screeninglets think about this later.

Dungeon Core. What happened when you broke the core of an object? Itd immediately collapse. At least thats what it was like in the novels hed read, and it didnt seem like it was any different here. In other words, Ban Yu-won was instructed to attack and clear the dungeon.

However, the Goblins living in this dungeon wouldnt just stand by as the core was destroyed. It made sense that he must overcome the obstacles these monsters posed and destroy the core.

HmmmIm sure Im going to die.

He was a modern man who couldnt be confident that he would win against a wild chihuahua. If those chihuahuas attacked in groups? Just imagining it sent chills down his spine. Thanks to his body being frozen with fear, he didnt flinch when a club passed his nose.



Inhaling, he desperately resisted the sound that was about to squeak out. Perhaps it was because he was too absorbed in his thoughts that he wasnt aware of the existence of the monster that was approaching him. No, it wasnt that, and the monster had hidden its presence and approached.


Dark green with wrinkled skin and a little short compared to Ban Yu-won, but with muscular limbs and pointy teeth. A Goblin in a game was the weakest foe, but the one in front of him now was clearly a monster.

Then right!



It was no luck that he dodged the monsters club twice a row. It was thanks to Ban Yu-won, who had already understood the monsters words, and moved in accordance with its stupid way of shouting attacks.

This is crazy. I understand monsters.

Curiously, at that moment, Ban Yu-won gained a little confidence. Didnt he at least know that his language ability worked even in this unknown place?

I cant catch him! Its right in front of me!

Meanwhile, the Goblin went mad and swung his club at random. Why would he do such a crazy thing without aiming straight at Ban Yu-won in front of him? It was because the Goblin was blind.

This is an advantage because its a special sub-division, right? Its so not comforting.

Thanks to that, he survived, but that and passing the practical evaluation was completely different. Ban Yu-won backed away little by little from the club-wielding Goblin, but that was a mistake. He ran forward and, bang! He lowered the club.

I missed it agaaain!

Gasp! Gasp! This bastard, hes tracking my movement!

Thanks to his reflexes, he just escaped the blow. He felt his physical abilities were strengthened compared to when he was on Earth. It wasnt enough to beat the monster, though, but barely at the level of dodging the obvious attack.

Fortunately, his hearing wasnt that keen. Once he dodged, the bastard lost track of him. But.

Is there a brother there? What are you doing?

My God, ancestors. A new monster appeared beyond the tunnel as he grew used to evading the firsts attacks! He was equally blind but equally muscular and holding an equally terrifying club! The Goblin (lets call him G1), noticing the appearance of his kin, shouted.

My prey keeps dodging my attacks!

Prey? Prey!

Yeah, he knew it would be like this, damn it! A new Goblin, G2, came running. At this rate, he would be surrounded. However, if he moved, he would be caught again.

How? How the hell am I supposed to survive this absurd situation?

At that moment, a very stupid thought popped into Ban Yu-wons mind. However, there wasnt enough time to find another way, so he put the idea into practice.

Come running and strike straight in front of you!

Ban Yu-won shouted in the language spoken by Goblins. At the same time, he threw himself to the side.

The prey speaks our language!

Thanks for letting us know!


Unlike G1, who was stunned by Ban Yu-wons words, G2 had just come to this place, so he didnt care about the slight difference in voice and ran straight forward. Goblins were more ignorant than Ban Yu-won had imagined, but they were still powerful. They were less evasive, however.


G2 clubbed G1s head.

I caught em!

Im going to kill you!


G1, hit with a critical blow, enraged, swung his club, thinking that it was his fellow who had hit him. Naturally, G2 couldnt dodge.


It hurts! Why are you hitting me?!

You hit me first!


Ban Yu-won blankly watched as a fierce, bloody battle began. If he moved again, he might provoke them, so he had no choice but to stay still. G2 had an advantage from striking first, but G1 seemed stronger, so it was almost a tie.

You idiot! It wasnt me!

Liar! Goblins do not forgive liars!

Their conversation level was on par with an elementary school student, but the battle itself was fierce enough to give him goosebumps.

Hit! Whack! Pop! Puck!

Who said goblins were the weakest monsters?

If he only believed in the descriptions of the Goblins that appeared in novels and ran through the cave without any measures, then Ban Yu-won wouldve been killed.

Ugh, cough.

While Ban Yu-won was trembling at the situation he was in, the battle finally changed. Surprisingly, despite getting the first hit, G1 succeeded in tearing a chunk out of G2s neck.



G2s club hit the ground, but it was then that he made his last effort. He threw himself at G1 and bit the tip of his nose.

Put it away!


G2 couldnt move anymore. However, G1 was also fatally wounded and crushed under his weight, so he could only struggle.

Whoop, whoop.

Ban Yu-won picked up the club.

If I cant even kill him this time, there is no chance I will clear this dungeon.

Since G1 was at deaths door, it wouldnt be a problem to run away like this, but why did he choose to approach him instead? This was because Ban Yu-won chose to move forward rather than run away blindly. No matter how unreasonable the situation was right now, to survive, he must eventually pass through this dungeon, and to do that, he had to face these guys.

He couldnt run away, afraid of this dying Goblin.


He was overly nervous, so he momentarily forgot to breathe, but it could be worse. He brought the club down.


Ban Yu-wons blow went above the average physical strength of young Koreans. It certainly finished the dying Goblin.

[Congratulations! Your first hunt in the dungeon was successful!]

The translucent glass window appeared in front of him again. Ban Yu-won stared at the window while feeling his hands, arms, abdomen, and back throbbing due to tension.

The message updated.

[As a reward, higher-level powers and status windows will be provided. All students attending the academy can manage their abilities and efficiently develop them with the status window! This is the most advanced support system provided by Union Academy!]


A status window at this time?! Not long ago, he was the one who hated and cursed the school officials, but he couldnt help but feel his heart flutter at the promise of a status window!

[This is your status window.]

And finally, it appeared

[It has been confirmed that you attained higher powers.]

The text had a different structure from the letters that appeared so far, more inorganic, although somehow, he could immediately recognize them before they vanished.

[Retrieving the status window.]

What, give me back my status window!

Ban Yu-won, disconcerted, forgot his current situation and screamed. Immediately after realizing his rashness, he covered his mouth, but fortunately, no new Goblins appeared.

[Opening the power, Babylonian Code.]

Instead, golden strings began to come out of the two Goblin corpses.


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