Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 93: Never Falling in Love!

Chapter 93: Never Falling in Love!

After dealing with the website and leaving the inexplicably joined QQ group, Jiang Qin felt hungry and opened his room door to ask his mother for a meal.

Yuan Youqin looked up at the clock, realizing it was dinner time. She went into the kitchen and prepared two dishes: stir-fried garlic shoots with eggs and spicy shredded potatoes, accompanied by two cold steamed buns.

I could choose dishes when the holiday just started, but now this is all I get? Jiang Qin protested.

Jiang Zhenghong passed the chopsticks to Jiang Qin, Dare to complain about the food your mother makes? You must not be that hungry. Find someone who can cook for you if you can.

Jiang Zhenghong was showing his loyalty to Yuan Youqin, but Jiang Qin heard it differently: Dad, I should warn you, I might never fall in love. Dont you and mom ever push me into it.

Yes, focusing on your studies is important. Its correct to prioritize your education, Jiang Zhenghong agreed, thinking his son, only eighteen, was too young for such matters.

No, what I mean is I might never fall in love in my lifetime.

Yuan Youqin came out with the porridge, You wrote love letters in high school, and now you say you wont fall in love? Do you think Id believe that?

That was youthful folly. Ive realized now that everything is false, only money is real, Jiang Qin asserted confidently.

Son, what exactly have you learned at university?

I studied finance.

What else?

A bit of foot massage, a little.

Jiang Zhenghong coughed, You dont have to declare your resolve here. Youre a university student; if you want to date, we wont overly interfere.

Jiang Qin sat up straight, unable to resist asking, Dad, if you had to choose, would you pick a fun soul or a pretty face?

I choose your mom.

Im serious. Cant you stop always looking at moms face?

I still choose your mom.

Jiang Zhenghong, seasoned by a lifetime of marriage, knew how to maintain family harmony. Looking for a different answer? No chance! This is a skill honed by an adult man through the long years of matrimony, tougher than any armor! (TL: Hahaha good man)

Yuan Youqin, familiar with all of Jiangs tactics, showed no reaction. Instead, she frowned at Jiang Qin, What do you mean by a fun soul and a pretty face?

A fun soul weighs over 200 pounds and wants a car and a house. Mom, which should I choose? Jiang Qin tossed the question back.

Yuan Youqin pondered and asked, Isnt there anyone who has a fun soul, looks good, doesnt want a car or a house, and is gentle?

No, but there are plenty of fun souls who weigh over 200 pounds and still want a car and a house.

After hearing this, Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong exchanged looks, feeling their sons thoughts were somewhat off, too negative: Jiang Qin, we sent you to school for you to progress, not to indulge in these whimsical thoughts.

Its okay, I just like to ponder over things. Ill stop doing that, Jiang Qin quickly changed the subject, knowing his parents were getting worried.

That wont do, Jiang Qin. Tell us the truth, what are you really thinking?

Jiang Qin fell silent for a moment, I was thinking, if I stay single for life, you wont have to pay a 300,000 yuan bride price or get me a house. Its more comfortable that way.

Jiang Zhenghongs face darkened, That would be great. Id be too ashamed to face our ancestors even in death.

Yuan Youqin suddenly stood up, took a bankbook from the room, and slammed it on the table, I wont say much, but today Ill make it clear: we have savings. Its not much, but your father and I can still earn. Stop obsessing over money!

Mom, its not about the money. I just wanted to let you know my plans for the future.

After dinner, Jiang Qin found the shredded potatoes quite tasty, thinking Feng Nanshu would like this flavor. But it was already the fifth, and she hadnt returned from Shanghai, probably missing the chance to try it.

After dinner, Yuan Youqin returned to the bedroom and nudged Jiang Zhenghong with her elbow, whispering, Are the living expenses too little?

Huh? Youre going to increase my allowance? Jiang Zhenghongs eyes gleamed.

Im talking about Jiang Qins living expenses!

Jiang Zhenghongs face fell, but he seriously considered it: Five hundred a month is indeed not much. Old Hus daughter, a junior in college, gets over eight hundred a month and often asks for more to buy clothes.

After some thought, Yuan Youqin made a decision: Then lets give him eight hundred from now on.

Jiang Zhenghong was stunned for a moment, then turned serious, Wife, I have something to tell you. Ive been feeling quite negatively as well.

Stop it, go wash your feet and sleep. You read the newspapers all day, acting like a diplomat, but I havent seen any major issues that require your involvement, Yuan Youqin retorted sarcastically.

The next morning, Jiang Qin left home after getting dressed. He first bought a wool coat at the mall, then a set of tea utensils from Taoxuan Residence.

The wool coat was something his mother had always wanted, and the tea set was something his father had been wanting to replace. But giving them money wouldnt work; they wouldnt spend it on themselves and would just save it. So, Jiang Qin decided to buy these himself, tearing up the receipts so they couldnt be returned. It was a like it or lump it situation.

In the evening, Jiang Qin arrived home with two bags. Before he could even change his shoes, his parents pulled him to the sofa.

Jiang Qin, your dad and I discussed it and decided to increase your living allowance to eight hundred.

Jiang Qin looked baffled, Did you discuss raising my allowance with me? I disagree!


Jiang Zhenghong gave his son a look, implying that if he didnt want it, he could give it to his old man: If we tell you to keep it, you keep it!

Yuan Youqin was firm in her decisions, not allowing for objections: Eight hundred it is. Spend it however you like, just dont get into trouble and study hard.

Alright then. Jiang Qin accepted the eight hundred yuan and handed over the bags.

Whats this?

Gifts for you.

Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong took them, peeked inside, and their expressions changed instantly, Where did you get the money to buy these?

I earned it working part-time as a boss at university.

Jiang Qin said the word boss a bit quieter, planning to gradually let his parents accept this fact.

As expected, his parents didnt catch the word boss and focused on the part-time job.

Part-time job? So, youre not short of money?

Its okay. I can afford a discounted wool coat and tea set, Jiang Qin deliberately added the word discounted.

Yuan Youqin looked at her son with a puzzled face, What was the point of everything you said last night?

The point is, Im not interested in dating, and its very likely I never will. You two should get used to it in advance to avoid being unable to accept it later. I mean what I say, so youd better take it seriously.

After speaking, Jiang Qin took out his phone, which started vibrating. He saw the icon of a little rich lady bouncing and couldnt help but smile, a glimmer of pleasure in his eyes.

I mean what I say, I will never fall in love!

Jiang Qin repeated the sentence, then returned to his bedroom with his phone, leaving his parents looking bewildered.

Did he fall in love? Yuan Youqin turned to Jiang Zhenghong.

Jiang Zhenghong was also a bit dazed, I dont know, but that expression just now seemed like it.

AN: Recently, some readers have been less than polite in their comments, so Ive had to enable fan-value comments. Please support with monthly tickets and follow-ups!

TL: Think that means only those who donate can comment.



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