Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 249: Master of Stirring Hearts

Chapter 249: Master of Stirring Hearts

When consumers face a surging crowd, their first reaction is, “Wow, it’s so lively here, let me have a look too.” But for businessmen, their first thought is, “Damn, how much money can be made here? I want to join in too.”

Therefore, the Business Department aimed to leverage this mindset, decisively signing contracts with a number of downtown merchants, expanding their business scope outward.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see right now, tonight’s Wanzhong Mall is actually an example of our group-buying in-store marketing campaign,” declared the newly appointed team leader of the Group Buying Business Department, Sun Zhi, standing in the lobby of Wanzhong Mall, his voice loud and clear despite the bustling crowd and occasional bumps from passersby.

However, his sudden question caught the envious merchants off guard, leaving them momentarily stunned.

What? There’s a question session?

Wait, what was the question again?

Just as the merchants began to show signs of confusion, Sun Zhi’s voice rose again, pointing towards the back of the crowd.

“Yes, the hat-wearing boss over there is right!”

Sun Zhi excitedly proclaimed, “The beauty of the group-buying model lies in its perfect use of online traffic attraction and rapid network dissemination. There are no time constraints, nor spatial limitations. Customers who might never have crossed paths with your stores could become your patrons in the blink of an eye!”

As he finished, the merchants nodded in realization, then turned around in unison, searching for the mentioned hat-wearing individual. They saw plenty of bald heads but no one in a hat. But that was irrelevant, as Sun Zhi’s rhetoric was far from over; he continued to stir the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, tonight’s Wanzhong Mall is overflowing with people. Almost every store is packed. I estimate there are at least eight thousand customers here. No other platform or advertising company in Linchuan City can achieve this feat.”

“Our mere involvement has already pushed the limits of the industry. Aren’t you all tempted?”

“TV advertisement costs tens of thousands at least, and the same goes for elevator ads and billboards. But today, we are not asking for tens of thousands, not even thousands!”

“We offer a chance to join our group-buying platform for free!”

“Become a partner with Group Buying and share Linchuan’s market. What you see in Wanzhong Mall tonight could be your tomorrow!”

With a wave of his arm, Sun Zhi summoned his sales team with contracts in hand, beginning to explain to each merchant.

The subtle persuasion was complete, seamlessly transitioning to a targeted approach.

Meanwhile, on the second floor of Wanzhong Mall, Jiang Qin raised an eyebrow, thinking to himself how his family’s ancestral tomb had smoked during New Year’s, and it turns out his employees had been defying their forebears.

Watching intently, his impression of Sun Zhi deepened. Sun was not only bold and meticulous but also exceptionally skilled at stirring people’s emotions. To think his team harbored such hidden talents!

“Manager Yue, could you come here for a moment?” Jiang Qin called.

“What is it, Boss Jiang?” Yue Zhu approached in her high heels.

“What’s the story with that guy down there?” Jiang Qin gestured towards Sun Zhi.

Yue Zhu glanced down, “Is there a problem?”

“No problem. Just that his tactics seem quite crafty,” Jiang Qin remarked.

“Oh, that’s Sun Zhi, the current team leader in our Business Department. He used to be a health product lecturer, so he tends to be quite dramatic in his speech.”

“A scammer targeting the elderly? No wonder he’s so persuasive. A real talent. Where did you find such a gem? Do we have more like him?”

Yue Zhu hastened to clarify, “We didn’t headhunt him; he approached us. He said he was worried about the karma from selling ineffective health products to people of his parents’ age and wanted to change his job.”

Disappointed, Jiang Qin sighed and tapped his fingers on the railing, “Train him for a managerial position later.”

“Alright, Boss Jiang. Should I call him up to meet you?”

“No need, I’d rather keep a low profile. It feels safer, and the higher profile these group buying events get, the more I need to stay under the radar.”

After saying this, Jiang Qin continued to focus his attention on the scene unfolding below.

In just a few minutes, several business owners were already irresistibly drawn to the scene. Once they understood the collaboration agreement and profit-sharing terms for group buying in their stores, they didn’t hesitate to sign the entry contract.

Among these business owners were those who ran bars, beauty salons, nearby gyms, photo studios, hair salons, and restaurants.

With these merchants moving in, the city center, represented by Wanzhong, transformed into a new consumer zone where dots connected into lines, eventually weaving into a vast network.

In this network, all the small money would flow through Jiang Qin’s pockets.


At this moment, Tan Qing also arrived at Wanzhong Mall from Linchuan University. She was led to the second floor by Bao Wenping, and was now in charge of business operations.

“Tan Qing, do you see that man over there? His name is Sun Zhi. Go talk to him and hear about the work progress tonight.”

Jiang Qin pointed to Sun Zhi, who was below, persuasively urging the merchants to sign the contracts immediately.

Tan Qing acknowledged, then followed Bao Wenping down to the first floor to chat with Sun Zhi.

Seeing this, the employees of the business department couldn’t help but be curious about Tan Qing’s identity.

“Hey, why is Sun talking so enthusiastically with that girl?”

“What girl? Manager Bao said she’s Supervisor Tan, our senior leader, specially liaising with the big boss. Don’t believe me? Look at her badge.”

Hearing this, everyone turned to look and saw three digits on her badge: 208.

The badge didn’t carry the group buying logo but instead a number, which puzzled the uninformed employees.

“Aren’t we all group buying employees? Why are the badges different? What does 208 mean?”

“It’s a mysterious number. Manager Bao said anyone with these three digits on their badge can meet the boss directly. Some are veterans who joined the company at its inception. We should be respectful when we see them.”

“No way, this girl looks even younger than me, barely twenty. Damn, life’s disparities are too stark!”

As they were discussing, Sun Zhi had already brought Tan Qing over, introducing his team members enthusiastically and warmly.

Tan Qing greeted each of them, and then curiously asked, “Did I just overhear you discussing me?”

“Yes, we all think you’re too young.”

Tan Qing smiled slightly, thinking to herself that while she was young, having not yet graduated from college, she was at least in her third year. “Our boss is the real prodigy, just a freshman this year!”

The bustling crowd and thriving business they now saw were all being orchestrated by a first-year college student, a thought that was almost terrifying.

As she thought this, Tan Qing couldn’t help but look up to the second floor, only to find the boss was no longer in his original spot.

As night deepened, the grand marketing event bound by these strategies finally came to a close.

The people of 208 had fervently stirred up the students, creating an unprecedented prosperity for Wanzhong, and the business department leveraged this boom to secure many downtown contracts.

Their combined efforts precisely hit their target, achieving the effect Jiang Qin desired.

In the following days, the business department was inundated with clients every day. Some were inquiring about joining, and some even came with money to buy marketing services, each more eager than the last.

Additionally, the planning department’s street promotions gradually penetrated deeper, shifting from public places to residential areas, covering every corner of the region to expand the user base for group buying in stores.

Interestingly, Wanzhong Mall’s dazzling debut over the weekend even attracted local media attention. Linchuan TV’s community program couldn’t resist covering it, inadvertently giving group buying a mention.

The long-quiet Linchuan commercial district, like a stirred spring pool, suddenly began brimming with vitality and energy.

“This year’s Linchuan Commerce Banquet, I guess I’ll be sitting at the main table, watching others pour me wine?”

Jiang Qin looked at the list of new users and couldn’t help but reveal a grin, akin to a crooked-mouthed Dragon King.

AN: After a day’s travel, I’m exhausted. Please support with a monthly ticket!

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