Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 185: Bringing My Girlfriend to Dinner

Chapter 185: Bringing My Girlfriend to Dinner

The day after the Linchuan business banquet ended, a heavy snowfall blanketed the entire city of Linchuan.

Streets and buildings were engulfed in a vast expanse of white, blurring the line between sky and earth.

The temperature, which had just begun to rise in the previous few days, plummeted once again, as silently and unexpectedly as money disappearing from a pocket, leaving people confused and unprepared.

Damn it, Im already broke, and now Ive gone and bought an MP4 player. My hand doesnt even feel like my own!

Im never looking at Zhihus product recommendations again. Everything I see, I want to buy. Its downright haunting!

They call me family, but their actions are more ruthless than enemies!

There are upsides, though. I tried buying a phone online for the first time, worried all day, but it turned out to be brand new and unopened, and even a hundred bucks cheaper!

Ive bought three down jackets from the online store already. For the same price, the quality is way better than in small shops!

At the Wanzhong Malls cargo department, Ma Liang was busily loading goods into a truck, his expression tense.

He was under the watchful eyes of He Yijun, the big boss, and Yue Zhu, the sales manager, standing right behind him.

He thought he had been caught embezzling fuel money and was pondering whether to confess and hope for leniency, but his hope for a lucky break kept him silent.

It felt like getting an injection when you have a cold, with the beautiful nurse aiming the needle but never actually injecting it an excruciating anticipation.

But what Ma Liang didnt understand was that his position wasnt significant enough to warrant personal accountability from the big boss.

In other words, if it had been about the embezzlement, he would have received a termination notice, not a personal visit from He Yijun and Yue Zhu.

He Yijun was actually there to observe the process of online orders being shipped.

It seems weve underestimated the spending power of college students.

Yeah, especially after the recent offline events. Our online sales are nearly matching our offline sales, Yue Zhu remarked somewhat amazed.

He Yijun crossed his arms: Jiang Qin is really something else.

Boss He, are you praising or criticizing him?

Praising, but it also represents fear.


He Yijun took a deep breath: Have you ever thought, if not just Linchuan, but the whole country adopts online sales, how will malls like ours survive?

Yue Zhu looked surprised: Wouldnt our sales be even higher then?

But what if he starts working directly with manufacturers? Online sales without middlemen mean much lower prices. Would we still be able to sell our products?

Boss He, thats impossible, isnt it? Could Jiang Qin really expand his business to that extent?

He Yijun smiled and shook his head: He went to the Linchuan business banquet with me last night. I told him not to ask for business cards from others. Guess what he did?

Yue Zhu shook her head, a hint of confusion in her eyes: He asked for them?

No, he set up a card display at the banquet hall entrance, labeled Linchuan Business Elite Showcase. Even I couldnt help but put in one of my cards. He got everyones business cards without making a sound. Isnt that cunning?

He Yijuns smile faded: Notify all department managers, were working overtime this weekend to discuss mall reform. We cant just rely on sales to survive.

Yue Zhus expression turned serious: Boss, what are we going to do?

Jiang Qin is launching a new service, group buying in-store. Hes sending me a document about it. Well follow his strategy to determine our reform direction. Otherwise, our pure retail mall will inevitably be left behind by the times.

Were going to reform our strategy based on a college students ideas?

Yue Zhu found this exaggerated.

Even if hes a star student, what does it matter?

A student who hasnt even graduated, how can he have the power to scare the boss into immediate reform?

But what she didnt know was that He Yijun had already keenly sensed the change in the air, aware that if it wasnt Jiang Qin, it would be someone else.

Just like that online auction website owner Mr. Ma, its said he has already started shifting from a C2C to a B2C model, with astonishing results.

Once this sales model becomes widespread, it will surely unleash a fury like no other.

In such a scenario, the retail industry, especially those in the mid-market, will face unprecedented impacts.

Why would consumers bother visiting a mall, where they might get overcharged, when they can get factory prices delivered right to their doorstep?

Initially, He Yijun hadnt thought much about this. It seemed too distant from his own reality.

But when Jiang Qin appeared before him, with his continuous clever tactics, He Yijun realized this wasnt just a matter of a star student showing off. It was the scent of a seismic shift in the era.

Relying on a college students development project to reform ones vast mall.

Yes, this sounds implausible.

But if one day it becomes plausible, and we havent reformed, it will be too late.

Please, Jiang, help me become rich

He Yijun couldnt help but laugh.

It was just a joke from last night, but now it seemed increasingly real.

Damn, how uncanny!

Hello, Mr. He, Ive already sent you the project proposal, Jiang Qins call came through to He Yijuns phone ten minutes later.

Thanks a lot, Mr. Jiang, He Yijun responded with vigor.

Jiang Qin said no thanks were needed but then expressed confusion: Why do you need my project proposal? Group buying in-store doesnt quite align with your malls business.

I want to learn from it.

Youre being too modest now. Im just an ordinary college student. If anyone should be learning, it should be me learning from you.

He Yijun paused: Mr. Jiang, when we first met, I always thought you were ostentatious, presumptuous, the kind who wants the whole world to know about their brilliance.

Jiang Qin smirked: Im still like that!

No, youre not. In fact, youre the most humble person in the world. You have treasures in your belly, but youre not willing to spill them.

Mr. He, whats gotten into you? Im a bit scared.

He Yijun chuckled on the phone: Just kidding. But I have another matter. Are you free this Saturday? Bring your girlfriend over for dinner at my place.

Jiang Qins mouth twitched: Why does this feel like a setup?

Its Manqi. Shes been nagging to meet her sister Nanshu. Plus, I have something Id like to discuss with you. How about it?

I suppose I have no choice but to obey. Ill definitely bring my good friend along.


After hanging up, Jiang Qin couldnt help but feel a chill run down his spine, prompting him to open the closet and pull out the blanket he used on Christmas Eve to ward off the cold.

For some reason, he thought he could still smell the soft, elegant scent of the little rich lady.

No, thats not right.

After putting on my bottom line, Im no longer a mere mortal. I cant have anything to do with worldly desires!

What scent? Its all an illusion!

Jiang Qin took a deep breath, trying to calm his mind, but the more he inhaled, the sweeter the scent seemed, trapping him in a vicious cycle. This made him involuntarily recall the gift from Christmas Eve.

Boss, why is your face so red? Do you have a cold?

Wei Lanlan, passing by with a cup of steaming hot water, couldnt help but ask.

Its nothing, maybe just the heating. Our universitys heating system is really good. Next time President Zhang visits, Ill definitely praise him.

Jiang Qin casually cued a mention of Zhang Baiqing, his expression as calm as a gentleman, not a hint of panic.

Then, he opened the drawer beside him, spread out the business cards he had collected last night, and picked out a few from smaller companies that seemed easier to deal with. He handed them to Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing.

Ive studied these a bit. These small business owners should be easier to negotiate with. You guys start with a background check, and then well take them down one by one.

Are these also members of the Linchuan Commerce Association? Wei Lanlan asked, picking up a business card to examine.

Jiang Qin nodded: Yes, but they are more on the lower side. They attended the banquet looking for partnerships as well. You dont have to be too cautious; consider it a practice run.

What if the practice goes wrong?

Then it means they are destined to be left behind by the times.

Jiang Qin unscrewed his thermos, glanced at the reminder at the bottom My husband, drink more water and silently moistened his throat.

The group buying in-store concept was something he had been contemplating for the past half month. Since the winter solstice milk tea card promotion, the gears had been slowly turning.

In other words, even without the Linchuan business banquet, he would have eventually pursued this direction, though it would have involved more detours. The sudden occurrence of the banquet had simply accelerated his plans and provided a unique opportunity.

Business is like that many opportunities and challenges come without giving you enough time to prepare.

So, do you take them or not?

Of course, you do. Even if its overwhelming, you dive in.

However, the current scale of the group buying initiative is small. In the eyes of the real big bosses, its just a toy, lacking both the strength and credibility to be persuasive.

Therefore, Jiang Qin decided to start small.

A toad should first settle for a small swan before dreaming of a kun, a mythical giant fish. Hell talk about the latter after the new year.

By then, he plans to take over the Normal University and the University of Science of Technology, rapidly expand to the surrounding business districts, stand tall like a Jin Chan (a mythical toad), and use his talent for smooth-talking to conquer bigger challenges.

This shouldnt be a problem.

Once Linchuan becomes his stronghold, he plans to dismantle Zhihu, package the group buying initiative, and expand outward.

Jiang Qin picked up a pen and quickly jotted down a few key words on a sticky note, attaching it to the top frame of his computer.

Wenhao, how are things going over at the University of Science of Technology? he asked.

Dong Wenhao looked up: The business there has stabilized and is catching up with the initial investment. Its progressing twice as fast as at our university. We should be able to recoup the operational costs before the holiday break.

Jiang Qin smacked his lips: Tell them not to rush. They should be steady and careful. Why push the pace so fast? We dont want to give Director Hu a heart attack during the festive season.

They can get scared over making money too?

He doesnt care whether we make money or not; hes just afraid well run so fast that we lose our shoes.

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