Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 182: Is the Little Rich Lady Pretending to be Dumb?

Chapter 182: Is the Little Rich Lady Pretending to be Dumb?

Jiang Qin genuinely had no time to concern himself with matters of love and affection. At most, he would offer a piece of advice, indifferent to whether it was heeded or not. After that, he would quickly cast aside all the events of the evening from his mind.

The next morning, at the Xi Tian Milk Tea Shop.

After undergoing systematic training, Student Gao officially started working. Her clumsy handling of the various tasks terrified the little rich lady, who kept trying to hide in Jiang Qins arms.

Right, thats it, beautifully done. Destroy my milk tea machine, spare no one!

Jiang Qin, sitting in front of the bar, was full of scornful irony.

But, this is exactly what I did yesterday, wasnt it?! Gao Wenhui was confused, unable to pinpoint where she went wrong.

Elder sister, cant you at least find a cup to catch it? Look, its about to overflow!

Oh, right.

Jiang Qin, feeling utterly helpless, held his forehead: No worries, just go ahead boldly. The worst-case scenario, you can work off your debt as a full-time nanny at my house.

Feng Nanshu puffed her cheeks and looked at him: Then Wenhui can play with me every day.


Moments later, the current store manager Hu Xin hurried over, resolved the chaotic scene, and cleaned the operating table with a cloth. She then demonstrated the operation process to Gao Wenhui again, including the use of various machines.

So, I had understood it in my mind, but my hands hadnt caught up, Gao Wenhui quickly found an excuse to cover her embarrassment.

Jiang Qin took a deep breath, thinking to himself that Student Gao sometimes had even less shame than him: Our milk tea branch is already in the works. Hu Xin will definitely be sent there. You need to familiarize yourself with the processes quickly.

The milk tea shops near the University of Science of Technology and the Normal University? When will they open?

Its not certain yet, but probably after the winter break, Jiang Qin said, twirling a straw in his hand.

After hearing this, Gao Wenhui was disdainful: That long? With my intelligence, how could I not learn it?

Think youre very smart, do you? Alright, let me test you with a riddle!

Gao Wenhui immediately sat up straight: Bring it on, I refuse to be beaten.

Jiang Qin coughed: An empty bus departs from the starting station. At the second stop, 5 get on, then 3 get off and 4 get on, then 6 off and 3 on, then 2 off and 1 on, then 1 off and 3 on. Now, tell me

Hold on!

Gao Wenhui was flustered: Dont speak so fast, I havent even remembered the question yet.

Jiang Qin grinned: Thats irrelevant to the question. I just want to ask you, what color is the bus?

You youre talking nonsense. You never mentioned the color.

Alright, alright, no more teasing. How many stops did the bus make?

Gao Wenhui, baffled for a second, gave up: What does this have to do with intelligence? Its just a brain teaser. I was only counting the number of people. Who listens carefully to how many stops you mentioned? And your random question about the color made me forget the numbers!

Jiang Qins lips curled into a cold smile: Do you think making milk tea relates to intelligence? Its all about memory. If you cant even remember the steps, youre definitely doomed.

It stopped at 5 stations, Feng Nanshu said coldly.

Jiang Qin looked at the little rich lady in surprise: Then do you know how many people are left on the bus?

There are 4 people left.

Really? Youre not fooling me, are you? Jiang Qin himself didnt know.

Feng Nanshu nodded earnestly: Jiang Qin, I will never lie to you.

Jiang Qin was incredulous: When have you not lied to me? Sometimes I even think youre pretending to be dumb, but I have no evidence.

Im not, I really am that dumb, Feng Nanshu said seriously.

Ts, ts, ts.

Gao Wenhui, resting her chin in her hand, made strange sounds with her mouth, her face full of enjoyment.

Jiang Qins face darkened as he looked at Gao Wenhui with confusion. Whats there to click about?

You two just need to sit together, and its perfect for shipping, Gao Wenhui said, completely absorbed in her fantasies.

You have the nerve to say that? Youve been here an hour and havent even made half a cup of milk tea. You still have the cheek to eat sweets. Go practice!

Fine, Ill practice!

Gao Wenhui was infuriated but couldnt find a reason to argue back.

This was Nanshus business, and she didnt want to mess it up. So, she put down the cloth and went through the process and operations again with Hu Xin.

Hu Xin knew that Gao Wenhui was the bosss close friend, a kind of royalty, so she taught with extra care.

She wasnt afraid of losing her position as store manager since the milk tea shop job was just a part-time gig for her.

Moreover, the boss had said that she would be needed as a training instructor for the new branches, following Fang Xiaoxuan around and earning much more than she currently did.

Meanwhile, Jiang Qins phone began to vibrate incessantly in his pocket, buzzing with calls.

The first call was from Lai Cunqing, reporting on the group buying initiatives launch at the University of Science of Technology.

Boss, our first-day promotion is complete. We had over six thousand orders, and the total revenue for the day is still being tallied.

Good job. Just looking at the first-day orders, the sales at the University of Science of Technology have already surpassed those at Linchuan University. Did you encounter any troubles?

So far, everythings smooth. Weve already put up banners announcing our first-day sales of 60,000. However, Directors Zhang and Hu did come by to take a look.

Let them look. The more they see, the more reassured theyll be. Oh, and remember to distribute the red packets to the delivery staff.

Theyve already been distributed. Everyones very motivated.

After hanging up, Jiang Qin stretched lazily, his worries gradually subsiding.

The second stop of the group buying was crucial, as operating outside and inside the campus differed significantly. If they wanted to expand to the University of Science of Technology and the Normal University, the results at the University of Science of Technology had to be impressive.

So far, the market performance there was very promising. At least with these results, they could approach the other universities, coupled with the powerful tool of work-study programs, leaving the school authorities with no reason to refuse.

Awesome, I really am a genius.

The second call was from Lu Xuemei, who reported that the first billboard was ready, but the second one, which required acrylic panels, might be delayed.

Pay more if needed. Ask who can do it, and if they cant, find someone else.

Lu Xuemei took a deep breath. Boss, youre really lavish.

Jiang Qin spoke expressionlessly: At this stage, its not about what were spending but what were gaining.

Understood, Ill pay more.

The third call was from He Yijun of Wanzhong Mall, regarding the New Years gathering of the Linchuan Business Association.

He Manqi, whom Jiang Qin had disciplined, had become obedient, returning to classes and no longer fighting with classmates. He Yijun was grateful.

So, he definitely wanted to handle the matter entrusted by Jiang Qin. In fact, Jiang Qin had been waiting for this call.

President Jiang, Ive arranged everything for the gathering. Just come with me tomorrow night.

Jiang Qin adjusted his pants, stepping on a stool. Thanks for your help, President He.

He Yijun pondered for a while: I know youre probably looking for new partners. I dont understand your specific plans, but I have to say something upfront.

Go ahead.

People in business often havent had much education. They can be temperamental and love to show off, especially in such settings. They can be arrogant. Youre young and spirited, so try to listen more and talk less when youre in there.

Jiang Qin touched his nose. President He, there shouldnt be a problem if I ask someone for a business card, right?

He Yijun sighed. Its best not to. In these club social settings, theres a lot of self-interest. Normally, you have to offer your card first. If they think its worth it, theyll give you theirs. Otherwise, they probably wont bother with you.

Theres such a rule? Seems like the smell of money isnt always pleasant.

After all that, do you still think its necessary to go? You dont have to force yourself if you dont want to.

Just as Jiang Qin was about to respond, he suddenly saw a milk tea straw being offered to his mouth. Turning his head, he saw Feng Nanshu, her face exuding cool elegance, holding out a cup of milk tea for him to drink.

The sunlight cascaded down from the sky, illuminating her beautiful eyes and delicately curled eyelashes, making her look incredibly charming.

Jiang Qin took a sip. President He, I definitely need to attend this gathering.

He Yijun hummed in response: Alright then, tomorrow at 7 p.m., Ill wait for you in the lobby of Longkai International Hotel. Youd better wear a suit and tie.

Understood. Jizhous Wu Yanzu (Daniel Wu), Longkai is open for business!

He Yijun was slightly confused: Whats chicken porridge without eyeballs? (just ignore this part)

Jiang Qin chuckled: You misheard, President He. I was referring to a term from economics. Im currently in the study room, preparing for my finals. Im aiming to be the top student in my entire program.

Truly a star student. Well, then, continue with your studies. I wont disturb you further.

Jiang Qin waited for the other party to hang up, then put his phone back in his pocket, gazing at the brilliant morning sun and yawning.

The warmth of the winter sun had a unique comfort, gentle and warm on the skin.

The little rich lady sat quietly beside him, her face cold, resembling an unapproachable top-class beauty. Every minute, she would offer him the milk tea again.

I dont want any more. Its too sweet.

Drink it.

Jiang Qin took a deep breath and bit the straw flat.

Seeing this, the little rich lady was momentarily dumbfounded, her breath turning into wisps of white vapor.

Wenhui, stop shipping them. The water is overflowing

Oh, sorry, I just cant help myself. Jiang Qin says this is called feeding dog food.

Meanwhile, in the top-floor office of Wanzhong Mall, He Yijun put down the phone, filled with confusion.

Not allowed to ask for business cards, observe more than speak whats the point of such meaningless socializing?

And Jiang Qin is actually willing to go?

Could it be that hes really going just to experience the atmosphere?

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