Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 149: What Huge Thighs!

Chapter 149: What Huge Thighs!

The next day brought a beautiful early winter morning.

Jiang Qin arrived at the dormitory building to socialize with the dormitory manager, Auntie Li. He wanted to subtly gauge her interest in taking on a part-time job.

Auntie Li, upon hearing that she could earn double her income just by sitting in the dormitory as usual, was overjoyed. She opened up and started chatting nonstop. However, her conversation often drifted to trivial neighborhood gossip and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships, which Jiang Qin found a bit too much to handle.

Jiang Qin, when you look for a wife, make sure shes well-behaved. Dont just go for looks. The prettier they are, the more trouble they bring, and theyll likely clash with your mom.

And what about someone whos both well-behaved and pretty?

Heh, where would you find someone like that? Have you been drinking so early in the morning?

Jiang Qin, without agreeing or disagreeing, stood up and stretched his legs, thinking to himself that Auntie Li could really talk. He wished he had called Guo Zihang over to make the most of his conversational skills.

Love can blind a person. Maybe Auntie Li, in her joy, would even forego a commission.

After saying goodbye to Auntie Li, he planned to have breakfast in the cafeteria. But as soon as he sat down, he received an angry call from Lu Xuemei.

Boss, our promotional materials might not be ready on time.

Why not? Jiang Qin wondered.

Lu Xuemei, in a flurry of words, explained, Shengshi said they have too many orders this month and want to deliver ours two days late. I said thats unacceptable, but they said theres nothing they can do and told me to get a refund if I can!

So arrogant. Did Mr. Li win the lottery or something?

December is a prime time for promotions due to Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and even New Years Day. Many stores and shops take advantage of this period for extensive marketing.

To meet deadlines, Shengshi Advertising Factory had been working overtime every day, keeping their lights on until eleven at night.

Two-thirds of the materials needed for the group buying launch were ready, but Shengshi was reluctant to start work on the remaining third.

Lu Xuemei had made three trips back and forth, only to be delayed each time by various excuses. This time, she couldnt bear it any longer.

Jiang Qin wasnt surprised after hearing this, as its a common trick used by many factories.

They complete a part of the order to give the illusion of progress, making it impossible to cancel.

Then they use the saved time to work on another order, creating the same situation, thus managing to take on more work than they can handle.

But at such a critical juncture, such tactics by Shengshi Advertising were nothing short of a hindrance. They used to provide good service, so why resort to such low tactics now?

Weve been a long-term client of Shengshi. It shouldnt be like this. Is there another reason?

Yes, theres a new factory manager at Shengshi. Hes completely mercenary. He dismisses me because Im a student but grovels to anyone who drives a luxury car.

Is an Audi considered a luxury car?

He drives an Audi himself.

After scarfing down a couple of bites of his meal, Jiang Qin decided to take drastic measures to ensure the smooth launch of the group buying campaign. He headed straight to Cuizhu Residential Area to enlist the help of Uncle Gong.

With a black sedan, adorned with wings, speeding through the streets, they quickly arrived at the entrance of Shengshi Advertising.

Uncle Gong, charge in and park right at their workshop entrance!

No problem!

After Uncle Gongs response, he floored the accelerator and stormed into the Shengshi Advertising factory, parking imposingly right at the workshops main entrance.

Thank you so much, Uncle Gong, for making the effort to come out here so early.

Master Jiang, ever since you bought a car, Ive been feeling a bit guilty about my salary. Its great to be able to help you out.

As Jiang Qin rolled down the car window and waved Lu Xuemei over, inviting her into the car, she was stunned to see that her boss owned a Bentley with a chauffeur, her eyes filled with astonishment.


Lu Xuemei reached out, tempted to touch, but her gesture was precisely caught by Uncle Gong in the rearview mirror. His expression changed, and with a couple of coughs, he stopped her from going any further.

It was just past 8 a.m., and the workers, having finished their breakfast, rushed to start their shift. They found the workshop entrance blocked by a car and, recognizing the emblem but not daring to say anything, resorted to calling the factory manager.

The new factory manager, upon hearing that a car was blocking the workshop door, rushed over in a fury, ready to scold whoever was responsible. However, as soon as he entered, he paused, immediately switching to a smile and gently knocking on the car window.

Jiang Qin ignored the first knock, and Lu Xuemei also remained still.

He continued to feign ignorance at the second knock.

It was only after the third knock that Jiang Qin opened the car door, stepping out with a radiant smile.

Manager Chen, right? I heard that student orders dont matter to you, and that if were capable, we should just cancel our order. You really dont care? Quite the fire youve started as a new official; scared me quite a bit.

No, no, that must be the workers talking nonsense!

I thought so. Who in their right mind would say such a thing? That would be crazy!

Manager Chen, swallowing hard and glancing at the Bentley and then at Uncle Gong, didnt refute, his face full of forced smiles.

A mere Bentley wasnt intimidating, but a Bentley with a chauffeur was a different story, especially with an out-of-town license plate, indicating it wasnt just a rental.

The situation quickly became easier to handle. The new manager ordered the workshop to prioritize the group buying advertisement and tried to find out more about Jiang Qins background.

However, Jiang Qin didnt give him the satisfaction. After confirming that the group buying advertisement was in production, his smile disappeared.

Some people are like that; they only respond to force, not kindness. Being polite only makes them feel more self-important.

Manager Chen, where did the previous manager, Mr. Li, go?

Mr. Li is my brother-in-law. Im his brother-in-law. He had some family matters to attend to and went back home, leaving me in charge temporarily. Im just acting as the manager.

After hearing this, Jiang Qin was relieved and didnt pursue the matter further.

Frankly, if the advertisement factory really replaced its manager with this guy, he would have considered finding a new partner. But since it was only temporary, there was no need to worry for now.

Suddenly, Jiang Qin remembered something: Do you have advertising hats here?

Yes, we have cotton, canvas, and acrylic ones, all baseball caps in various colors and styles. Manager Chen immediately had someone bring a stack of samples.

Can you make a batch of yellow ones for me, with the group buying logo printed on them?

How many do you need?

Start with a hundred. Deliver them with the advertising materials tomorrow, so you dont have to make an extra trip.

Manager Chen wanted to say it was too rushed and ask for a few more days, but he remembered that they had come precisely because of his habitual delays, and he quickly swallowed his words.

He was indeed new to managing the factory and unfamiliar with the clients. His sarcastic attitude towards Lu Xuemei was simply because she was a student and seemed easy to bully.

But if he really upset his brother-in-laws major clients, he knew he would be in big trouble.

Boss, what do we need the hats for?

The group buying launches the day after tomorrow. Imagine, during the promotional event, delivery personnel all over campus wearing these little yellow hats. Doesnt that sound energetic? Even stray cats and dogs will stop to take a second look.

After visualizing Jiang Qins description, Lu Xuemei found the idea indeed quite striking: But will we have that many orders?

Jiang Qin smiled: If there are no orders, let the delivery personnel make empty runs. Creating a false sense of busyness is also a way to build trust.

I see

Xuemei, you stay here today and keep an eye on things. Dont let them stop working after we leave. If youre thirsty, go drink some tea in Manager Chens office.

Manager Chen, with a broad smile, nodded and spoke much more politely to Lu Xuemei.

After leaving Shengshi Advertising, Jiang Qin had initially planned to return to the university. However, considering he had gone to the trouble of bringing Uncle Gong along, he didnt want to waste the opportunity. So, he decided to visit Wanzhong Mall.

He Yijun, the owner of Wanzhong Mall, had always been skeptical of him, and they had only signed the agreement the previous night. Jiang Qin thought that showing up in a Bentley might bolster Hes trust in him.

At the very least, he wanted to show He Yijun that he had a formidable background and wouldnt recklessly set a trap for his business partners.

However, Jiang Qins timing was unfortunate. He arrived just as He Yijun was scolding his high school-aged daughter. The argument was audible from a distance.

Jiang Qin pursed his lips, thinking it best to leave, as family matters were not something outsiders should get involved in. But when He Yijun heard of his arrival, he immediately brought his daughter to the meeting room.

Do you see?

See what?

This is Jiang Qin from Linchuan University, the recent winner of Linchuan Universitys inaugural all-campus academic competition, becoming the first Star of Learning in the universitys history. Cant you learn from him? Even just getting passing grades would make me proud.


Jiang Qins mouth twisted awkwardly, thinking how impressively He Yijun remembered the details. He couldnt even repeat that speech himself so fluently.

No wonder Dong Wenhao and Wei Lanlan looked so awkward when they left Wanzhong Mall the other day. Not just them, even Jiang Qin himself found it cringeworthy.

What? A Star of Learning? Im the Mother of Ultra, then!

He Yijuns daughter was pretty with her neat bangs and long hair, standing about 1.65 meters tall, but she had a defiant personality and didnt like to look people in the eye, a classic case of teenage rebellion.

Hearing about academic awards and passing grades, the girl exploded with frustration, as if being asked to pass her exams was an impossible demand. She kicked open the door and stormed out.

Sorry about that, Jiang. Ive been too busy to discipline her properly, and shes becoming more disobedient, He Yijun said with an awkward smile, sitting down near Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin waved his hand nonchalantly, No worries, Im not laughing.

Do you have any particular reason for visiting today?

I just wanted to mention to you, Mr. He, that the trophy for the Star of Learning is quite heavy.

He Yijun nodded after hearing this, Of course, knowledge is the heaviest thing in this world!

Jiang Qins mouth twitched slightly, thinking if he had known the award held such significance for He Yijun, he would have spared himself this visit.



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