Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 127: Interview with Qingnian Daily

Chapter 127: Interview with Qingnian Daily

The Guang Teaching Center, officially known as the Broadcasting Education Center, is part of the schools Propaganda Department, also referred to as the News Center. The entire building is located in the eastern campus.

The following day, at noon, a chill autumn wind was stirring.

After lunch, Jiang Qin drove to the eastern campus and found a parking spot.

He wasnt familiar with the security staff at this campus and couldnt park his car just anywhere like he did at his own department, so he tried to keep a low profile.

After parking, Jiang Qin checked the time. It was only twelve oclock, and there was still an hour before the interview.

He guessed that room A302 wouldnt be open yet.

Deciding to wait in his car, Jiang Qin unbuckled his seatbelt and played the game Snake. While doing so, an interesting thought struck him.

He had always claimed to be single.

Yet, his car hardly looked like that of a bachelors.

In the front storage compartment of the armrest, there were hair ties used by Feng Nanshu for her ponytails, a pair of her sunglasses, and a black bow she once took off, all lying there.

Moreover, there was a hand-knitted wool bag he had bought for her during a team building exercise.

Opening the storage box, Jiang Qin also found the little rich ladys lipstick, a small mirror, a folding comb, and a pack of sanitary pads.

Feng Nanshu, this little devil, is slowly invading my life, he muttered to himself, closing the storage box and leaning back in his seat, his expression gradually becoming thoughtful.

At twelve-forty, Jiang Qin got out of the car, locked it, and entered the Guang Teaching building. He climbed the stairs to the third floor and arrived at room A302.

This room, resembling a studio, was spacious and equipped with several flashlights, a Sony camera, and four stacked televisions.

In the center of the room, two black sofas were placed, one occupied by a short-haired woman with a dignified aura. She was wearing a work badge from Linchuan Youth Daily and was reading a paper.

Next to her stood a man in a dark green vest and a baseball cap, with a Nikon camera hanging around his neck.

Without asking, it was clear that these were the journalists from Linchuan Youth Daily, looking just like the reporters one sees on TV.


When Jiang Qins gaze returned, he unexpectedly noticed a familiar face.

She wore a white dress with a literary vibe, her smooth, long hair draped over her shoulders. She was looking at him with sparkling eyes, biting her lip unconsciously.

Strangely enough, she wasnt yelling or showing the world-owes-me expression she usually had. Instead, she stood quietly, not making a sound for a long time.

Jiang Qin?

The short-haired female journalist suddenly noticed him, approached with a smile, and extended her right hand: Hello, Im Dong Min, a reporter from Linchuan Youth Daily. Thank you for agreeing to our interview.

Jiang Qin shifted his gaze from the familiar face and shook hands with the journalist: I should be thanking Linchuan Youth Daily for interviewing an ordinary college student like me.

Youre anything but ordinary with the achievements youve made in just two months of college, Dong Min replied with a smile, though she was slightly surprised inside.

This eighteen-year-old young man knew how to give a soft handshake, quite different from the college students she had interviewed before who would grip firmly and not let go.

The interview went smoothly and seamlessly, just as Jiang Qin had prepared the night before. He answered every question fluidly.

Although Jiang Qin had never been formally interviewed in his past life, dealing with such a small occasion was not a problem for him. With the soul of a 38-year-old, he was not flustered. Whether it was about entrepreneurship, work-study programs, or dreams, he could speak eloquently even without a script, thanks to his years of experience in social settings.

Several questions in, Dong Mins appraisal of Jiang Qin only grew higher.

Its rare for a freshman in college to be composed during a formal media interview, but Jiang Qin was genuinely relaxed.

My entrepreneurial achievements are not solely mine. Without the support of the school, the guidance of teachers, and the support of everyone, Zhihu would not be what it is today, nor would I have the privilege to be the person I am now.

Let me conclude with this, he said.

Theres no such thing as peaceful times by default. Its the party, the country, our schools, and teachers who bear the burdens on our behalf.

With his voice deliberately lowered for effect, Jiang Qins statement resonated deeply with Dong Min. She quickly scribbled it down, despite having recorded the conversation, as if afraid she would forget this impactful line.

In an era dominated by non-mainstream quotes, such a powerful statement was unheard of.

Can I use that last statement as the headline for this news piece? she asked.

Of course, Jiang Qin casually agreed, thinking to himself about the potential impact of his words.

Meanwhile, Chu Siqi, standing nearby, watched Jiang Qin with a complex expression. A hint of faint, yet poignant sadness flickered through her. She had recently joined the news center because of her reputation as the most beautiful girl in the school. Director Gu planned to train her as the deputy head of the reporter station, representing Linchuan University in interviews. Her beauty alone was a credit to the school.

Linchuan University had a journalism department, and the head of the station would undoubtedly be from there, but having a beautiful deputy head like her was also beneficial.

However, Chu Siqi hadnt expected her first interaction to be with a journalist from Linchuan Youth Daily, nor did she expect that journalist to be interviewing Jiang Qin.

This meeting was different from their encounter on the train. For the first time, she looked at him without her usual capriciousness and tantrums. It was also her first time seeing Jiang Qin speak so eloquently.

He was completely different from their high school days.

In terms of speech, demeanor, and posture, he far surpassed their peers.

He was mature and confident, flamboyant but not arrogant.

Chu Siqi realized that she was once only a step away from him, but now he seemed unreachably distant.

Apart from a brief look of surprise when he first entered, he didnt glance at her throughout the interview. There was no deliberate avoidance, just a natural indifference.

He truly didnt care anymore, not even bothering to harbor resentment. Chu Siqi felt that this indifference was what hurt her the most.

Jiang Qin, please sit up straight. Ill take a photo for the news article, the photographer requested.

Jiang Qin adjusted his position: Is this okay?

Yes, thats fine.

After the photographer captured the image and showed it to Dong Min, she nodded in approval: Thats perfect, thank you again, Jiang. I must say, youre the most mature-thinking student Ive ever met.

Dong Teacher, youre the most beautiful journalist Ive ever seen, Jiang Qin complimented, not sure what else to say but knowing that complimenting a womans appearance was usually a safe bet.

Dong Min smiled and mentioned she had to head to the main campus for another interview with a third-year student who had found and returned a lost item. She had wanted to do the interview earlier but couldnt due to lack of staff, so she planned to conduct it now.

As the interview concluded, Jiang Qin asked, How are you planning to get there?

We came by taxi, so well have to walk, Dong Min replied, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

Im also heading back to the main campus. Would you like a ride in my car? Jiang Qin offered. He felt it would be a waste not to extend this easy act of kindness. Regardless of any future benefits, it was good to offer help first.

Really? That would be great, thank you, Dong Min expressed her surprise, realizing that despite his modesty, this 18-year-old had the means to own a car. Thinking of the background information she had gathered and his advertising revenue, it made sense. Earning over half a million a month, owning a car was trivial for him.

Chu Siqi, standing behind Dong Min, turned slightly pale, sighing inwardly. The rumors she had read online about him buying a car were true.

Chu, you should come with us too, Dong Min suggested.

Can I? Chu Siqi responded, surprised.

Our director and yours are old friends. She specifically asked you to follow the entire process, to understand the different interviewing styles with different interviewees, Dong Min explained.

Chu Siqi immediately nodded in agreement, secretly looking forward to riding in Jiang Qins car. She didnt understand why, but she was genuinely excited.

Internally sighing, Jiang Qin thought, Why didnt this journalist Dong mention this earlier? If she had, I wouldnt have offered them a ride in my old car. But having already offered, he couldnt refuse now. It would seem petty to not let Chu Siqi join, and he couldnt risk her causing a scene.

Without saying a word, Jiang Qin left room A302, followed by Dong Min and the photographer, with Chu Siqi quietly trailing behind.

Her previously commanding attitude was completely gone. In front of Jiang Qin now, she had lost all her former confidence.

After a while, Jiang Qin drove his Audi out of the parking spot and invited everyone to get in. Chu Siqi hesitated and didnt dare to sit in the front passenger seat, instead sliding into the back row along with the photographer. Dong Min joined them in the back seat.

Is it too cramped? Jiang Qin asked.

Its fine, lets just squeeze in. Wouldnt want your girlfriend to get jealous, Dong Min joked, noticing the feminine accessories in the car, especially the black bow.

Jiang Qin chuckled at her comment, wondering if Feng Nanshu even knew what jealousy was.

Wait, am I thinking too much? he pondered to himself.

Meanwhile, Chu Siqi, observing Jiang Qin through the rearview mirror, couldnt help but feel a tinge of melancholy cross her expression.



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